

Emergency Stop

My husband and I were finishing up our Christmas shopping the Sunday before Christmas. We finished the day by stopping at a Chinese Buffet for dinner. We finished eating and started driving home. We had gone about a mile and I had that old familiar rumble in my ????. I passed a good fart and felt better for a few seconds and then I realized that I needed a toilet and fast. I told my husband and he pulled into an outdoor park that had pit style toilets. There was snow on the ground and no tracks had been made to the womens room so I wasn't sure if it was open. I ran up the hill and luckily it was open.
I ran around the wall to find one toilet with no stall or lock on the door. I turned around and pulled my pants and panty down in the nick of time. I released a major load involuntary before I was seated. And you guessed it I covered the seat and exploded loose poop all over the seat, floor and wall. A lot of my movement did go down the hole but I continued to hover and have loose runny poop. There was no toilet paper available so I used my panties to wipe with.

Sunday, December 29, 2024


Platelet Donations and Bladder Endurance

Hi everyone,

I've tried posting here a few times but I don't know if any of my posts have gotten through, so this may be your first time seeing something from me.

I am a regular platelet donor in Canada. For those unfamiliar, platelets are the cells in your blood that allow it to clot, and in addition to the whole blood donations most people know, they will have people donate just platelets and plasma. Because these replenish so fast, you can go every two weeks instead of every eight.

To ensure the donations actually go well, you need to drink a lot if water. I'm typically drinking the equivalent of 2-3L of water in the hours leading up, then at least one hour during the appointment. Add to this the fact these donations can be over 70 minutes long, and it can be a lot.

Most of the time, I can get through a donation without a problem. It might suck holding it for the last 20 minutes, but it's tolerable. But during three of my donations I had to ask them to stop because I was on the verge of peeing myself. What's worse is most of the nurses are female or female presenting and it can be really awkward as a man to tell them I'm on the verge of wetting myself. I have joked one of these times I'll push my luck too far and have an accident.

I'll keep doing it though, because it's worth it to me to help people.


Explosive Diarrhea in Front of my Coworkers

This is a continuation from my last story, "There's a First Time for Everything".

I'd gotten comfortable pooping a work. Maybe a little too comfortable, at only 3 months in.

I was scheduled to work on a Sunday morning. I had just gotten back home the previous night from a long car ride, and on road rips, my bowels often lock up. I hadn't pooped in the 3 days following Christmas. This was very bad constipation for someone used to normally pooping 3 times a day. The impacted fecal matter made me bloated to the point of painful cramps and nausea. I was constantly farting. Recalling how I clogged the toilet at work just a month prior, before bed, I took a laxative, in hopes it would take effect before leaving for work the next morning. I didn't want to be forced to ask Mel for the plunger again by depositing another massive, embarrassing, unflushable dump into the toilet. I followed the instructions and took the full dose, which proved to a bad decision that I'd pay for the next day.

The morning went like any other, except without me performing my morning dump as usual. At work, my insides were loudly gurgling with a primal rage at what I had done to them by drinking that laxative, as if I had two saber-toothed tigers, a polar bear, King Kong and a T-Rex all fighting each other in my gut at once. But I didn't feel the need to poop yet. The laxative seemed to have a dehydrating effect making me very thirsty, and my pee was almost brown when I used the urinal that morning, in spite of having already drank about a quart of water so far for the day before heading to work. This bothered me, as I like to stay hydrated and was used to peeing every hour or two clear or pale yellow pee. This caused me to drink lots and lots of more water. I probably went through another gallon by the time it was 15 minutes until lunch, and only peed at work once that morning, still feeling dehydrated. This was yet another mistake, because that excess water didn't come back out my bladder as I planned for it to.

5 minutes before lunch. The boss and I were discussing my next task for he afternoon, when it hit. I felt a massive volume of crap rush toward my anal sphincter. Within less than 5 seconds, I had pounds of it threatening to fill my pants and underwear. I now had my sphincter clenched very, very tightly.

My boss noticed that my posture changed suddenly and I stood perfectly straight and went silent. It took all my mental effort not to fill my pants.

He asked me, "Is something wrong?"

I answered, "I just need to take an emergency bathroom break."

Laughing, he then said, "Waste no time! Go, go!"

I sped out of the room with surprising urgency, not even bothering to grab reading material. There was no time for that.

I made it into the Mens' room, with an early 20-something handsome black coworker washing his hands at the sink, curiously eyeing me as I rushed into the stall, latched the door, quickly pulled my pants all the way down, and right in front of him maybe 2 feet away from where he stood, I proceeded to violently fart out a soft slurry of very sticky, greasy, semi-solid poop.


It quickly dropped into the water below and I never saw someone else exit a restroom that fast in my life. But that didn't embarrass me in the least. I'd pooped in that man's presence here multiple times before, and it was but a mere opening salvo to this shit symphony to come. That first mass dropped was only the plug that kept all of the built up liquids from shooting out. Immediately after, I violently and involuntarily farted out a geyser of hot brown liquid with zero control whatsoever over my sphincter.


The violent gas and small chunks propelled by highly pressurized liquid continued intermittently every 30 to 60 seconds, involuntarily, as my insides had spasms. It was relentless and I was not going to be safe leaving this toilet until I felt totally empty. And I could feel that I had a lot to go still.

It was now lunchtime, but since the kitchenette sink was out of order, everyone was coming into the restrooms to wash their hands. A crowd of male coworkers stood shoulder to shoulder waiting for their turn at the sink as more hot, painful, liquid geysers of poop chunks violently and involuntarily shot out my ass, propelled by highly compressed pockets of foul-smelling gas just a few feet from them with nothing but a flimsy cubicle for coverage, uncomfortably large gap positioned across the mirror at the sink included. It was very loud, echoing about the room.


The liquid that came out was brown, but the poop chunks were wet, greasy, and green. I don't think I ever farted so much in my life before or since, and it was entirely involuntarily as I could not contain, slow, or quiet any of it. And I tried.


It was a concert-level noise, more or less a cacaphony of wind and percussion instruments with wall-rippling base and eardrum-splitting plops and splashes, as my insides twisted in pain and everything kept involuntarily pouring out of me, the sounds echoing about the toilet bowl and off the walls.

I'd pooped in the presence of all of these coworkers sharing the room already, most of them multiple times, so I wasn't exactly embarrassed, but I'd be dishonest to say that I didn't feel at least slightly awkward or impolite about it. They knew who I was in that stall and knew what I was doing, anyone there could watch me through the stall gap if they so chose, and they were forced to hear and smell every gory detail of my current predicament just by being in that room. There was no conversation in the room to cover my noises, just awkward and hurried use of the sink. No one wanted to be in here with me, understandably so. My ass was a now one-man military at war, the toilet the target, the Mens' room the battlefield, and the olfactory, auditory, and to a lesser extent even visual senses of my male coworkers who just needed to pee and/or wash their hands before eating lunch the collateral damage.

My manager eventually came in and washed his hands as well, saying not a word, as I loudly made a violent explosion composed of all three states of matter every 10-15 seconds now, each one seemingly heavier and louder than the last. Most of it was liquid. Lots and lots of liquid. My farts were voluminous and seemed to shake the walls as the toilet bowl amplified them, making each individual ripple pronounced, sounding like a wooden spoon getting repeatedly hit by a fast spinning ceiling fan, or perhaps the rich sound of a balloon loudly deflating as it flew about the room. After my manager left, the frequency and urgency slowed. But I felt more coming and was not comfortable enough to start wiping yet, let alone get off the toilet. There was a lot more coming and I could feel it bubbling its way downward to its exit...

More liquid poop came in waves every 2-3 minutes. Violent, massive diarrhea geysers, now mostly gas instead of water, but always with some sizable solid but wet and slimy chunks shooting out like bullets with plenty more gas to propel them, causing the water to splash my rear as the water level in the bowl got significantly higher. I didn't dare flush, lest the powerful 1940s-era commode with its beastly flush thoroughly spray my ass and upper legs with dark brown poop water and make a filthy mess requiring me to get home to a shower.

I was in there for my entire 30 minute lunch break and then some, perhaps 40-45 minutes in total, before I was confident enough to wipe up and get off the toilet. The cleanup job was messy, to say the least, but manageable.

Upon exiting the Mens' room, my manager was waiting in the cafeteria. He noticed how long I was in there and asked me,

"Are you okay? It sounded like you have the flu."

He knew what was going down. I didn't immediately respond, out of embarrassment, as all three female coworkers were also sitting nearby. My boss let me take a late lunch and eat. I didn't at all feel sick anymore and I assured him that I could continue working for the day.

An hour or so after getting back to work, I had to make another mad dash for the Mens' room. It wasn't as urgent this time, but I still had to keep them cheeks clenched. Unfortunately, someone was using the stall.

He saw me and remarked,

"Back again, <my name omitted>?"

It was my fellow student from my school and current coworker in there. The pressure kept building and it was getting bad. So I answered,

"Yeah, it's a bit of an emergency."

He laughed,

"Sorry bud, but I just got started. Can you make it for 5 minutes?"

I knew I might not.

"Probably not."

I exited. Mel was outside in the cafeteria area cleaning the floor. She sensed my distress.

"Are you okay?"

I was now desperate for a toilet and not at all ashamed to admit it if it meant a solution other than soiling my pants could be had,

"Yeah. I desperately need to use the restroom and the only stall in the Mens' room is in use. Do you mind if I use the Womens'?"

She knew the issue and the urgency of the situation as soon as I told her.

"Go ahead and go. I'll make sure no one comes in."

The Womens' room had an unlockable door. Stepping in, you couldn't avoid the line-of-sight view of the lone toilet through a massive gap on the right side of the stall door, a gap similarly obnoxious to the one in the Mens' room, except partially exposing its user to the front, right at the entrance. I saw a generous amount of the toilet in view as the stall door rested shut, but unlatched. There was evidence of another toilet and stall having once been present next to where I was getting ready to sit, but which had been removed. There was another similarly-sized gap on the other side of the stall door as well, right in line with the mirror for anyone standing at one of two sinks.

I proceeded to loudly and involuntarily blast ass, violent farts and liquid chunks shooting out of me, every bit as much as before. I could hear Melanie mopping the cafeteria floor outside. It wasn't as much solid or liquid volume as last time, but it came in waves and was mostly lots of wet gas.

She kept her word and as I was wiping, I heard her outside telling a female coworker that I was in the Womens' room and she'd have to wait. I flushed and the toilet was a Jackson Pollock exhibit, with lots of splattering under the rim and at the top of the bowl where the flushing water didn't reach. My exceptionally sloppy and violent emergency bowel movement was not kind to the concept of cleanliness, but at least the toilet seat was spared any visible splatters.

The two women were waiting at one of the tables sitting down, when I emerged, about 10 minutes after entering, magazine in hand.

Melanie looked at me and smiled, "Feeling better?"

All I could do was mutter "Yeah", now slightly embarrassed, as an athletic, blonde, long-haired, beautiful, well-tanned 20 year old woman proceeded to enter the Womens' room, smiling at me. My male coworker emerged from the Mens' room at the same time this brief conversation was going on. He gave me a knowing look.

We both walked back to our respective offices.

An hour later, I had to go again. It wasn't hugely urgent, but it was slightly uncomfortable and I was very afraid to fart in order to relieve the building pressure, knowing it could be liquid. My sphincter felt like hot peppers had burned it even though I hadn't eaten any peppers in weeks. I went into the Mens' room and my manager was using the stall. I could see that he was wiping.

He looked out through the stall gap at me, making eye contact, and said, "I'm almost done kid, then she's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall yours."

I stepped out for a minute or two and heard a flush. I hurried back in as he was washing his hands, and before I could say anything, he then said, "I used the last of the toilet paper. You can have Mel unlock the supply closet and replace it, or I can bring it to you, but you'll have to rest it on the floor until someone can unlock the dispenser and replace it. Up to you."

I opted for the first option and went to her office. She was now at her desk, and I remarked,

Me: "The Mens' room is out of toilet paper. I need to replace it."

She somehow knew why, possibly having heard my noises through the door while she mopped the floor of the cafeteria.

Her: "Today hasn't been kind to you at all kiddo, has it?"

Me: "No."

Her: "We've all been there. Can you wait for me to replace it, or do you need to use the Womens' again?"

Me: "I can wait."

I awkwardly stood in the hallway as she unlocked the closet and grabbed a large industrial roll of the same smooth-surfaced non-absorbent 1-ply that I had been using since I started working here. Boxes of it were stacked to the ceiling. We walked to the Mens' room and she knocked on the door. I heard a man remark,

"In here!"

I then heard pee splashing into the water of one of the urinals, as both of us awkwardly stood outside the room listening to someone pee. It confirmed my fear that people could sometimes hear you through the door, That's how Mel knew. I was now starting to get desperate to sit on a toilet again. A urinal flushed, someone washed their hands, and another coworker emerged, a 19 year old college student, a short ginger with curly hair who also looked a few years younger than his actual age.

Melanie went in, unlocked the TP dispenser, replaced the roll, locked the dispenser and quickly exited the room. I thanked her as she left the area without her saying a word in return. She was in a hurry to distance herself knowing that I was having another diarrhea attack, and she had certainly heard enough of it already.

Not much came out this time. It was over in less than 30 seconds, although still loud. I continued to sit for a few minutes, trying to make sure I'd have no more surprises, It ended with a dry, warm, squeaky, high-pitched fart, followed by a solid ball of poop shooting into the brown water below and splashing my butt. It was messy and required another 5 minutes of wiping, while a middle aged coworker came in and patiently waited for me to avail the stall, looking downward and away from me as he stood by the door, trying to avoid seeing me through the gap. After flushing, the water left him another Jackson Pollock exhibit on the upper part of the toilet bowl where the flushing water couldn't get to it.

As I exited the stall, he went in, trying not to acknowledge my presence. As I washed my hands, I heard him tear toilet paper off to line the seat with, drop his pants, sit, and start grunting and straining. I heard a single *PLOP* as I was walking out followed by a deep fart that I could hear after I shut the door. It gave me a whole new appreciation for what someone just outside the door could hear. Another coworker followed him in as I walked back to my office.

Another hour later, I felt like I had the runs again. This time, the Mens' restroom was empty. Not much came out, just some small wet chunks followed by lots of foul water. I was peeing out of my butt. I wiped up and returned to work.

Now it was the end of the day and time to leave. I filled my timesheet out, and felt an urge to poop again. I decided to do so before heading home, because this may be my last and only chance to try avoid another emergency before getting home.

As I sat in the stall with my pants at the floor, more matter than I expected violently came out. A group of 3 coworkers formed inside the room, one waiting for a urinal while two pissed, as I continued blasting ass for the next few minutes, loud and proud. They already knew I was the culprit making these rude noises because the stall gap made it obvious who is in there. After they left, and while I was wiping, my manager also came in, washing his face at the sink. He waited for me to leave the stall before he sped away from he sink to avail it, and addressed me,

"<My name omitted>, do you need to take tomorrow off, or are you going to be okay?"

I didn't feel sick at all anymore as I did that morning, and answered, "I'll be fine."

He then responded, "That being the case, would you mind cleaning both restrooms before you leave? Mel said you made a nasty mess of the Womens' toilet. You should've taken care of it by now."

Now I was embarrassed again. Mel not only heard me, at some point she saw what remained on the upper portion of the toilet bowl and knew I was the obvious source. So did my two other female coworkers, who were waiting to use it, so I couldn't clean it immediately after, and forgot about it.

When I exited the Mens' room, the supply closet was left unlocked with the door propped open. I scrubbed both sit-down toilets, sprayed them, wiped the seats down, and got them sparkling clean. None of my brown splatters remained in either. Both restrooms got new TP rolls, paper towels, trash emptied, as well as the floors freshly mopped and stalls/sinks/mirrors cleaned.

As I walked passed Melanie's office, she then addressed me, "All cleaned up?"

I responded, "Yes ma'am."

She smiled, "Good. I hope you feel better tomorrow."

The entire office knew of my ordeal that day. but it was over at least. I should have only taken a half dose of that laxative given my small size. Lesson learned.


Big poop that quickly slid out, a while after breakfast

Hi. Woke up this morning at about 8 AM, grabbed my Walmart bag (with the toilet paper etc in it), grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste off the table and went to the washroom first to go pee and brush my teeth. Put my toothbrush and toothpaste on the desk and went upstairs since I heard my caregiver moving around upstairs. Said good morning to her and sat down. She said to eat one of the apples (she put 2 apples at my place at the table) first then eat breakfast afterwards. She served a ???? spicy soup with rice, vegetables, etc in it. I ate the apple first then the soup. It was delicious. By the time I was done it was time to take my 9 AM medications. I took them. My caregiver was in her room so I couldn't thank her again (I was raised to do that). Grabbed the Walmart bag, my water jug and jar (I brought those up to be filled. Each of us have to fill them and keep one in our rooms) and walked downstairs carefully. Took my water jug and jar to my room, put them down and started getting the urge to poop. I had my Walmart bag in my hand, walked out of my room, closed the door, turned off the light and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, walked in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and grey high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first a lot then pushed out a big poop that quickly slid out. Pushed back my sweater sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some, put the toilet paper roll back into the Walmart bag, put the bag on the floor then finally started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and wiped my butt really well. Took the dirty toilet paper and put it into the toilet between my legs. Stood up, pulled my underwear and pants up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a big thick poop in the toilet that took up quite a bit of the toilet. Wow. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Went to the sink, washed my hands, turned off the tap, grabbed my Walmart bag and walked to the door and opened it (this whole time I've been writing this someone has been playing a loud video from the washroom) and walked to my room. Took my flip flops off, turned on the light, opened the door, went in, put the flip flops on in here, closed the door, dried my hands on the towel and came to bed to write this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and will have a Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays. Whichever you celebrate. I celebrate Christmas but my family is postponing it until after my youngest nephew is born).

Happy pooping and peeing!



To Catherine

Hi Catherine. Awww thank you *hugs* It's not easy with my health limitations (seizures off and on since early childhood, the brain ????our being found, most of it removed, MRIs every 6 months, etc. I also can't get to places independently anymore so I have to be picked up and dropped off by a van from the hospital or through the community centre. It's mostly for people with acquired brain injuries) but I am really trying to keep it together and push through. It will be a long wait for housing but it's worth it. I'm 38. I hope we all have a great holiday (I celebrate Christmas with my family) and a much better 2025. You're so sweet, thank you *hugs*



strange girl...

It is about a girl that I started dating some time ago.
She came to my place for a nice evening at home as she said.
Cook dinner together, watch TV and have some fun after.

We sat at the couch after the dinner to watch TV, and she asked where is the bathroom and if she can use it.

I pointed her to the bathroom, continued to the bedroom to see that everything is set up for the rest of the evening.

My bathroom can be accessed from both the corridor (where she entered) and directly from my bedroom.

Suddenly I heard a torrent that hit the toilet water with loud noise that drew my attention. I noticed that the bathroom door at my bedroom was slightly opened what gave be a full view for what's going inside.

What I saw kind of shocked me..
She was standing by the bowl her dressed hiked at her waist, with a slight bend at her knees and her butt sticks out to the back.

A thick stream of pee was gushing from her almost hitting the rim of the toilet. It was 2 inches away from missing the toilet.

The stream tapered to a dribble, and she kept standing by the toilet with her butt slightly sticks out to the back.

Suddenly a huge log slid effortlessly out of her butt. It was light brown, smooth and shiny. It was thick as a Red Bull can, and about 10 inch long and curved out of her butt like a banana.
She stopped it in the middle, so it was hanging out of her, reached to the toilet paper roll, unrolled large amount of paper and threw it to the toilet. Then she released her log, that fell in without any splash and noise.
She stood still next to the stall and waited a minute, then bent her knees again to push her leftovers. There was a dribble of pee that hit the rim of the toilet and the floor, then a small turd emerged and got stuck between her butt cheeks. She took a piece of TP, pushed her butt further back and removed her stubborn turd.

At this point I decided to get back to the coach at the living room before she noticed.
I didn't see the rest of the action and her wiping, but what I saw was more than enough for that evening.

Jessica W

Sorry for my absence

Merry Christmas everyone!

Until then, we had multiple anniversaries... my 30th birthday on the 12th and our tenth wedding anniversary on the 20th.

Last night I did have a pretty satisfying poo, absolutely perfect! It came out quickly at one piece and thankfully, it also flushed easily.

Merry X Mas,

Princess Toadstool Peach

Morning holly jolly Merry Christmas Peewee Poopoo Break!!

SNORE SNORT ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz-zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (YAWNN!!) Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and Merry Happy Christmas to everyone. I just woke up on this beautiful Christmas morning for my bathroom break. So let's get it over with because I got presents to eat and food to open. Or is that the other way round? Ah F(Censored)k who cares? Let's get going. I head into the bathroom, walk over to the toilet, lift the lid, lift up my dress, pull down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little royal wiggle and sit down onto the toilet adjusting myself and squatting reading the newspaper and then I feel my bladder tingling and then my urine begins flowing out I have to admit I drank some non alcoholic egg nog last night. "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssshhhhhhh!!" Ahhhh that felt good. Now that is done time to empty my waste dump. I start pushing away and then after a small grunt/crackle
Oof! I feel something peeking and oozing out from my bottom poo hole slowly coming out and it's quite a brown thick lumpy long anaconda poo to all solid and in big large piece qualities too. "PFFFFFTT PAAAAARRRRPPP TOOOOOOOOOT CR-CR-CR-CRACKLE PLOOP PLOP SPLASH PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK!!!" I clutch both hands on the lid and push some more stool out followed by some hot gas. It is filling up the whole toilet bowl complete with skidmarks. I then grab some
toilet paper and wipe my vagina clean between my legs then my bottom front and back. It's looks pretty difficult to flush but nevertheless I get up, pull up my panties, lift down my dress and then I flush twice not taking any chances. Merry Christmas bye bye now I gotta see my food and presents, open family and eat friends. Damn it I did it again! Oh well Happy Holidays!!

Hi. Yesterday while putting one of my DVD's away, I heard Mom stinking up the loo. It sounded noisy, and probbably just as loose as one morning poop I did today. My morning fart on the toilet sounded like singing lol! At night when I go to the bathroom, I leve my white noise on. In the almost 5 years owning my machine, the water sounds never triggered a need to pee. This might change due to age as I get older. Bye.


Very ???? breakfast and quick soft poop

Merry Christmas Eve! I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. I got up this morning around 8:15, grabbed my Walmart bag, toothbrush and toothpaste and water jar and went to the washroom first and brushed my teeth. Afterwards I put my toothbrush and toothpaste back and went upstairs for breakfast. My caregiver was up making breakfast. I said good morning to her, she said good morning too and said to make hot water so that I can have coffee (yay!). I microwaved hot water (that's what she wants us all to do), emptied a package of coffee into the small cup and she served breakfast. It was one toasted jam sandwich, 1 toasted peanut butter and jam sandwich, coffee and a banana. I ate everything. She also said that for lunch we would be going to a friend of hers house to eat and talk. I first needed to go downstairs and go poop. After taking my 9 AM medications and thanking her, I went downstairs to the washroom. It was empty (luckily) so I turned on the light, went in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Relaxed and my bladder let go. I peed for about 30 seconds then pushed out a soft poop that quickly came out. Was surprised but happy. I pushed to see if anything else needed out. Nope. Pushed back my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the toilet paper roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and finally started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. It was very messy. Opened my legs, put the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. There was soft poop in the toilet like someone had poured mud into the toilet. I think the food, coffee, water and laxatives (I'm on prescription laxatives every day) caused that. And it stunk! Flushed the toilet and it went down except for a flake. Flushed again and it went down. Went to the sink, washed my hands well, turned off the tap, grabbed my Walmart bag, walked to the door, opened it, turned off the light, walked out of the washroom, went to my room, took off my flip flops, turned on the light, went into my room, closed the door, dried my hands, got dressed etc and my caregiver, her son, etc went to lunch. Just now writing this hours later.

I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and is going to have a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays (whatever you celebrate. I celebrate Christmas). Let's make 2025 a lot better.

Happy pooping and peeing



Christmas eve

I finished work at my normal time and was walking home, I got close to home and I could feel my poo trying to come out, the feeling made me walk even slower as I didn't feel like walking at all, I rubbed my stomach hoping I wouldn't have an accident.
I got inside my front door, threw my handbag down and ran to the loo, unbuckled my belt and pulled my trousers and panties down to my ankles and sat down with the seat up, I reached behind and grabbed my glamour magazine and placed it on my lap, I love to read the beauty sections which was keeping me occupied as I was occupied in more than one way. I took off my work top, took off my bra to feel better and put my work top back on.

It felt so good to finally be able to sit down and rest, about five minutes had passed and I let out a few farts and then I uuuuuuhhhhh pushed and I could feel the tip come out, it must have come out so far then got stuck and I found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on what I was reading but I kept on.
There was a few small plops in the bowl that broke off the mass in my rectum, I was panting as it was not coming out, just stuck in my bum.

I was sat for over half an hour ggggggooowww, uuuuuuuuuugghhhhh, pushing and panting and letting it hang, I could not believe how hard up I was.
But after about 40-45 minutes of grunting and waiting the bulk started to move and my stomach was hurting so I rubbed it with my fingers and this thing slithered out, with a big sigh of relief it splashed up my bum and, whilst it felt good my stomach did not, so I sat for a few more minutes and had a few more small plops.
I stayed sat down as I wiped my bum, the loo paper was very bad, I folded it to get another wipe, I wiped about 10 times, I stood up, put the magazine back behind the loo, wiped again to be sure but I still did not feel empty and the mild stomach ache continued for the rest of the day

Anatomy Student

To April

You have a case of CPHBH (can't poop anywhere but home).

I dated a girl in high school with your affliction. She wasn't able to drop a deuce anywhere other than home. Because she held it, she had really big turds when she finally went. Because of this, she clogged the toilet usually. I can't tell you how to get over your fear or trauma, but I do know if you start pooping as soon as you have the urge to go, there is a good chance they will be smaller, despite the scary fact you will be pooping at work or school. Listen to your body. Holding it only makes it bigger. Some people just take massive dumps, and most people find it humorous, not something to be ashamed of. Hell most men would be jealous to find out a lady out-shit them. Whatever your body does is normal for you and definitely a part of life we all have experienced.


Mothers anecdote

Thought id share this & see the general responses (im not sure the validity of this lol but its interesting netherless)

According to my mom (about what…25ish years ago) she & my younger sister were in a carpet shop. apparently my sister (who was a toddler at the time) thought one of carpet roles was TP and used it wipe herself leaving a skidmark

I don't know if anybody else has tales like this haha

im not a parent

Does stuff like this happen with kids lol ??

Steve A

To Catherine (Recipe for Success)

I have a question about All Bran Cereal and how it tastes? When compared to other healthy cereals with fiber/protein in them.

I usually eat various Kashi Flavored Brands, Raisin Bran (despite the sugar content) and regular Fiber One Cereal for breakfast.


To Weezer and really quick, big soft poop after breakfast

Hi Weezer-Thank you for your response. I was posting in frustration since I didn't think people read or liked my stories since it felt that way. I have sometimes gotten responses to my stories. I'm not going anywhere. Have a good day.

Now for my story. I woke up bloated this morning so I sat up when my alarm went off (I use my cell phone alarm with multiple times throughout the day for my medications. I eat at about 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM then take my medications. My 9 PM medications I take on an empty stomach), put my feet into the flip flops near my bed, grabbed my Walmart bag near my bed, grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste off the desk, grabbed my water jar and went to the washroom to pee and brush my teeth. Afterwards I put my toothbrush and toothpaste in my room, filled my water jar and went upstairs for breakfast. I saw a bowl of food on the table which was still warm (my caregiver had it covered) which I ate slowly. I also noticed a clean, small coffee cup on the table (empty) and 2 apples. I decided I would have the apples for lunch and make coffee then. When I was done breakfast I took my 9 AM medications, grabbed my Walmart bag off the floor, grabbed the water jar and went downstairs. Went to my room for a while until about 10 minutes ago when I got the urge to poop. Grabbed the Walmart bag, went to the door, took my flip flops off, opened the door, walked out of my room, closed the door, turned off the light, walked to the washroom across from my room, turned on the light, went in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and dark grey high cut underwear down and sat on the toilet. Relaxed and peed first for about 30 seconds then pushed and splat! A big soft poop quickly fell into the toilet. Wow at both the speed of it and the stink. Pushed back my sleeves (wearing a lightweight long sleeved shirt over top of the long sleeved shirt instead of being bundled up in a sweater. My caregiver talked to me about that last night), took some toilet paper off the roll, put the toilet paper roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor then finally started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. The poop on the toilet paper was really wet and slippery. Yuck. Put the toilet paper into the toilet between my legs, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. Wow. There was a big soft messy poop in the toilet that took up a lot of the toilet. Probably about 2 or 2 1/2 feet long. Damn. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again because there was a flake/little poop piece that came off the poop. Went to the sink, washed my hands, turned off the tap, grabbed the Walmart bag, opened the door, turned off the light, walked next door to my room, took the beige flip flops off, turned on the light, opened the door, put the flip flops on in here, closed the door, dried my hands on the towels, walked to the bed and have been writing this for a while. I hope everyone is staying safe, happy and healthy. Not long until Christmas and New Year's. Let's hope that 2025 is better.

Happy pooping and peeing!



Stayed at a holiday camp over christmas plenty of food and drink really good BOWEL MOVMENTS (Thirteen Times over the past Five days).
On day of departure woke had a wee drank my tea the sat on toilet and had a NUMBER TOO then put all belongings in car . I went to the resturant had breakfast mushrooms tomatoes and egg chocolate flavour oats .then
back to chalet had a wee check nothing left then drove car to Bembridge
On the way I pulled into a layby had a wee when I arrived at Bembridge went onto beach had another wee,I walked half mile along beach then had the urge for a BM.I walked over to the wooden sea defences pulled down my jogging bottoms and pants squat down with my back on the wooden defence
a spirt of wee then a really awesome poop after a few minutes took toilet paper from my pocket and wiped then dressed.
I kicked a load of sand over my pile of poop the incoming tide will wash away my pile I made my way back to the car then drove to the ferry terminal the stayed with my friend overnight.



Yesterday had breakfast then a NUMBER TOO AT at my friends house then drove back along the A36.After fifty miles pulled into layby pulled the ADVENTURIDGE POTTY from the locker,rinsed then placed a paper towel on back of bowl,down with my jogging bottoms and pants ,sat down had a wee farted then had a NUMBER TOO pushed several times to keep going .
Ten minutes I was done then wiped with eight sheets of ELSAN BLUE TOILET PAPER then dressed pushed potty into locker.When I arrived home pulled potty from locker,had a wee then went into house.Several times during the night I had a wee in the THETFORD ELEGANCE bedroom potty.
This morning straight after my morning tea made another mug and walked to the campervan ,placed my tea on the floor down with my pants ,off with my dressing gown and sat on potty ,gently sipped my tea .five minutes later had a WEE then a NUMBER TOO.I assume it was the last of the holiday camp food.I have just emptied the potty in the outside drain
and left in the galley area ready for the next time I have a NUMBER TOO


Thank you Catherine and a re-introdu tion of myself

Thank you Catherine. I was feeling frustrated and ignored the other night on here so I wrote it in a polite but direct way. Awww thank you. I have had constipation issues since I was a baby and as I got older, seizures. Been hospitalized multiple times, a brain tumour was found, most of it was taken out in July 2013 though as of right now I go to MRIs every 6 months, follow up appointments every so often and am on Disability and living with my longtime friend until I get housing. For everyone here, you know my name is Annie, I live in Toronto, Canada, I'm divorced and live with my longtime friend until I get housing. I can't get around by myself. I need to be taken to and from appointments, my weekly exercise program, etc in a special van. I don't have kids or a boyfriend and am not sad about it. So I hope that helps everyone :)


Another mushy stinky poop

Just came back from the washroom again. I think the spicy, healthy food, coffee and water has been cleaning me out. A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop again so I grabbed my Walmart bag again, went to the door, took my flip flops off, opened the door, stepped outside my room, put the flip flops on out there, closed the door, turned off the light, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, went in and closed the door. Walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet and relaxed finally. Peed first for about 20 seconds then pushed and really stinky mushy poop poured into the toilet (no farts or crackling). It was really quiet, quick and really stinky. I think it was a mixture of the vegetables, chili peppers, beef and coffee. P.U. lol. After I was done I pushed back my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some, put the toilet paper roll back, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and started wiping my butt. It was really messy, stinky and slippery. I wiped until I was clean, put the toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and looked in the toilet. The toilet was full of mushy poop and the water was brown. Stunk too lol. It was the second time today that I have gone. Flushed the toilet and everything went down. P.U. Washed my hands at the sink, grabbed my Walmart bag, walked to the door, opened it, turned off the light, walked to my room, took the flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, opened the door, walked in, put the flip flops on in here, dried my hands on the towels in here, came to bed and have been writing this for a while. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and that you're all looking forward to Christmas, the holidays and New Years. Hopefully lots of good meals and poops for those!

Happy pooping and peeing!


To Lena S

Lena I really enjoyed your story about pooping at home hope it came out alright. I pooped this morning came out nice & smooth nothing like a good poop to start the day! Do you poop in public? I sometimes do it depends on how bad I have to go! I'd love to hear from you!
My name is Austin by the way!!


A few thoughts

I want to start by saying that I am still pretty new here, I wasn't expecting anybody to reply to me, especially this soon after my first post, so thank you guys, I appreciate it.

Today is Thursday, hopefully just one more day of hard poop, I'm going out on Friday evening for drinks with some guys from work as it is the last Friday before Christmas I may have a story, we'll see.

I was trying to hold it until I found somewhere more secluded, but I still ended up pooing myself, it is one of the rare times In adulthood that I have had an accident, it should never happen but unexpected things can happen.
I am a city girl, so I have no reason to be going outside however, I admit that I do pee a lot outside after dark when I'm desperate, even then I'm still nervous about getting caught, but not pooping.

When I poo I see how my stomach feels, if I can feel it's stuck I push, and I get paranoid that it might go back up so I push even harder until I feel it moving and I stop - start

Friday, December 20, 2024



To Anna from Austrailia: I don't mind the noises or smells of my poops. Ever since dealing with a side affect from medical treatment some time ago, my poops can stink. Speaking of noise, my quick poop after lunch today sounded like a turd motorcycle lol! The only poop concern I have is employment related. I once found a story in which a person was fired for pooping their pants. All for now.


Story For Leah

Reading you story about pooping outside reminded me of an occasion when I was caught out by the urge.

It had been two days since I had been able to have a poop, I could feel the urge but I had been unable to get anything out. I had gone to the park to have a walk to have a walk to see it I could get anything moving.

About half way though, I was hit by that familiar urge. I found the most secluded spot possible (over a log) and lowered my boxers. I peed gently and began to slowly push ugh ugh nn nnnnnn feeling this huge lump in my rectum. I had my eyes closed pushing nnn nnnnnnn as I could feel this poo slowly making its way through to my hole. I felt embarrassed incase anyone could heat or see me (luckily they didn't) but I just wanted this thing out of me .

I continued pushing nnnnnnn nnnnnnnn uggggghhhh nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnn until the head of this thick turd emerged from my puckering bumhole. It was so big and stretched my hole but I kept going uggghhh nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn until I felt it taper off and land on the ground.

I felt tired and returned home to wipe.


Quuestioon for Flight Attendent

I'm curious does the dry air in the Plane's cabins give you constipation problems? Every time I used to fly across the country on a five hour flight I ended up constipated with a hard, stubborn, poop that I really had to work at. I know the air is dry in the cabin and often wondered if i caused the flight crew special problems?

Princess Toadstool Peach

Pushing and also Releasing a Big Massive Stinky Pooh Poo Log

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I just woke up from a long nap and now I feel like I need to go do my business. My behind is ready to go and release my body waste! I head into the bathroom, walk over to the toilet, lift up my dress, pull down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little royal wiggle and sit down onto the toilet adjusting myself and squatting on my high heels as I read the newspaper and begin pushing away feeling a little crackle and lots of hot gas and then I feel a massive log slowly oozing and peeking out of my bottom poo hole. Oh and it smelled too. Yikes maybe those dried fruit and nuts and prunes weren't such a good idea for a healthy snack after all "PAAAAARRRRPPP PFFFTTTTT TOOOOT PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK PLOOP PLOP SPLASH!!!!" They can also make me a bit gassy too same with coffee. But I should probably wrap this up like a children's present for Christmas and get to wiping. I wipe my bottom front and back. What are those little white moving worm thingies on the toilet paper along with my poo poo stains are those my toenails? I don't eat my toenails. Yuck!! As soon as I finish wiping I get up, pull up my panties, lift down my dress and then I flush this monster dump loaf I pinched down the drain. Good thing I only came here to poo and not wee. Anyway Merry Christmas and bye bye now. Oh and keep a eye for that Christmas Poo from South Park Mr Hanky he always appears during this time of year…(????: "HOWDY HO!!!" ) What the hell heck was that???!!!



Catherine, thank you for your warm welcome!

Two weeks ago, I was at my Aunt's for Thanksgiving. After stuffing myself with turkey, mashed potatoes, and all the fixings, I suddenly felt that all-too-familiar urge to take a massive shit. I excused myself from the living room where everyone was gathered around the TV and made my way to the bathroom.

As I approached, I could hear soft moaning coming from inside. Great, someone was already in there. It was my 18-year-old cousin Elly, taking what sounded like a big dump.
I knocked lightly on the door, "Elly? You okay in there?" "Yeah," she groaned, "I'll be out in a sec." I could hear her straining again, followed by another loud plop.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door opened and Elly stumbled out, looking embarrassed but relieved. "Sorry about that," she muttered as she washed her hands and left. I just nodded and closed the door behind her. She'd left quite the mess behind - skid marks running up both sides of the bowl, and a strong smell that made my eyes water.

As I started pushing out my own turd, I realized that my shit was going to be just as impressive (and messy). It came out in a long, slow stream, crackling and breaking apart as it hit the water. The smell wasn't great, but at least it was not as bad as Elly's.

I took my time, enjoying the relief of emptying my bowels after that massive meal. When I finally finished, I wiped and stood up to inspect the damage. The toilet bowl was filled with a mix of my own soft, mushy turds and whatever remained of Elly's logs - it was like some kind of poop soup.

I flushed (and crossed my fingers), but as expected, it didn't go down. Great, now I had to deal with this shit-storm too. I grabbed the plunger from under the sink and did my best to clear the clog while trying not to gag on the smell.

After several minutes of plunging, the toilet finally flushed (sort of) and the water level dropped just enough for me to breathe a sigh of relief. I washed my hands thoroughly and left the bathroom feeling much ligther. As I sat down next to Elly on the couch, I gave her a small smile. She grinned back at me, knowing exactly what we were both thinking about.

for Shauna B:

My sister had spent almost a year with him, but he was obsessed about making the senior varsity team and then going on to play on scholarship at college. She got jealous as was understandable. So while he was over the hill taking his shit, my sister composed herself, went into some bushes behind a rec distribution building, and did a reasonably formed 1-incher in his glove. It was about 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning and then she headed to our parents house. She never heard from him again. Hope this answers your questions.


To Annie

I have been reading this forum for years. I have contributed a few stories under different names when I felt I had something remarkable or funny to share. I don't think I ever received a single response. So please don't think that noone likes your stories. I personally enjoy them - you are very real and honest. There is always a place for that. That is what makes this forum special. Everyone is completely honest [no reason not to be] and noone is judged. I hope you continue to post - I am sure you would be missed. But if you have read as long as I have you realize that people are very active here and then eventually fade away because they get busy with other things. There is always something new that captures our interest. All good.

Happy Holidays - to all

Princess Toadstool Peach

Drink, Eat, Brush, Sleep, Sit, Poo, Wipe, Flush and Shave!!!

Hello everyone I am Princess Toadstool Peach and today I am eating a couple of slices of pizza with pepperoni and extra sauce and cheese on top. I also have a glass of lemon iced tea to wash it all down. As soon I have my dinner and my drink. I feel so full I just can't eat a single bite. I walk upstairs by candlelight and let out a huge yawn as I brush my teeth with peppermint flavoured toothpaste and my shiny new toothbrush. Then after saying my prayers I flop into bed and put my nightcap on then count sheep until I yawn again with my eyes growing heavy and then I….ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz-zzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (YAWNN!!) Oh sorry I forgot about going to the toilet and doing my business. I head over to the bathroom, pull down my pretty pyjama pants then after wiggling my royal bottom a little I sit on the toilet reading the newspaper while I pinch my loaf dumping all my huge thick poo waste into the toilet after a bunch of hot gas and a crackle. "PLOP PLOOP SPLASH PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK!!!" I feel much better now. I then wipe my bottom nice and clean front and back, get up and flush it all away. Holy Cripes. My vagina pubes need a shave. (BZZZZZZZ!!) Excuse me please. Bye bye now!

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