The female chamber pot which Helena mentions is called a "Bourdalou". It is more like a urinal (bed bottle type, not restroom) than a chamber pot. There is a picture of one in Lucinda Lambton's book "Temples of Convenience and Chambers of Delight". Aparently women hid them in their muffs and used them by holding the container against their crotch and peeing into it. It looks rather like a flat gravy boat.
Susan - STL
Helena - I have never tried to set on my chamber pot, I guess mainly since we use them for the sight and sound effets. We do have toilets in our house, and when full, or so, my husband Bob, has the task of emptying them. Nevered tried a fireplace thou! I'm sure that may uses of chamber pots were found in yesteryears, and like to think about all the folks that have filled them with their pee and poop in the past. For my husband and myself, we both grew up on mid-west farms (USA) and had two story houses. It was very common practice, back in the 60s, to place a chamber pot in the middle of the room, and everyone would use it throughout the night, instead of having to go outside to the "out-house"! As a young kid, I don't think we thought to much of it, until, we had a friend stay over for the night and got to "hear" them pee in it. For all those years, neither of us ever remember seeing anyone set on our pots. All the girls would squat and the boys would pee from their knees. Even the parents would come in and use it each night. For us, it was emptyed each and every morning, because it was full of pee. Most of us held our poops till the next morning, but, of course, sometimes you couldn't wait and had to poop right then into the chamber pot. Around our house, this act was never talked about, or made fun of. Well, that was then, and as for us now, we had a pot setting in our bedroom, living room and out on our deck next to the hot tub. Using them is much easier than running all the way to the toilet and of course, lot more fun. For us, getting to watch each other using these pee pots, is really sexy, and because of our love of WS and BS, this is a much better solution than just leaving the bathroom door open and only getting to listen to each other peeing & pooping. Know its not main stream, but how knows??????
I have a couple of questions for everyone. First,when I am at the gym I notice a few well built guys who when they take of their business suits they are not wearing any underwear underneath. Where do those stains both front and back go? into those suits? Then they will put on a pair of underwear under their shorts to work out in. What's with that? Are they afraid someone will see something as they work out? Yet they are not ashamed of people seeing stains on their suits! Secondly, where do guys whear theit dicks? I being right handed wear it on my left. That way when I reach inside with my right hand it is right there waiting for me. How about everryone else? Where does it dangle guys!
Dee- Your pee stories are GREAT! Please tell us some more. I enjoy reading about women peeing especially if they are peeing into some kind of container besides the toilet (i.e. a bottle, giving a urine sample, etc.) Keep posting your great stories. P.S. This is kind of off the topic but is a great remedy for an itchy butt. If your butt is itching and it won't go away, but some corn starch on it. IT NEVER FAILS! Your butt feels so clean and dry afterwards. Hope it helps. This remedy has been in the family for years. Happy peeing to all!!! -Barry
Hello all. I found out about this forum a few days ago. I am a male college student who found out via the internet that I am not alone with my interest in poop and pee. I used to feel like a freak because of my fetish. Last year I bought myself a modem for my birthday and found out that I was far from alone. I am a much happier person now. The first sites that I found related to pee were porn sites. I feel kind of bad for the models. Some do not look like they are enjoying what is going on, or maybe they are forced to do things by other people. This ate at my conscience and I knew that by looking at these sites I may be fueling the fires of oppression. When I happened across The Toilet I felt much better because the people posting wanted to post. This site feels like a very comfortable place to be in that there is a sense of support for each other written into the pages. My first pee experience was with my sister when I was about six and she eight. We were outside and she said she was going to try to let a little out in her panties. She told me to try. I declined on the grounds that I would not be able to control it once it started. Later I tried peeing in my underwear while sitting on the toilet. The warm feeling was very comforting. For some reason the pee did not drain through the cloth quicly so I cut a hole in the bottom with a pair of nail clippers. When I was done I would throw away the underwear. Being a growing boy they always got too small before they were all used up. So there was a continuous supply of new ones. To this day I do not know if my mom ever knew what was happening. I never talked to my sister about these incidents and do not know what became of her experiments. Unfortunately when she got older she became anorexic and also started abusing laxatives to loose weight. We always were very close and it tore me up to see her wasting away. I am grateful that she is now doing much better as she kicked the laxative habbit and is at a normal weight. As I am writing this I feel like crying but I also feel good that there is someone listening. I promise my next post won't be a downer;) By the way I usually have my BM in the morning after breakfast. I don't look at the size but I feel very light and exstatic after I am done. My girlfriend likes my company in the bathroom when she is doing her business. We have roomates and I often wonder what they think when we go into the "office together to have a meeting".
Adam from Canada
Another story to tell...I went out for breakfast this morning and then I went to pick up my uniform for my summer job. While I was waiting in line I had to poop real badly. I kept holding it in and when i got home I went to the can and took a poop. It was a greasy one and very loose. It came out very stringy and it was bright brown. I felt much better after. Sometimes When I drink coffee, my poop will be like dirrea. Does anyone experiance that?
I had the runs today, and when I have the runs, I REALLY have the runs! I also had to attend my little brother's basketball game, and while taping it, I almost lost it all over myself, but I managed to control my muscles and hold it until I got home. When I got home though, I just shot out so fast that the water in the toilet splashed up all over my butt. Very unpleasant! Happy motions to all! Dave-NY
Most have you have probably heard about the around the world in a balloon trip a couple have guys have made this month. Does anyone know what they did for a bathroom?
To tell you all the truth, I'm not a particularly interesting toilet-goer. I have a few interesting stories, but only interesting because they were unusual enough to be interesting in my book...which isn't half as interesting as most of the stuff here. Anyway. Since a couple of you have asked, here's a really memorable pee incident from a camping trip a few years ago: We'd camped overnight on a nearby island and were heading back to base camp by whaler (a galley-style boat that takes about 8-12 people to row, 1 person calling timing, and carries a total of about 15). We left a little after dawn, when the sky was light. I'd been packing up my gear (the island was totally deserted - leave something there, never see it again) and hadn't had time to pee. Since it was already light, I didn't want to be seen; I didn't need to go that badly at the time, and figured the weather was so hot, if my body needed water I'd just reabsorb whatever was available. Wrong-O. Within half an hour I felt an urge that would normally have set me looking for a loo. Another half hour later, I was grimacing, twitching and squirming around at my turn on the oars. Still later, my bladder was so achingly full I thought I'd scream, explode, or both. At this point, a guy got up, went to the bow (where his nether regions were somewhat hidden) and peed from there. This was almost more than I could take, and I asked the camp supervisor how I could pee if I had to (if you haven't figured out yet, I'm female). He laughed and said, "You don't; you just have to hold it 'till we get back!" Now, at this point in time, 'back' was still a few hours away - I wouldn't even have made an attempt at running for a toilet, but done it the moment I got into seawater up to my waist. I fantasized about falling overboard, so I could do it in the sea (and my clothes would have been all wet, and nobody would have noticed) but couldn't figure out a way to make it look accidental. Soon, it was my turn to call timing, which we did sitting in the bow. So close to relief, and yet so far - the other guy going from the bow, that was all I could think of. That, and falling overboard - staging an 'accident', to avoid an _accident_. I sat high up, way towards the very front, on the edge of the boat, calling timing. Once in a while, the boat dipped just low enough to get the bow wet, and I could touch the water from where I sat. In full view of everyone, and still calling timing, I splashed a little more seawater around where I was sitting (people sometimes do that to keep cool; it was a very hot day) and peed through my underwear and shorts, as slowly and as much as I could, on the edge of the boat. I don't know if anyone noticed that I had rather a lot of 'seawater' in my clothes for a couple of handfuls, but nobody mentioned it, and I finished the job the moment we got off the boat, on hitting water. I wonder why our bodies *don't* reabsorb water from urine. Heaven knows I was thirsty, but didn't dare add a single drop more to my bulging bladder the entire trip...
Saturday, March 20, 1999
Today at the student center at the college I go to, I took a shit after lunch. Sometimes if I don't have a class afterwards, I'll stay in there on the toilet for about an hour or so to "stake out" the bathroom. I like to sit there and hear other guys come in the other stalls and shit. The bathroom I'm talking about has 3 stalls. (I'm not going to mention my shit because it was pretty uneventful, just a regular-sized turd and no farting) I usually finish my shit, wipe my ass, and then just sit there pretending to be still shitting. There was some good action today, too. This is a popular bathroom. One guy came in, who was wearing athletic shorts and tennis shoes. Most guys who come in take time to wipe the seat with toilet paper. Obviously this guy had to go so bad that he didn't take time to wipe the seat. He walked into the stall very fast, which excited me, because I knew that he probably needed to go very bad, and this reminded me of a shit I had the other day during which I had to go very bad. Anyway, this guy quickly pulled his shorts down and sat down. A very loud shit this was, with lots of farting. He let out a couple of sighs of relief. After I heard the last fart/turd drop, he sat there a couple of minutes and then proceeded to wipe. Right after this guy left, another guy also walked quickly into the same stall. He also did not take the time to wipe the seat. He was wearing a pair of stonewashed blue jeans. He unbuckled his belt, pulled down his pants (remember, I only saw this through the bottom of the stall partition on the side), and sat down. I didn't hear anything for a couple of seconds, but then all of a sudden, I heard something that sounded like someone was spraying the toilet water with a firehose. This was a major case of diarrhea! It was great to hear this. Oh, well, these were the main ones I remember. Enjoy.
KIng Of All Crap
This site is hilarious! I too have had both a fascination as well as a great ability to leave large loafs throughout my lifetime. When I was a kid, I would sit indian style in the bathroom each time I felt the urge to rip a log. I would sometimes go two weeks without using the bathroom! Unhealthy to say the least. At any rate, when I was 14, I was in the hospital for about two weeks laid up nd never went to the bathroom. In hindsight, I can't see why the doctors never said anything. When I got out, I guess laying flat for two weeks reshaped my turd canal, because I couldn't even pass it when I got home! I felt like I was giving birth. My mom called the school nurse and she suggested an oil enema. I took it the next day( I wasa dying by then), and laid on the floor in the bathroom for about 15 minutes. My mom said it was best to wait as long as possible. My bowels felt like there was a bowling tournament going on in there. I finally got up and ran to the toilet, relaxed my sphincter, and immediately out slid a log about nine inches long, and I kid you not, almost four inches wide! I didn't even have a chance to bust any cracks. No air at all! I felt like a million bucks!
For movie peeing scenes, there's "Ever After". You see this guy walk down a path, look around, squirm as if adjusting clothes, and then you hear a tinkling sound. You see nothing because it's only rated, like, PG, but...
Wee Wee Bedwetter
I wet myself every time I fall asleep, and a lot of accidents too but my parents don't know I had to sleep on a three cushion couch and wehen I peed on one i turned it over and switched the order. once a week i shit my bed too
Adam from Canada
Hi..its been a while, but I have a story to tell. I took a poop at the college today and it felt good. I was reading the newspaper in the hallway near the mens bathroom. While I was reading I got this urge to poop. So I went into the bathroom and there was someone in stall #3. I waited a few min until he got out. I don't like going when there are people in there. Stall #3 is the most popular toilet to poop in. It is at the end and there is more room. After he go out, I went in and sat down. My poop was in small chunks and it had a weak smell. I also peed after my poop. It took forever to pee as I felt like a water tap.
I've only had the chance to see a young man poop once. It happened at the North Avenue Beach in the 1970s during an unusually warm May afternoon. We met when we were both going to use the beach bathrooms (the mens and womens were side by side) only to find they were closed until the beach officially opened at the end of the month. So we started looking around for a discrete place to go. I had to pee and I assumed he did too. When I suggested he go behind a tree, he said short of shyly, "uh well, I need to, you know, do the other thing." After looking around a while we found a small area where they stored lifeguard equipment. It was walled off on three sides, so we agreed to "stand guard" while the other person went. I went first and squatted down to take a pee, which I needed badly. Even though he promised not to look, I noticed the young man, kind of sneeking a peek. When it was his turn to go, he took his bathing suit off and squatted down wearing only a Tshirt. A big log came out and then another and I turned right around and looked at him -- well turnabout is fair play and he was very attractive. He kept staring down -- not saying anything -- then he started to piss and another couple of small ones came out. I don't know if he realized I watched the whole thing. We walked back to the beach together and I never saw him again.
To CHRIS: You asked me to think about why I'm shy to dump in front of my girlfriend. Is it because it smells? Is it because its loud? To be truthful, yea its both of those things. Plus, there's just something about it thats humiliating, especially when it involves the opp. sex. (And wiping myself would be totally embarrassing!) But thanks for not making me feel like a wuss for feeling this way.
Friday, March 19, 1999
Today at the student center at the college I go to, I took a shit after lunch. Sometimes if I don't have a class afterwards, I'll stay in there on the toilet for about an hour or so to "stake out" the bathroom. I like to sit there and hear other guys come in the other stalls and shit. The bathroom I'm talking about has 3 stalls. (I'm not going to mention my shit because it was pretty uneventful, just a regular-sized turd and no farting) I usually finish my shit, wipe my ass, and then just sit there pretending to be still shitting. There was some good action today, too. This is a popular bathroom. One guy came in, who was wearing athletic shorts and tennis shoes. Most guys who come in take time to wipe the seat with toilet paper. Obviously this guy had to go so bad that he didn't take time to wipe the seat. He walked into the stall very fast, which excited me, because I knew that he probably needed to go very bad, and this reminded me of a shit I had the other day during which I had to go very bad. Anyway, this guy quickly pulled his shorts down and sat down. A very loud shit this was, with lots of farting. He let out a couple of sighs of relief. After I heard the last fart/turd drop, he sat there a couple of minutes and then proceeded to wipe. Right after this guy left, another guy also walked quickly into the same stall. He also did not take the time to wipe the seat. He was wearing a pair of stonewashed blue jeans. He unbuckled his belt, pulled down his pants (remember, I only saw this through the bottom of the stall partition on the side), and sat down. I didn't hear anything for a couple of seconds, but then all of a sudden, I heard something that sounded like someone was spraying the toilet water with a firehose. This was a major case of diarrhea! It was great to hear this. Oh, well, these were the main ones I remember. Enjoy.
I like your stories Dee. They kept me interested. I just had a kinda funky poop. It started out kinda hard, but then without warning, it just kinda got mushy and squirted out all over the back end of the toilet, and it just wouldn't get washed off. I wonder if it'll still be there tomorrow? I'm remembering a story now that happened with my ex-g/f. We're still very friendly with each other even though we broke up, and whenever we go to her house, or even my house, she always has to take a poop, like she's been saving it for me or something. Well, just last week, she had to go real bad, and she apparently had a big one that like Linda said, "is desperate to come out, but wants to come out sideways". We went into the bathroom together, and it's a pretty decent size in my house, with the toilet just across from the tub edge, so I sat on the tub edge and rubbed her ???? as she tried unsuccessfully to push it out. She was having so much trouble with it, she ended up putting her head in her hands and crying because she just couldn't get it out. I comforted her a little, and then I rubbed both her ???? and her back, and pushed on her ???? a little bit, and it just barely started to slide out. She was now moaning in pain as it was inching its way out of her back passage practically ripping her rectum as it came out, and there was actually a tiny bit of blood(it happened to be just around the time of her period). I told her to relax, and I pulled her butt off the seat a little bit, and I put a mirror down there, and reached around and slowly pulled the poop out with my hands. Then, being that she was a little dirty and aching a tiny bit, we took a shower together. Happy motions to all! Dave-NY
This woman does not squat over a chamber pot, but, unless it is freezing cold, sits upon it. Noisy, and unless you believe in using the window, hard to dispose off. But better than a fireplace, if less convenient than a bidet. I have read that there was a French chamber pot designed for ladies of the court of one of the Louis who listened to an incredibly longwinded French preacher. Anyone know more.
To Buzzy: I did that too! Actually it was a couple of years ago and I posted it to a page called "The Daily Dump". I used a laptop I borrowed from work. Does your friend know what you did with his laptop? Just wondered - hope you washed your hands! To New Guy: I love pasta, and I know a really good place where I go some lunchtimes. Like you I really believe it helps with producing good bowel movements. I always go after lunch, and three big logs is normal for me.
Buzzy: That was a really cool post! I WILL have to try that sometime, it sounds like great fun. I am sitting here doing my pre-class homework for PSYC 2103 and loving it. I think that I would really like to go into this field. You never know, I might meet someone who likes to poop. Or who is so compulsive about it they will do it right then and there! Haha, that would be so cool. I guess I will keep it short this time too and leave you on that note. Just one more thing. One month until my ATV!! YEA!! I will love it. I love ridding, it is such a rush, yea I know it seems tomboyish, but I have to do something, my butt is to big for modeling so I just take up recreational promoting instead, I could be in a comercial for ATVs or somthing. I have to let out some gas, I think it will be a lound and smelly one. Buzzy, you might like this. . .*FRRRRIIIPPPP!* Ahhh, sweet relief. *sniff sniff* Phew! I was right about the smelly part. I guess I better go sit on the potty for a while and see what I can produce! I will let you know what happens later. P.S. - sorry that I got booted last time, I don't know what happened?? Love you, see ya later!!! :-)
hey Dee, I LOVE your pee stories!!! do you have any more?? If you d, I would LOVE to hear them!!! thanks
Mr. Hankey
My buddy has a pair of hunting pants with a big rectangle cut out of one shin. Everyone laughed when he came out of the woods like that, because the hole wasn't there when he went in. He had to wipe with something!
Thursday, March 18, 1999
Hi, all .Been reading all your posts and enjoying them all.( especially plunger and nicky) It's that time of day I gotta poop and I borrowed my friend's laptop and I'm bringing it into the toilet and give you all some entertainmemt.I haven't gone in 2 days,so this feels like a good one. The cramps are getting strong and I can feel my rectum filling up with my digested food.(Does anyone else get this feeling of their rectum filling up? It's a great feeling!)
I'm sitting on the toilet now...... I got the laptop on a smalltable in front of me. AHHHHHHHH--Just let out some loud pre-poop farts........Now i'm relaxing my anus and I feel the turd puckering out......I'm pushing......AHHHH>>.Hold on...IT's a small knobby poop...I'm holding back the rest of it for a minute...I have great anal control I've developed over the years.It makes pooping more fun.Now i'm getting cramps....I'm letting my asshole open up now......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHoooooo. Anice long,soft one is coming out now!Hold on...I'm looking ..It's still coming out and some of it is in the water.I'm stopping it right there..WOW, what a long-----one opppps there it goes into the bowl.A long---sausage poop curling around the bowl!! This is great sitting here tellyou all.(hope this gets posted!) Wish I had the mirror for this ! Uh-oh more cramps .Here comes part 2 of my BM. I usually go in 2-3 parts depending on how much iate and how bad i gotta go ..I'm pushing... More far! ts....AHHHHHHHHH.Here it comes... It's soft and mushy .now i'm just lettig it slide out my anus..AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHoo.yea Hold on...A sot pile is now on top of the long one.That felt graet! Now i like to sit here and push my asshole out for a bit.It really pushes out i've seen it in themirror.aHHHHHHHHHThat was great!! hold on,more poop ....Loose and gassy.ahhhhhhhh .Now I'm done!! Let me wipe my anus ........ That was nice.I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did going for you I gotta get a laptop!! You guys( especially the women) should try this BYE
A Leicester, England, night club owner has installed (in the womens' toilet) a cubicle with two thrones in it, for those who like to "go" together. I wonder whether this idea will catch on in other places? And for males? And unisex?
Have any of you had a turd like mine? It was almost shaped like a lower-case "t", or maybe a cross. It was really skinny except for this one small part where it got really wide, and than skinny again almost immediately. It hurt to push out! And to whoever asked, yes "kids" post here. Or at least they used to. Many people here are in their late tenns, I think, like Nicky, as well as others.
New Guy
I haven't posted in a really long time. The other day I ate at an Italian restaurant. They had just opened for the first time that day and were all over themselves to serve me. Well I ordered a seafood pasta dish and I realized by the texture of the pasta that it was made fresh and not store bought. The food was really good and so was the service.
Anyways to make a long story short, I had to take 3 dumps in rapid succession over the course of a half hour the next morning. I would pass 3 big logs and think it was over and get on with my day when my sphincter would look up at say, "Hey, remember me?" It was really suprising. I love passing big stools. Often I have little insignificant crap sessions and I look in the bowl and often think to myself, "Was that worth the effort I put into it?" So for me to dump so much in three quick sessions was a noteworthy event. I passed some major loads that morning and I look forward to eating at that place again.
Last summer, My mom sent me to stay with my aunt and my cousin Jen at their trailer Arkansas. I thought it would be neat since Jen stayed with us last summer and we get along great. Oh, by the way, Jen is 14 and I am 15. Well when I got there, she introduced me to a couple of other kids that she hangs out with, Mark and Gary, who are both her age. They were pretty cool, and we spent the whole summer pretty much hanging out with them. However, Gary is kind of strange, and he is the reason that I can post something on this site.
Jen's mom would leave for work around 8 each morning, leaving us to do some chores and hang out until she got home for dinner. So after we would get up and do what we were supposed to do, Jen and I would go and find Mark and Gary. Mark lived with his Mom a couple of trailers away, and Gary lived with his Dad, who was rarely home. Gary is this little dirty blond blue eyed cutey, who is about 5'4" and maybe weighs 120lbs. After we would find them, we would either watch a little t.v., walk into town, or go hang out in a clearing in the woods behind the trailer park.
Gary had this strange habit. If we were hanging out in the clearing, and he had to go to the bathroom he would just do it right there in front of us. It did not matter if he was peeing or pooping. If he had to poop, he would pull down his shorts and underwears, push out a few logs, and pull up his shorts again. He did not seem to mind if we watched or even saw his peter.
Well one day, something he ate did not agree with him, and when he was squatting down the explosion that came out of his butt, got on his shorts and briefs. He did not want to put them back on. Mark pointed out that his t-shirt was probably long enough to cover his lack of pants, so he should not worry about since we were just in the woods, and we had all seen his equipment before. So for the rest of the afternoon, Gary was just walking around in his t-shirt and teva's. Well he found this situation to be quite useful when he needed to piss or poop, because he could just go wherever, without having to worry about pulling down his shorts and squatting down to keep them out of the way. So for the rest of the summer, no matter what we were doing, or where we went Gary just wore a super long t-shirt or tank top and his sneakers or tevas. What was amusing, is this increased Gary's freedom to relieve himself. This turned into a great source of amusement for all of us, and we were soon daring him to do his deeds in various places. He leaked on the floor in a movie theater from his seat. He dropped a turd one night outside one of the pool halls, with other kids present. He left a trail of whiz as we walked down the street. Once we went to the grocery store and dropped a poop log while we were at the check out counter. I will never forget the smile he had on his face, when he did it.
However, one day in August, he got caught, by my aunt. We had just comeback from hanging out in the woods, and my aunt invited Mark and Gary to stay for dogs and burgers on the grill. Well Gary was only wearing a dark green tank top, which sometimes rode up when he sat down. Well after we got our food off the grill, Gary ended up sitting in one of the reclining lawn chairs, so he had to straddle the chair when he sat down. This resulted in his bare butt being on the chair, so he could keep his shirt down in front, so my aunt would not see anything. Well, when he got up, my aunt went to sit down, when she noticed a piece of poop on the chair where Gary had sat. He said, it must have been stuck to his butt, from an a dump he took earlier because he swears that he did not crap on my aunt's chair. She freaked out when she realized what was on the chair and asked Gary to get rid of it. It was the beginning of the end. After dinner, my aunt took us to the local bowling alley as a treat. Gary did okay for the most part, but my aunt was starting to get suspicious as to why Gary kept pulling on his shirt all the time. The gig was up, when we went to the D.Q. for ice cream. We got our cones, and we were sitting on the curb in the parking, and Gary sat, like he usually did, with arms resting on his knees. This position effectively uncovered himself. Gary, apparently forgot who we were with, and started to pee into the parking lot in front of him. He going full stream, so to speak, when my aunt came out to join us. From the direction she approached, she not only witnessed his relief, but all the parts of him that accompanied it, she could even identify the color of his sparse patch of pubic hair. This did not please my aunt at all. She waited for us in the car. Told Gary to sit in front. She then set out on embarrassing the heck out of him. First she made him take off his shirt entirely because if he did not want wear clothes, he doesn't get to wear a shirt either. Then she questioned him about why he did what he was doing. whether he enjoyed etc. When we got back to the trailer, she made him go inside, still naked, brought us all inside, and made him stand in the center of the trailer, while she lectured him on proper toilet habits. Gary was soon red from all the attention and embarrassment of his exposed condition, and unfortunately at one point was the victim of spontaneous boner which led giggles from us and a further lecture from my aunt about the birds and the bees. After that and for the rest of the summer, Gary never went any place without pants ever again, and only rarely peed in the woods. Although, one morning, he did where a long t-shirt and his hanes briefs to the laundromat, to do laundry because he was out of clothes.
As a side note, I thought Gary was cute, seeing him without clothes only confirmed that thought. I also thought he looked real cute when he was only wearing his tighty whiteys as well. Although, they were not so white, they had a lot of yellow orange stains in the front.