
Anna Beth

To Austin - Most Memorable Poops

What makes a poop memorable? Is it the size? Is it the location? Was it embarrassing?

I eat healthy, but I tend to lean towards constipation if my body gets a little out of whack or during my time of the month.

During my high school graduation, which was indoors at a local basketball arena, I felt the need to poop. I don't remember going that day and the ceremony was at night. The urge grew stronger. It wasn't going to be a lot, but it felt like it would be a dry one. At the end of the ceremony, we all gathered in a mass huddle to throw our caps in the air. When I tossed mine and tried to catch it I lost control and a dry poop, maybe a little bigger than a golf ball, shot into my panties. It was very dry and I honestly could not smell it underneath by gown and dress. The urge to get the rest out was strong and I pushed two more golf balls out. So, I had three golf ball sized dry turds in my panties in all my graduation pictures. No one ever knew! As soon as I could step away to the bathroom, I emptied them into the toilet, wiped only a few times, changed my panty liner and went on about my celebration! (Shhhh...I've never told anyone this!)

I got a little constipated when I went to college. I don't think I went to the bathroom for about five days during the first week on campus. I told my mother and she suggested a laxative to try. Before I went to purchase the laxative, I got a tremendous urge to use the bathroom. My stomach cramped and I had this tremendous urge to push. I found a single bathroom near the admissions office and went inside and for what felt like several minutes pushed out a turd that looked like two Idaho potatoes smashed together. As soon as that passed, my stomach was still cramping and I began to fart loudly and long. I released some soft stool and felt so much better. It was exhilarating! And then I flushed. It went nowhere. The bathroom smelled and I had just clogged the toilet that female visitors to this university used. I felt embarrassed and proud at the same time. I opened the door and the coast was clear. I left as soon as I could. But my curiosity got the better of me. I decided to come back about 30 minutes later and I saw an out of order sign on the restroom. Hehe!

I hope those are what you are looking for, Austin!


Memories from college

I'll start by introducing myself: I'm Greg, 46yo and I've had a interest for bathroom stories for as long as I can remember. This is true especially for the ones related to number two.

One of the story that I remember vividly happened during my senior year of college. I must have been 21-22yo back then. It all started when I met up with my friend Abigail for a few drinks. After having some drinks, we met up with other friends and went out, partying late into the night. As time came to go home, she offered me to crash at her place, since it was more convenient.
I woke up somewhat dizzy next morning. It took me a little while to realize that I was in Abigail's living room. She shared the house with three other roommates. I got up and went to the kitchen to grab some water. One of her roommates was there, drinking coffee. She was called Mel if I remember correctly and she was a rather short, skinny brunette. We made some small talk then I went back to the living to lay down. Shortly afterwards, Mel went to the bathroom that was nearby. Since the house was quiet, I heard her locking the door, opening the toilet lid and sitting down on the toilet. I even remember hearing her pulling down her panties. She farted, peed a little bit, then started pooping. She passed several turds in quick succession by the sound of it. She then wiped and flushed. She washed her hands and went back to her room.
I took my chance to go check the situation in the bathroom immediately. The smell was pungent! But apart from the smell, there was no evidence that Mel just had a big shit in this toilet. I peed, washed my hands and left the bathroom. Just then, I bumped into Abigail. She had woken up quite hungover. We exchanged a couple of words, but she then told me that she had to use the bathroom. As she got in the bathroom, she exclaimed that I had done quite a number on this bathroom. I was taken aback, so I said that I was sorry about that. It wasn't my fault but I didn't want to throw Mel under the bus.
Abigail then closed the door and farted loudly right away. She then had what sounded like a big case of the runs. The alcohol excess from the previous night had obvioulsy messed up her digestion.
As I was listening, Abigail's other roommate Lynn (maybe?) came home. She had shoulder-long blonde hair, had nice curves and I considered her to be very attractive. She was wearing sportswear as she had been working out. She went straight to the toilet, but it was locked and Abigail shouted she'd be right out. Lynn went to the kitchen and had some water.
After a couple of minutes and some abundant wiping, Abigail flushed and exited the bathroom. As she was still very tired, she told me that she would return to her room but that I was welcome to have breakfast by myself or sleep some more as well. I thanked her and she went back to her room.
As she was leaving, I heard the bathroom door being locked again. Since I was left on my own, I resumed listening. Lynn had a short pee and went silent. I assumed that she had to poop as well and couldn't believe my luck. Indeed, a couple of seconds later, I heard a long but quiet fart. The fart was soon followed by a loud plop, then another plop. By the sound of it, these turds must have been large. Lynn soon wiped, flushed and went back to her room as well.
I seized the opportunity to go back to the bathroom. The smell was exactly the one you would imagine after what this poor toilet experienced in the span of maybe fifteen minutes. Lynn's turds left some big brown streaks in the bowl. They must have been massive. And the toilet seat was still warm.
This was definitely one of the most lucky days of my life. Let me know if you like me to share some other memories.
KR, Greg


Huge thick poop that was easy to flush

I have felt bloated and uncomfortable all day (a bit constipated. It happens sometimes despite a healthy diet, lots of water and exercising in my room and at the exercise program. Remember that I get taken there and back because of the memory loss from my brain surgery and stroke). For breakfast I had eggs, sausages, toast and coffee. It was coffee from the coffee machine. I took my medications close to 9 AM. At noon I went upstairs for lunch. Had a small plate of kiwi, a banana, a big apple and a jar of warmish hot water. Finally a few minutes ago I got a major urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, left my room, put the beige flip flops on out there, closed the door, turned off the light, walked to the washroom, turned on the light, went in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Finally relaxed and peed first then pushed out a thick, long poop that seemed to keep coming. It was relieving to get it out and surprising too because of the size. When I was done I reached into the Walmart bag for the toilet paper, took some off the roll, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the bag on the floor and finally started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then stood up and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. It was messy. Turned, tossed the dirty toilet paper into the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look in the toilet. Wow! The poop in the toilet was giant and thick! It took up a lot of the toilet bowl, was VERY thick and was about medium brown. Damn. Flushed the toilet and the poop and toilet paper went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Went to the sink, washed my hands and turned off the tap. Grabbed the Walmart bag from the floor, opened the door, turned off the light, left the washroom and went back to my room. Took the beige flip flops off, turned on the light (it's outside my room), opened the door, walked into my room, closed the door, put the flip flops on, dried my hands on the towels in here and came to the bed to write this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy.

Happy pooping and peeing!


Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Been a long while / Catching up

Hi all. Dunno if anyone remembers me, but I used to post here like 10-ish years ago. A lot's changed since last I posted. I went back to uni and got my PhD and I now work in a chemistry lab, I got married and we have a 3-year old daughter. I turned 30 last month, meanwhile Hannah's currently quite excited because her birthday is in two weeks.

But, anyway, enough of that, on to matters pertaining to The Toilet. The main loo in our house is just off the hallway. Our bedroom also has a small ensuite, but there's a bidet fixture in the main loo so I always go there when I need a poo. Hannah is nearly potty trained but she sometimes wees the bed, and she's not the best about realising when she has to go. So our rule is, unless we have company over, we don't fully close the door to the main loo so she can always come in and use her potty.

This morning after eating breakfast, Kevin, Hannah, and I were watching telly. I'd been feeling a slowly building urge to poo. After letting off a fart that was a lot louder than intended, I laughed and excused myself and went to the loo. I sat down and weed, then adjusted myself to get comfortable for a poo. I let off 2 medium-sized logs, then Hannah came in to the bathroom. She said she had to poo and asked if I was pooing too. I said yes. I could tell she must've really had to go, as she immediately pooed out like 10 small pieces back-to-back. I sat for a few more minutes and did 3 more pieces, the last of which was long enough that it didn't make a plop. I flushed and transfered over to the bidet and finished with a quick pass of the loo roll just to be sure I was clean.

While I was using the bidet, Hannah finished pooing and dumped the contents of her potty in the loo and flushed it away, then took my place on the bidet when I went to wash my hands.

So, yeh, that's me, with a short story about this morning's poo. Until next time.


David P's survey

This sounds just like my kind of survey!"ahem" so I'm going to give it a go:

1:How often do you usually go for a poo?
It depends on how my stomach is feeling but generally it's every two days, can be messed up if I am on my period.

2:When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
I always try to go straight away if I can, otherwise if I hold it in I run the risk of being constipated later on if I've held on too long. I can hold it in for up to say, 24 hours later.

3:How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)
I would say a big fat log, along with pebbles.

4:How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?
Sometimes I don't push at all, but many times I have to push very hard and it's a big effort.

5:Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
I have recently posted a story about my Xmas eve constipation blues, where my poo was stuck halfway out.
I think it's caused by the sheer size of the poo getting stuck in the rectum, I got mine out by pushing, grunting, moaning and crying and waiting for it to start moving.

6:What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
I try to sit straight on the middle of the bowl, if I'm in pain I bend forwards while pressing my stomach, apart from reading and filling in puzzlebooks I lick my finger, open my legs a little and put my finger up my bum, I find it helps stimulate my poo.

7:Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
I come in with a few magazines and open them on my lap, I sometimes need to change my tampon, I play with my fingernails, other people can add to my struggles, especially in public loos.

8:Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
Yes, more often than not, I still hold my breath and push when I'm in public but I try to do it quietly.

9:Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?
Yes, often I hear little plops hitting the water or a huge splash that goes up my bum, which is a very messy clean up.

And 10
10:Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
My work is very comfortable as I am one of only a few women, I pee and poo with the cubicle door open, mostly nobody bothers me but I have been caught out a few times by the cleaner.
I won't poo in public unless it's an emergency, it can be awkward but at least I go after a few pushes,sometimes i can't poo in public and I have to give up and try later.

And that is Mr done, happy posting!

Anna Beth- Most likely it is the caffeine!! I usually try to poop when I get home from work or after I wake up and before I go to work. It almost happened again yesterday, I drank a Celsius and an hour later I had to poop super badly, luckily this time I could hold it until I got home. But most likely it's like coffee and all the caffeine just stimulates your bowels!

Now a question for everyone! Does anyone here have any good stories about pooping in public bathrooms or at work? I've got a few of my own, I have a fear of pooping at work and a lot of the time hold it until I get home. I'm hoping that reading a few stories will not only help me but also entertain! Hopefully we have some good ones, and I will share a few of my own!!

Thank you!!


Princess Toadstool Peach

Cannot wait to fill up my Brand New Toilet later on this day

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I got some brand news to share. I got a new white porcelain toilet. My other one broke due to someone AKA Princess Rosalina using too much toilet paper when she was wiping. I really love the sound it makes "FLUSSSSssshhhh!!!" It's really neat. I'm so looking forward to using it later and planning to do a long pee and even a enormous poo inside of it. I just sure hope I can fill it up the more and more I can. See you then when I do so. Bye bye now!



Thank you, he looks like a sweetie. My oldest nephew hasn't met him yet (he's at his dad's-a different dad) but he's 5, almost 6 and a sweetie. The baby is a sweetie too. I'm childfree. Yeah that poop was unsatisfying. My most satisfying ones are ones that are big and solid or soft that don't require straining or pain. What about you? Do you like soft or solid poop when you're going? I don't always go every day. Depends on the amount of warm water I drink, what I eat and how much I exercise in my room.

Princess Toadstool Peach

Answers to David P''s Survey

Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I will be answering David P's survey so let's get started.

1. How often do you usually go for a poo? Usually when I wake up, have a shower, sometimes before lunch or morning tea or before bedtime

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going? 5 minutes that's a new record. I always have time to use the restroom right this second before any accidents.

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?) 5 inches thick brown and lumpy. Sometimes I like to release huge anaconda shapes too.

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own? No effort just relax sitting on the toilet, bucket, potty, etc while reading the Garfield comics in the newspaper.

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out? I give my bottom a small shake and then slowly but surely it comes out. My BMs never get stuck inside my gorgeous and beautiful bottom. Well almost never get stuck. Good thing I have my Squatty Potty footstool

6. What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help? Sometimes I adjust myself squatting on my high heels and of course my Squatty Potty footstool does wonders you wouldn't even imagine.

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed? Only when I have a annal fisture ever have one? It frickin sucks!!

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo? I sometimes grunt when making a huge large one that could fill up my toilet.

9. Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all? Oh yeah lots of noise. You can even smell them as they land. Pee-eww hahahaha.

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever? No of course not. Nature always calls when you gotta go you gotta go.

OK that's all the questions done and defecated I mean dusted. See you next time bye bye now.



Thank you! He's a sweetie! My most satisfying poops are big ones that are soft or that don't require straining (I eat a very healthy diet, drink plenty of warm water, do stretches in my room and go to a once a week exercise program for people with acquired brain injuries). Basically any poop that doesn't make me uncomfortable or strain. I've had constipation issues off and on since I was a little baby.


David P survey.

I mostly lurk on here from time to time.
---- -----
1. How often do you usually go for a poo?
I usually go once every other day to every 3 days.

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
Sometimes I hold it, usually for an hour. I try to go at home, or a toilet that still has manual flushers as I don't like the splash of automatic ones.

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?) I would say it comes out thick in one piece, a thick log.

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own? 90 percent of the time it comes out easy, like toothpaste. It only takes about 5-10 seconds.

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out? I don't remember, I'm sure this has happened. But usually it comes out with one push.

6. What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help? I usually lean forward, I used to have a footstool before I moved to the place I am now.

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed? I notice I'm done rather quickly, it's the wiping that takes a while.

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo? Usually I grin and bear it, pushing down.

9. Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all? Due to the length, and I guess the thickness, it's usually a thud or no sound at all. The smell, that's a different story, it's very noticeable.

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever? Despite most of my poos in public because the toilet at home is rather weak and I clog it quite a bit, I do feel a bit shy in public. Or rather, I feel vulnerable. (The toilet at home, the cistern takes a while to fill up. -- I had a former housemate that on a couple occasions left a turd, a small one behind because he didn't want to wait for the toilet to fill up. A couple of times I've wanted to leave it after one flush, but it'd really stink up the place.)


Re: Kimberly CH survey

Q1: Whats your most bizarre poop experience (ie caught short on a hike etc)

A: It would have to be pooping outside in front of a coworker while doing work at a field site, as opposed to the office. The restroom at the park we were doing our job at at was locked and I desperately had to go. I typed up a full story on it. See Page 3079 "Pooping with a different coworker, Old Man Karl Pt 1" and "Pooping with a different coworker, Old Man Karl Pt 2", specifically part 2 for the actual event, but also part 1 for the events leading up to it.

Q2: Memorable childhood poop incidents ?

A: Very many. I'll list the top three that immediately come to mind:

-Age 10. The very first time I clogged a public toilet was during a school field trip at a courthouse. I haven't told this story yet.

-Age 13. I had diarrhea at my middle school and all the stalls were doorless. I got excused from PE class to use the restroom, only to get poop in my underwear before reaching a toilet. Then I got briefly intruded upon by the cleaning lady who listened to the caca-phony of noises I generated as she stood outside the boys' room. See "My first time using a doorless stall", page 2875.

-Age 16, I took a massive emergency dump using a military barracks latrine in front of a crowd of people. The toilets were out in the open and there were no stalls or paritions of any sort. Everyone could see, hear, and smell what I was doing, and they saw me wipe. It was very embarrassing. See "Semper Fi", page 2955.

Q3: Have you wiped someone else's behind & do you remember what it was like ?

A: I have not.

Q4: Have you ever seen someone pooping outside of the bathroom (like out in the world)

A: Yes. At a camp site at age 11, I once walked upon a girl of about 13 laying cable in the woods. I could see a large log coming out of her butt as it formed a coil on the ground and she had her pants at knee height as she squatted. She didn't see me and I turned the other way.

Q5: Most unexpected poop experience ?

A: I once was at the library and had to take a poop. It was filthy, greasy, smeary, loud, and messy, as well as very big. Unbeknownst to me, the entire time I was seated on the toilet, some pervert in the adjacent stall was watching me through a hole in the wall and pleasuring himself, discovered while I was wiping up and after he already saw everything I did. See page 2876, "The Stalls Have Eyes".



I hope you are well, I was constipated on Thurs day afternoon, I felt fine when I left work but I had a stomach ache as I was walking home.
As soon as I got in the door I was straight on the loo and I was stuck from 2:45pm until 3:30pm, I had multiple little plooops for half an hour after I tried pinching off the main poo, I couldn't do that even with all the straining and grunts this poo was so stubborn and my bum was getting sore from sitting for so long, and all the struggling was making me all flustered and hot so I took my blouse off and fanned the smell. But I kept pushing, and pushing my abdomen and slowly it started coming out, and it came out with a splash and curled above the water line and clogged.
I am not a fat girl but my gosh, this is not like me at all, I am taking laxatives more regularly now, maybe I'm not taking enough. Hmmph

RE: public loo's It's hard to know really, I don't normally use public loo's to poo in unless I'm about to have an accident, I am very much a poo at home kind of girl, work is different because it doesn't feel like a public loo.

But I remember one time I was in a town, I just came off a bus I headed for a loo block, one of several in the town, this block is on a quiet street and only had three cubicles and a sink/mirror. So I walked to the last cubicle, put the latch across the door,i hung my handbag on the hook, the door and walls are high apart from the tops and bottoms, I took out a woman's own magazine, unbuckled my belt and pulled my jeans and panties down to my ankles and placed my magazine on my lap and sat my bum down on the seat.
I immediately let out a big booming fart and sighed"aaahh" I could feel it up there. I could hear some people outside on the street talking and eventually I heard someone walk in and go into the loo beside me, the door shut but I'm concentrating on my mag.
Someone else came in and peed, and left quickly, but I was giving gentle pushes, gentle "uuuuh's" and my poo was coming when I turned a page I noticed something in the corner of my eye, I looked up and left and I saw someone's head at the top of the cubicle divider, but it was the camera I noticed as I screamed at the top of my lungs and they quickly ran away. I had my poo and wiped my bum quickly, it must have been no longer than 15 minutes

There was one time when I was in an airport in the evening, I had to excuse myself at the main entrance I went to the ladies and there must have been a row of 10 cubicles, the one at the far end was occupied so I took the one next to it. I sat down and peed but for a while it was quiet, and then I could hear some light grunts, I couldn't poo as I was too distracted by what I was hearing so I had a little "play" whilst pushing, I was quietly grunting myself, I don't remember hearing any plops but the woman rolled off loo paper and wiped, and she left before me. I had quite a big poo and the cleanup was messy. Have a good one.

curious monster

small survey

Hello everybody! Here is small survey:

1) Can you talk with somebody when you are pooping? Or do you need absolutely concentrate to your poop?

2) If you are talking while pooping do you even comment, describe the course of your poop?

3) Can you poop in front of someone who can see you? When was the last time you pooped in front of someone and in front of whom specifically?

4) Have you ever been supported and cheered on the toilet by someone as an adult while you pooped? When was the last time this happened to you?

5) Have you ever supported and cheered an adult on the toilet while they pooped? When was the last time this happened to you?

6) Have you ever been so constipated that you were on the toilet trying to poop but couldn't poop, so you ended up unsuccessfully leaving the toilet? When was the last time this happened to you?

7) When was the last time you pooped somewhere outside of your home and where exactly it was?


Anyone else??

I shared a story recently about shitting with a partner while camping. Has anyone else done this? I mean I'm sure people do but I see and hear things every now and again just wondering how commonplace it is


Response to DavidP's Survey

Hi! I just wanted to respond to DavidP's survey, I do not have any recent stories that would be interesting.

1. How often do you usually go for a poo?
I try daily. Sometimes I am successful upwards of three times per day, other times I do not push anything out for periods of 3 to 4 days.

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
I usually drink a lot of water if I start to feel the urge. I feel like having a full bladder helps me poop. Usually I do not try to hold it.

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)
Most of the time they are little balls (like larger rabbit pellets), but sometimes they are long snakes or logs.

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?
It depends, but most of the time it requires some effort and a lot of pushing.

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
I do not really experience this. It could be because if that happens to me I just "pinch it out."

6. What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
I lean forward most of the time.

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
I pull my butt cheeks apart before I start and sometimes rock from side to side.

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
No, I tend not to make any noises besides the noises my butt makes.

9. Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?
That depends on the amount of water in the bowl, but most of the time there are some sounds.

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
If I am around someone I know, I feel embarrassed. If I am around strangers, I do not really have any shame.

When I have more stories (or time to type up stories), I will be back!

Skidmarked from a walk
What do you do if you sit for a crap and then find there is no TP on the roll?

I just pull my underwear back up and if I notice a skidmark I will post about it here.

To Anna Beth

Anna Beth I hope that dump u took at work came out ok. What's your most memorable poop u took? I pooped today it was nice & smooth I read the paper while I pooped. Looking forward to hearing back from u! My name is Austin by the way!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hi! To Anna from Australia: sorry you had poopy underwear. I'd be embarrassed to ride the bus like that. Anyway, I was slightly desperate for a poop this morning. It was sloppy. Mom's farts sometimes sound like a duck lol! Bye.


Reply to Catherine

Sorry to see you go and read the news about your mum.


To Leah

That was an interesting story about trying to poop at the leisure centre - it's hard knowing that there's people going to hear you and needing to deal with a stubborn, hard poo! Luckily you didn't have to push or grunt too hard in that instance. When was the time that you had to push and strain the hardest in public? What's the longest session on the toilet you've had in public? Have you ever heard anyone else struggling at the same time to give you comfort?

I noticed you mentioned that you were constipated again yesterday - was it a particularly big one? Were you at home when you finally managed to go? How hard d have to push?

Skidmarked from a walk
What do you do if you sit for a crap and then find there is no TP on the roll?

I just pull my underwear back up and if I notice a skidmark I will post about it here.


David P's survey

This sounds just like my kind of survey!"ahem" so I'm going to give it a go:

1:How often do you usually go for a poo?
It depends on how my stomach is feeling but generally it's every two days, can be messed up if I am on my period.

2:When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?
I always try to go straight away if I can, otherwise if I hold it in I run the risk of being constipated later on if I've held on too long. I can hold it in for up to say, 24 hours later.

3:How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)
I would say a big fat log, along with pebbles.

4:How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?
Sometimes I don't push at all, but many times I have to push very hard and it's a big effort.

5:Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
I have recently posted a story about my Xmas eve constipation blues, where my poo was stuck halfway out.
I think it's caused by the sheer size of the poo getting stuck in the rectum, I got mine out by pushing, grunting, moaning and crying and waiting for it to start moving.

6:What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
I try to sit straight on the middle of the bowl, if I'm in pain I bend forwards while pressing my stomach, apart from reading and filling in puzzlebooks I lick my finger, open my legs a little and put my finger up my bum, I find it helps stimulate my poo.

7:Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
I come in with a few magazines and open them on my lap, I sometimes need to change my tampon, I play with my fingernails, other people can add to my struggles, especially in public loos.

8:Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
Yes, more often than not, I still hold my breath and push when I'm in public but I try to do it quietly.

9:Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?
Yes, often I hear little plops hitting the water or a huge splash that goes up my bum, which is a very messy clean up.

And 10
10:Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
My work is very comfortable as I am one of only a few women, I pee and poo with the cubicle door open, mostly nobody bothers me but I have been caught out a few times by the cleaner.
I won't poo in public unless it's an emergency, it can be awkward but at least I go after a few pushes,sometimes i can't poo in public and I have to give up and try later.

And that is Mr done, happy posting!

Responses to David P's survey

1. How often do you usually go for a poo?
Almost daily. If I miss a day, I definitely unload the next.

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it how long to you wait until going?
In grade school I tried to hold it in until I got home. With the exception of a couple of times (I had accidents in class) it was probably worth it.

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your poo?
Softer in mornings, somewhat formed. After that, larger and harder.

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo?
Not much except when I'm involved in a Zoom meeting. At school, I was pretty depressed at times because there was almost no privacy. In that situation, about one time in three after a few minutes on the toilet I would just get up, pull up my jeans and walk out of the bathroom. I even got some harassment for that!

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go beck in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?
Mom and my sister and I were traveling. It was a cold November day on the Interstate. I was 8, I think. The seat was very cold at the rest stop. It started to come out. I spread my legs more. Dropped my underwear all the way to the floor, reseated myself a couple of times, but still no crap. Mom took me into the ladies room. After breaking off the one piece, she gave me a suppository up my butt, and made me sit back down, remain calm, and within a few minutes my large crap shot out of me. Sitting on a white rather than black seat, a warm seat, and a privacy door to shield me, certainly worked. My older sister was surprisingly sympathetic but most of the time she just had to pee. Mom later lectured me about planning for regular craps and around my school schedule.

6. What position do you sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tip toes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?
Today as an adult at home I sit with my legs spread. At work and other public places, I will start with my knees at 10 and 2. That's with a privacy door.

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?
As an adult, I gotten use to sliding farther back on the seat and using my right hand to aim my penis into the bowl. If I push too hard, I will usually splatter into my clothing.

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
Not any more because I'm adult. Yes, I did that when I was younger and had less confidence.

9. Do the log when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all.
There is some sounds when I'm crapping at home because our bathroom is adjacent to the master bedroom and my girlfriend has noted them. She, on occasion, will set off some noise with her morning crap. But I've got other things on her if she tries to tease me.

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?
Since high school and several K-12 incidents, I've become much more efficient and discreet.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

David P

Pooing Survey

1. How often do you usually go for a poo?

2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going?

3. How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?)

4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own?

5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out?

6. What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help?

7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed?

8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?

9. Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all?

10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever?

To Catherine: I'm really sorry about your mom and what your family is going through. It's been wonderful having you around all these years. I hope that someday in the future we can hear from you again. Rest assured you'll be greatly missed, and never forgotten by all your friends here!

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