

Accident witnessed and shared

I'm a hobby photographer and a few weeks ago I had some new equipment I wanted to play with, so I invited a friend of mine, Kara, to come shooting in a nearby park with me. It was a beautiful afternoon with gorgeous sun and we tried to make the best of the light. As golden hour began I noticed Kara moving strangely. I was taking her photo when she jumped out of her pose to cross her legs for a second before resuming her pose. She blushed and said 'sorry, I need the bathroom but this light is too good to stop'. I told her we could take a break but she said she could hold it for now. I thought nothing more of it and we carried on

I've known Kara for about 8 years and we're pretty comfortable with each other. It's hot here and she was wearing a pair of short leggings and a crop top that day. Anyway at the time I forgot about her needing the bathroom but in hindsight, she was kind of dancing and jumping around towards the end of our shoot, and I know now she was trying hard to hold in a pretty big poop. Finally she said 'okay, I need a bathroom break'. The bathroom was not far, about a minute walk. I started packing up my stuff and Kara walked over to where she had left a few things. About a minute later i finished packing and looked up to see Kara walking stiffly towards me. She looked stricken and I immediately said 'what happened?' She looked at me with a shocked expression and said 'oh my god Colm I'm so embarrassed…. I waited too long and couldn't hold it'. I was confused for a second because her shorts were dry but then I twigged it - she'd pooped! She then turned around and said 'how bad is it?' I looked at her butt and blurted out 'oh my god!' She had a huuuge poop bulge, poor thing the leggings left nothing to the imagination and she'd clearly taken a huge dump. It was like a big grapefruit or even a small melon. I said let's go to the bathrooms and we started walking, her still stiffly and looking on the verge of tears.

Then another disaster - the bathrooms were closed. At this, she started crying. I tried to think and offered her to come to mine, I lived about a ten minute walk where she would need to take a bus home. She agreed but cried, everyone's gonna see me! I didn't know what to say, but then I noticed some flowering bushes nearby so I broke off a bunch and told her to clasp her hands behind her back as we walked, holding the flowers down over her butt. Surprisingly that didn't look too bad!

At mine she locked herself in my bathroom, refusing a shower but I guess cleaning off her butt. We didn't talk much and she left looking tired and sad. The next day she texted me saying 'I can't believe I'm saying this at age 28 but, I'm sorry for pooping my pants yesterday!'she went on to say that she just thought she could hold it a bit longer and got carried away with the photography but when she stopped to organise her stuff her body just took over and she couldn't stop it. Of course I assured her it was fine and said you're not the only one who's had an accident, remind me to tell you my story next time.

Well, we had coffee yesterday and she eagerly brought it up, so I shared with her and I'll share with you too. In uni, I went out one Saturday and got very drunk. I lost my friends and ended up meeting some strangers and going back to somebody's house where eventually I passed out. I hardly remember it. What I do remember is waking up at about 4am with the most tremendous urge to empty my bladder I have ever felt. I jumped up and frantically started feeling around, it was pitch black and I had no idea where I was. I was absolutely on the verge of setting myself and panicked as I tried to find a wall or a light switch. I had to grab my crotch hard and could barely walk. Desperate, I groaned 'I need the bathroom'. I stumbled upon a flight of stairs and made my way up, whimpering and holding myself with both hands now. I entered into a kitchen, where I promptly lost all control and pissed my pants. I could hear it trickling on linoleum floor. Beyond mortified, I found my way to the front door and ran out. My jeans were soaked and heavy. I had a forty minute walk home which was awful, I was obviously not going to call a taxi and while it was quiet I still encountered the occasional car and tried to hide each time.

Kara was very entertained by this and thanked me for sharing. She seemed much more cheerful too so hopefully she'll put this embarrassing situation behind her.

Steve A

To Anna Beth (Huge Poop)

I think we've all been there before (several times): foot long poops or slightly longer and similar thickness.

For me, they were more common during my high school, college, and some parts of my post graduate years (even though I'm only 27) happening everyday or skipping a day or two.

Even though my poops aren't always like that, I'm still fairly regular, like you are, since I always try to keep my diet well balanced so that I don't have any issues going.


Huge, desperate dump in convenience store bathroom

This morning, I filled in at a Barnes & Noble about thirty miles from the one I work at, for someone who was out sick. Earlier this evening, as I was driving home, I began to feel a serious urge to shit. I hadn't had a BM since Tuesday afternoon and I was fairly confident I could make it home. I was so wrong lol. Before I was even halfway there, I was clenching my ass cheeks with a titanic effort and I knew I'd have to find a toilet. I pulled off to a gas station and went inside to ask for the key. The girl behind the counter said I had to buy something. So, trying very hard not to betray my desperation through my slightly shaky voice, I asked her for two packs of Virginia Slims (even though I didn't really need them). She got them down, I paid and I gratefully took the key and speedwalked outside to the unisex. I got in and was unbuckling, and even though I noticed how filthy the toilet was, I didn't care because I was about to shit myself. I ripped my jeans down and sat on the can, and a monstrous python immediately began its exit from my ass. I was slighty backed up so it was somewhat painful, but the relief was just euphoric. The turd broke off and splashed into the bowl, and more was on its way out. I grunted and moaned as my huge shit kept snaking out and, at long last, I was emptied. I wiped and stood up, and saw two fat, dark brown horseshoes curled around each other. How big it was in total, I couldn't say for sure. Somewhere between 18 inches to 2 feet. An absolute monstrosity. I flushed and left, and walked out to my car. And as I got to the door, I simply had to do it. I opened one pack, lit up, and took a long drag. I don't smoke often, but I felt like I had earned this one. It was a really close call.

Anna from Austria
some replies this time.

@Chakamami Family Thanks for yor nice words. I never have bad feelings when I have to luckily. After all it just natural and everybody does it.

@Nina Thanks for your reply. I also think that limited time with an unwiped butt can hurt. It happended to me few times as well. I just do not remember if it happended because there was no tp left or I was just to lacy and did not care.

It has been while since it happened but during my party time when I was younger I noticed a few times that my undies had some poop stains the next day after partying. I cannot remember If it was the fault of alochol that made me not worying at all about wiping or it was due the lack of toilet paper.

It possible that there was no toilet paper at all. A lack of toilet paper in the ladies room during a friday or Saturday night at a bar/lounge or club is a common thing.

greetings from Austria


Steve A

Kimberly CH Survey

Kimberly CH:

1. Whats your most bizarre poop experience (ie caught short on a hike etc)

Besides being walked in on (someone who thought a stall was vacant but wasn't since the door didn't lock) I don't have any "crazy" poop experiences (like being caught in the act) despite walking in on unflushed toilets on occasion.

2. Memorable childhood poop incidents ?

Besides a few accidents during my childhood years, nothing else memorable stands out.

3. Have you wiped someone else's behind & do you remember what it was like ?

I remember helping my younger brother clean up when he had an accident on the way home from school.

4. Have you ever seen someone pooping outside of the bathroom (like out in the world)

I've seen people pee/poop outside before, but they usually had to pee more often, since most people hid out of sight whenever they pooped outside.

5. Most unexpected poop experience ?

From random bouts of constipation and diarrhea, I think we all experienced our share of unexpected poops, despite some of us being regular and going around the same time of day (morning, midday, evening, etc)

For example, I used to be on a pretty regular schedule during my middle and high school years (going once a day every morning or skipping a day or two depending) But as I've gotten older, I'm still fairly regular, but it all depends on the time of day for me. Some days are consistent while other days are different, which is always "unexpected" for me, since I never know what time I'll poop each day.

Furthermore, there have been some days where I pooped 2-3 times in one day, along with having to poop at inconvenient times as well (at work, while driving, out in public, etc) which means that I always attempt to poop whenever I get the chance to (in those situations)

Anna Beth

Long Thick Snake

I had a very enjoyable poop today (Thursday). I had lunch at this nice place today by myself. It was not heavy, but I really felt full. After I paid my cute waiter, I stood up and realized that a big release was in my immediate future.

I made my way to the women's restroom and took the stall furthest from the door, lowered my slacks and panties and relaxed. My body took over. The relief was immense! It felt so good that it gave me chills!

When I inspected the bowl the turd was complete with no cracks and curled around the bowl. It was a perfect shade of brown and glistened in the fluorescent lights! It made my day!

Aren't those the best?


Lax dilemma

About two weeks ago I brought tried dulcolax for my constipation, I poured a few drops in my cereal in the morning and almost immediately after eating I felt a burning sensation in my stomach, and an ache but after a while it just stopped.
Anyway I carried on with my day and for several days I was either having diarrhea, or having long fart blasts with loose poo, I was even caught out in the pub last Saturday night, I thought I was OK, having pooed lots already over friday/Saturday I had this big cramp hit me, and I could feel something coming so I excused myself whilst holding my bum and running outside, down the stairs, through the car park and into the single ladies loo, only it was engaged.
This ladies room is located in a porch-style room with a door that goes to a separate bar, so the ladies is just a single room with a sink and window above the loo, with the car park outside.
The old wooden door has a knob and keyhole, I turned the knob several times and it wouldn't open, by this time I was panicking and breathing heavily, I pounded on the door, looked inside the keyhole and could just see the wall, the woman yelled "almost done" but I could not wait.
So I ran into the men's room, which is at the end of the car park, in the pub building but separate, entered from the car park, the men's room has two rooms, the urinal room to the left and a single loo to the right, which is next to the entry door, I ran in slammed the door shut lifted up my dress pulled my black thong down to my ankles and exploded with a big booming wet fart and a log flew out and I let out a big sigh.
I rolled off two small squares of paper and placed in on my bum hole, and my finger went straight through to my wet bum, I got a finger full of wet poo, I cussed, I wiped my bum several times it was very messy and I could hear footsteps walking along the gravel in the car park, some men or a man came in and walked to the urinal room and I could here zippers going and peeing! I tried not to giggle.
So when the coast was clear I flushed and left, luckily nobody was outside by the men's loo so I went back to the ladies washed my hands and rejoined my friends.

Today is Thursday and I have gone from having runny poos to being constipated again, this week I have been having plops all the time. I am wondering if this change in bowel habit is something to be concerned about, or whether I will need laxatives on a weekly/monthly basis I just don't know what's going on.

Saturday, January 18, 2025



This morning the alarm woke me had a wee in the THETFORD ELEGANCE on with dressing gown then went downstairs .i had my usual LAXIDO then made tea and drank then some toast .aia started some washing then needed to go a NUMBER TOO so put on my jogging bottoms and shoes went to the campervan ,pottie still in the galley area paper towel on back of bowl down with jogging bottoms and pants,sat down.My arms in my lap leaning forward had to wee for forty seconds,pooped .
I pooped for five minutes a big load because I had been to the gym last night,having now sat for ten minuets and had a really good shit it was time to wipe.I reached forward tore three sheets from the ELSAN BLUE toilet roll on door folded and wiped then another three and wiped then another two,then dressed I took my gym bag back to the house and added more clothes to the wash,the water was now cold.
Hope I have another good poop tomorrow.


The Next Morning

This is a continuation from my last entry, "Embarrassing Poop Emergency at Work Pt2", involving that same workplace.

I had to be at work at 8AM the next morning, before my afternoon classes. I woke up extremely gassy and no longer feeling emptied out from yesterday night's massive dump at work. While I was peeing, the farts were relentless, very dry, and slightly painful.

*BRORT* *weeeeeeeeeeeeiffffffffffff-t* *WOM-m-M-m-M-m-MPT-T-T-T-T*

I felt a new large mass shifting around in my lower GI tract as I ate breakfast, farting the entire time.

Before leaving, I spent about 10 minutes sitting on the toilet a home, in hopes I could go, or at least get rid of any gas that I could, before that long bus ride where I wouldn't have access to a toilet for a least an hour. I worried that the urge would strike while riding the bus to work, and I didn't want to be letting out audible farts enhanced with the smell of backed-up poop next to fellow bus riders, or trying to clench my sphincter to prevent a turtlehead from poking at my underwear. A lot of gas came out, but no poop. My parents heard it. I had to leave, not wanting to miss the city bus.

On the bus, my insides violently gurgled, while I held my sphincter clenched to prevent any farts from coming out.


A cute teen girl with red hair sitting in the seat next to me looked my way. It sounded like I was farting, but it was my insides gurgling. I was embarrassed, but I pretended she wasn't there as she stared at me, listening to the sounds of my insides in obvious peristalsis. She probably knew I needed to poop from the obnoxious sounds coming from my gut, but she said nothing.

As soon as I got off the bus, I was letting out built-up gas as I walked, a muffled but audible fart slipping out between my buttcheeks with each footstep. I passed a group of fellow college kids on their way to school walking in the opposite direction, as they stared at me. It was at this point that I felt a hard tip poking at my anal sphincter. It was a dire emergency, and I needed to find a toilet within a few minutes, or it was coming out, whether I wanted it to or not. Fortunately, I was less than a football field in distance away from my workplace.

I was about 15 minutes early to work, and rang the buzzer. No one came to let me into the building. I briefly contemplated dropping my pants by the dumpster as I felt the tip of the turd battering my sphincter, not at all gently. The head poking out was that of a very aggressive snapping turtle.

I stood there for maybe 5 minutes with my insides twisting in knots before Mel showed up at the door to let me in. I rushed in front of her, but suddenly felt sharp cramping as if I was going to involuntarily fill my pants with soft poop, and had to walk very carefully and slowly climbing the stairs up to the office. Toward the top, I had to pause for a few seconds, which annoyed her. She noticed me walking funny, while stuck directly behind me, and asked me,

"Are you okay?"

It took all my resolve not to rip what may have become a wet fart in her face as she was standing on the narrow steps of this old building directly behind me with her face at ass level and no way to go around me. But I kept it contained.

I answered, standing still, posture perfectly straight, trying to figure out how to take my next step up without all hell breaking loose into my underwear, as waves of pain shot up my entire lower GI tract, "Sorry, but I very badly need to use the bathroom."

As I got onto the second floor with a newfound strength to keep my sphincter shut as I walked, I started rushing to the cafeteria area where the restrooms were as fast as I could, skipping my office and not grabbing a magazine, as there was no time.

She yelled as I hurried, now 20 or more feet behind me "Again!? The toilets in the Mens' room are ready! Don't use the Womens'! There's no water in the Womens'!"

I quickly was distancing myself from her as a loud fart slipped out,


Thankfully it wasn't wet, but I felt my anus dilating and the poop prairie dogging it with each footstep as I rushed through the cafeteria, anticipating desperately-needed relief. I could already feel a warm wetness around my lower hole inside of my buttcheeks from the poop trying to force itself out, and it made a slight breach, as I now worried it could smudge my underwear.

And then I noticed it. Her cart of tools was at the Womens', propping the door open, showing the stall now absent, same toilet still there. The new Womens' toilet was sitting on the cafeteria floor by the cart, yet to be installed. The door was missing on the Mens' room entirely. The entrance had nothing there. Anyone could walk up to the Mens' room doorway, look in, and see everything going on in the Mens' room. There was a new water-saving urinal visible from the cafeteria directly in front of the entrance in place of the two bowl-style ones that were there before it, but the sit-down toilet was harder to spot from the entrance, and was placed in a location to where I couldn't see it until I was less than 5 feet from the doorway, on the far left of the room. Both fixtures were in the same locations as the originals, except the stall was removed and the Mens' sit-down toilet now faced the sinks. Luckily, the Mens' entrance was in the right-corner of the cafeteria area, and the sit-down toilet wasn't able to be seen from anywhere in the cafeteria unless someone walked right up to the entrance to the Mens'. I was extremely uncomfortable with the idea of shitting in the open like this, but in no position to hold it any longer. And it isn't as if Mel hadn't just seen me on the crapper the previous night anyway. I could feel it starting to come out before I could even get my pants down as I clenched my buttcheeks with all my might, feeling a warm, sticky wetness cake itself all over my rear as I hurriedly unbuckled my belt, and plopped my hairless butt onto the new toilet seat as a thick, meaty, soft, and smeary cable crackled out of me, just barely making it into the toilet...

*T-t-T-z-T-t-Z-t-T-t-Z-z-T-t-t-z-t-z-t-z* *FWOOMP*

I could see the cafeteria wall from outside as I sat, a dense log plopping into the toilet bowl within 3 seconds. It caused the toilet water to splash my butt before sinking.

I heard Mel's footsteps approach. She quickly headed to the Womens' room. I was thankfully positioned in a way where she couldn't see me on the commode as she walked by, because I certainly didn't see her. The toilet now faced the mirror instead of facing the urinal area and I could see my face contorting as more soft poop loudly flew out of me...


It sounded like someone was pouring their collection of marbles into a swimming pool.

I heard her yell,

"Sorry I didn't get the door on yet. Jim's at the hardware store getting new hinges and the lock. He should be back soon."

*ROARRRR-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-T* *PLOOMPT*

I farted out another log, as it splashed my butt again and the noises echoed about the room. She definitely heard everything, again. I wasn't as embarrassed as yesterday because she already heard me make similar noises before, and she certainly couldn't see me from where she was, but I still wasn't comfortable with her listening to me fart and poop, even if it wasn't the first time she was subjected to my bodily noises. It just felt... wrong. I was generally very comfortable pooping at work, but not like this...

I continued to sit on the toilet, waiting for more to come out, as I heard her working in the Ladies' room. I heard more footsteps enter the cafeteria.

Mel heard them too, immediately saying, "Jim! Don't go near the Mens' room! Unless you want to see <My name omitted> on the toilet."


A bunch of softer blobs of crap were now sliding out of me, uncontrolled, like grease.


And another loud fart that shook the walls.

I heard Jim pull out a chair and take a seat in the cafeteria. He then addressed me, chuckling, "Damn boy! You couldn't even wait for us to get the door on this morning? You should see a doctor! This isn't normal!"

He was sitting maybe 10 feet away, but fortunately I wasn't in his field of vision. Mel said nothing and I said nothing. I didn't like talking to people while I pooped. This was embarrassing, sitting on a toilet with no partition, and the door to the restroom missing, both of them able to hear every gory detail of my emergency bowel evacuation as it all slid through my anus.

*t-z-t-z-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-t-z-BLOOSH* *WOMP-P-P-P-T*

The last of it loudly crackled out and dropped into the water, followed by a loud fart as I gave one last push. I was probably seated for less than 2 minutes, but now felt FULLY emptied out, as if I battled a monster for hours. Time to wipe. The toilet paper dispenser was also in a new location, on the wall to my right.

As I started rolling the toilet paper, I heard Mel remark, "Good thing I changed the toilet roll in there this morning. There wasn't any left. SOMEONE needs to remember to replace it when they use the last of it. And you're welcome, <my name omitted>."

They could obviously hear me rolling it, as the rolling mechanism squeaked loudly as I pulled and then tore off the paper to wipe myself. She also expected that I was thankful for this, calling me out by name at the fact that I was using the toilet paper that she just put in. And I indeed was thankful. I didn't have to ask anyone to come in and hand me some wiping material, because I was fully exposed on this toilet with not even a magazine on my lap for coverage of my privates, already wallowing in discomfort as I was seated, and did not want the added awkwardness of someone seeing me on the toilet with my pants at the floor just to hand me much needed wiping material. Much needed, because this was another messy bowel movement.

I heard Jim chuckle. "You still had the closet locked!"

Mel yelled, "You know where the key is!"

I wiped up as I heard Melanie at work while Jim still sat at the table about 10 feet away. It was messy and easily took 10 or more passes over about 5 minutes. Neither said much of anything else. They were both now listening to me wipe my ass, over and over and over again. It was very awkward. There was no secret what I just did and what I was currently doing, and they heard me spending minutes, wiping, wiping, wiping, and wiping some more, broadcasting to them exactly how messy of a poop it was that they just heard me dump.

I pulled my pants up, flushed the toilet, and saw my deposit leave a bunch of thick brown smears on the way down. I flushed again. The flush on this new fixture was not nearly as powerful as the previous toilet, and the smears remained. I washed my hands, and approached Jim,

"I'm going to need to clean the toilet."

Jim, sighing with annoyance: "Make another mess of the toilet again? Come with me to the closet."

He unlocked the closet as I grabbed some latex gloves, toilet bowl cleaner, and a toilet scrubbing brush. We both walked back into the cafeteria, where Mel was now at the Mens' room entrance, taking measurements of the door frame with a tape measure. Standing in the doorway I could see the brown streaks coating the upper side of the toilet bowl, and she could too. It stunk strongly of my poop, much of it caked to the bowl above the water line, but no one said another word to me about it.

Jim washed his hands in the kitchenette area, retook his seat in the cafeteria, and resumed eating his breakfast, a box of 12 donuts, which was sort of gross since he was eating this entire time while able to hear everything that I was doing to that poor toilet just minutes ago. He didn't care. I heard Melanie drill holes in the new door as I spent the next minute or so cleaning the toilet bowl. I finished cleaning, flushed the toilet, sprayed some air freshener, and returned the cleaning items to the closet, before going back into the Mens' room to wash my hands.

As I was washing my hands, Mel asked me, "Feel better yet, kiddo?"

Embarrassed that she listened to the entire performance start to finish, uninterrupted, all I could utter was "Yeah."

She responded, "Glad the new toilet's working. You're the second one to try it out. Jim beat ya' to it this morning and had to get the plunger!"

I hard Jim yell, "Hey! You know how I am with these low flow toilets! I miss the old one already!"

When I got back into the cafeteria, it was about 7:55. Jim offered me some donuts, and I ate 4 of them. He had another box for everyone else who was coming in today. By 8 AM, Jim left to unlock the entrance to the building for the rest of my coworkers.

As usual, I drank close to a half gallon of water before leaving that morning. By 9AM, I felt like my bladder was about to burst. I'd been holding my pee since at least 8:30 AM, waiting for Mel to finish putting the door on the Mens' room, me not wanting to interrupt her, but I was able to hold it no more. I proceeded to the cafeteria, where she had the door on, but only by one hinge, as she was crouched down, working on the other hinge and holding the door up from the bottom with one of her free hands.

Annoyed upon seeing me, she asked, "You need to go AGAIN!?"

I answered, "Yeah. Sorry. It's another emergency."

Mel then asked, sighing, "#1 or #2?"


"Well, don't mind me. I'm not at a good stopping point. Just go ahead and go."

Peeing in front of her was nowhere near as embarrassing as her hearing me poop. I stood at the urinal with my back to her, unzipped, and took a very long piss as she was crouched down, using a power drill on the door, easily able to see me peeing at the urinal. I flushed and washed my hands. She then said, "Well little boy, you're the first to try the new 'pissour' out. And it works! YAY!"

She was proud of her work, not seeming in the least bit awkward that she just watched me pee. I got back to work.

Mel had the new Mens' room door installed and locking by 9:30. The lock worked perfectly, and the new door also kept all of the noises inside from being heard in the cafeteria area when shut. I no longer heard anything in the cafeteria coming from the Mens' room. For the duration of the morning, everyone had to share the Mens' room while Mel worked on the Womens'. Mel even went into it for a good, long 10 minutes when I was cleaning the cafeteria. Nary a plop or fart to be heard, but I did hear two flushes before she left. By the time I clocked out around 2PM, both restrooms were operational and in full working order, with lockable doors.

I took another crap in the Mens' room before heading to school, magazine in hand this time, preferring this private location to exposing my shoes/pants/ankles in a public stall on campus yet again. Being the introvert I was, I much preferred pooping alone, with no audience. It was a long, leisurely crap that easily took 10 minutes or more. Mel was now sitting at the table again eating when she saw me exit. Smiling, she asked me, "It's much nicer, isn't it? We can finally get some privacy on the toilet!"

I found the situation too awkward to reply, but she was right. This upgrade was well worth the time and effort she put into it. She was no stranger to the awkward layouts that used to be there. The Womens' room that she used was worse than the Mens' from a privacy standpoint, and without a doubt she and her female coworkers saw each other using the toilet repeatedly thanks to the giant stall gaps. And now it all was replaced with something much better. The new restrooms were much more spacious and private, and I looked forward to using them each day for the rest of the time I worked there. No more gaps people could peek at me through, and no more possibility for someone else to come in at any time and hear me using the toilet. Pooping here was now an absolute pleasure. I relished the privacy and wished all public bathrooms could be like this. Everything came out that much easier and smoother without the stress of an unwanted audience and what used to be at least a subconscious fear of their judgment. The only downside was that I often had to wait for someone to finish up before I could go, given the reduced throughput of the Mens' room with it now being single user and lockable. The tradeoff was well worth it, especially since I didn't remember having any more #2 emergencies for the remainder of time I worked there, just the normal urge, which I gladly met with minimal delay.

Sadly, Jim passed away about 3 months later from a heart attack and Mel decided she didn't want to run the business by herself, as she now discovered she had a baby on the way. She shut the office down, sold the building, and quickly got married, moving on with her life.

I ended up getting a job with better pay but less hours at my university, and usually had to use the standard multi-stall restrooms each time I needed to poop, more often than not with other people in the restroom with me, but I will never forget how working at this place and all of the trials and tribulations of using the restroom here made me comfortable with pooping on the job and not ever feeling even subconsciously rushed about it. During jobs where I had full 8-hour shifts, taking a dump was a twice or thrice daily habit that stuck with me, reading material in hand, where I'd take all the sweet time I needed, up until roughly 2 decades later to this day. I have the laid-back attitude of this employer with regard to pooping on company time to thank for it.

At later jobs and places, many a cute young secretary learned of my bowel habits just by watching me walk to and from the nearby Mens' room for typically 5-15 minute absences, magazine in hand, with zero shame or embarrassment on my part that they knew my "secret". And my boyish good looks definitely drew their attention each time, as I'm sure they kept a mental note of my comings and goings. Even into my late 30s, I still looked like I was a scrawny 15 or 16 year old kid and the younger ladies loved staring at me for it. The magazine also meant something VERY specific with regard to what I was doing in that Mens' room, and I'm certain they knew exactly what, just based on the time expended for each session, no magazine needed to give it away, and sometimes multiple toilet flushes giving it away. I can even recount a few brief conversations on the subject of going #2 at the workplace with two younger ladies at one of my former jobs, but that will be for a different post.

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