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Memories part 1
Again, hello. I will try to remember for important trips to the bathroom or other locations.
The first thing was one of my biggest poop, if not the biggest poop I ever had. This was in second grade of elementary school, so I was around 8years old. The day before I ate a lot. My mum made some home made banana and strawberry milkshake (only milk, no ice cream). I must have drank one liter or one and a half liter of that and I ate probably 8 to 10 bananas in addition. I can't remember what I ate for supper. The next day I needed to go to the toilet when we had our breakfast break in school, that was around 930 am. I had a strong need and went directly to the bathroom. It was at that time a very small school, so the girls toilet had only three stalls. I took the last one. When I sat down I didn't need to push and poop started to come out. It was very soft and mushy. It came out in three waves and I thought I was done. I started to wipe and it was messy. Halfway through I needed to poop again and I pushed more soft poop out. At that point it wouldn't stop. It felt like forever and never-ending. At that time I really had the fear I would not stop to poop. It felt bizzare. When it did finally stop, I needed a ton of toilet paper. When I looked in the toilet it was full of a mushy mess.The toilet was adult size and it did not flush. I got scared, washed my hands and rushed out. I don't know to this day why not every girl knew I was that (we only had to classes at that school) Maybe because all the other times I would only use the first or middle stall.Pete
Do you enjoy your bowel movements?
I think most of those who, write here must enjoy shitting and want to share our experiences with others. But there must be a lot of people who enjoy shitting, who would never dream of talking about it or even mentioning it. In my opinion, they are losing out on the full pleasures of defecation. I get the most enjoyment out of reading or writing in this column, when I am actually sitting on the pot and dropping my turds into the water. there is something particularly satisfying about the splash and the anticipation of seeing the result of your efforts, lying there before you start to wipe.
Reply to Austin and a story
Dear Austin:
Thanks for leaving your name, I can reply to you now lol, I don't know which pooping at work story you are referring to, but I'm happy you liked it.
Sorry guys but I have a very long story to tell, and this is very personal and private and a story I can only share with the toiletstool community, so I hope you guys enjoy it.
So this story starts last Friday evening and it ends on Saturday morning.
On Friday evening I went to Toby carvery for a work do, I felt fine upon arrival and the beer started flowing, we took up three tables and we all had carveries, apart from Charlie, *not her real name* I felt good after eating my roast dinner, bit someone left about half a plate and was passing it around, and it fell to me, I didn't want it but I hate to see wasted food so I managed to eat it. And I would pay for it later.
A couple of us went to the bar and someone brought me a glass of jack and coke, but I was told we were leaving and two taxis would be here soon, so we were outside, some people were smoking and the taxis turned up, I had to quickly down my jack and coke and get in the taxi.
In the taxi I felt OK, but by the time we reached the witherspoon in town I felt seriously ill in my stomach, I put that down to the jack and coke, which I had not drank for several years.
Shortly after arriving I had to run upstairs to the ladies room because I felt sick, I did this several times but luckily, I just squatted above the loo and I wasn't sick, and my stomach settled after a few minutes, the ladies room was really busy too and I rejoined my table.
My stomach felt really sick all night and Later on I went to the ladies room for a wee, i pulled my shorts down to my ankles and a random long poo shot out as I was peeing, my bum was clean, using only a few squares of paper.
There was lots of ladies peeing and being noisy at the sinks and mirrors. The beer kept flowing and at eventually my friend John invited me back to his house, I didn't want to go but he was stumbling around and I wanted to make sure he got home safely, we said our goodbyes to everyone and walked across town to his house, and I told John about my sick stomach and other things.
So we arrived at John's house and we drank more, his partner Jill was there *not their real names* and hung out, it got late and they insisted I stay the night, I could have walked across town in 40 minutes but I gave in to their insistence, I waited for them to go upstairs to bed, I was sleeping the sofa in the living room, which they made up for me with blankets, so when they went upstairs I undressed myself fully, neatly put my clothes on the chair opposite and got under the covers, I felt warm but uncomfortable all night, so not a good sleep but thankfully they have a downstairs loo which was my private loo all night, my stomach woke me up in the night with cramps, so I woke up, got up off the sofa grabbed my phone so i could time myself and crept naked down the hallway, the wooden floor was creaky and I hope I didn't wake anyone up, I opened the loo door, I pulled the chain the light and fan came on and I hope that didn't wake them either.
The loo was stacked with newspapers so lifted the lid and seat and sat down, whilst I had my phone I took some photos, I took a photo of the open door with my bare legs in the shot, and some of me and then I put the phone down and picked up a newspaper.
My pee hissed for about 20 seconds and I started pushing, I pushed out a booming fart which echoed around the room, I pushed until I grunted and panted "uuuuuhhh" I hope they couldn't hear me.
I was sat reading a paper and after I picked up my phone, 20 minutes had passed and I all I did was fart in that time, but my stomach was bad so I put the paper back and went back to sleep, I didn't pull the flush as it may have woken them.
I woke up and checked the time, it was 9am and Jill and John were still sleeping so I decided to put my clothes on and quietly leave, they left the key in the door for me so I unlocked it and left.
I had to climb up this alleyway, it's like climbing a mountain, and I kept walking on the pavement, the exercise must have triggered my stomach as a massive cramp hit me, I start to rub my stomach and suddenly a long poo forced its way out, the force pushed my thong down a little, the poo nestled between my thong and bum cheeks, the tip of the poo was still in my bum.
I burst into tears and slowly hobbled home as my Anus became sore and painful, the stench was horrific as I tried to stay away from people, A good 90 minutes later I got home and I went to my bathroom, pulled my shorts down to my ankles and hovered my bum over the loo, after I opened the lid and seat, I slowly and very carefully pulled my thong down and i could feel the poo pulling apart from my anus and fell into the bowl.
I jumped straight into the shower and cleaned myself up, my clothes went straight in the wash. And that is the end
I haven't told anyone of my accident but I'm glad I have shared it with you guys. Take careAnna from Austria
@Mina and friends. Thanks a lot for your niceencouraging words. They meant a lot to me.
@all Here is another story from last week.
I tried Yoga for the first time and it was interesting but also challeging from a a physical point of view.
In order to ease the pain of my muscles I took some magnesium capsules. Maybe too many or my body does not agree with magnesium in general.
Anyway while I was on way to work with the bus next morning my ???? started to rumble and I was bit by cramps. Luckily I knew that the next bus stop was coming soon and there is a dunkin donuts store nearbye.
I left the bus and ran to the store. I ordered a coffee and told the barista girl that I will take it after using their washroom.
I barely made it in time to restroom. I locked the door and pulled down my pants. Then my guts almost exploded and I did waves of liquid poo with plenty of farts.
After I was done the bathroom was smelling horrible and not fresh anymore. I think I was the first person using the bathroom on that day.
I washed my hands took my coffee to go and continued my way to work.
That is my story for today
greetings from Austria
AnnaAnna from Austria
@Mina and friends. Thanks a lot for your niceencouraging words. They meant a lot to me.
@all Here is another story from last week.
I tried Yoga for the first time and it was interesting but also challeging from a a physical point of view.
In order to ease the pain of my muscles I took some magnesium capsules. Maybe too many or my body does not agree with magnesium in general.
Anyway while I was on way to work with the bus next morning my ???? started to rumble and I was bit by cramps. Luckily I knew that the next bus stop was coming soon and there is a dunkin donuts store nearbye.
I left the bus and ran to the store. I ordered a coffee and told the barista girl that I will take it after using their washroom.
I barely made it in time to restroom. I locked the door and pulled down my pants. Then my guts almost exploded and I did waves of liquid poo with plenty of farts.
After I was done the bathroom was smelling horrible and not fresh anymore. I think I was the first person using the bathroom on that day.
I washed my hands took my coffee to go and continued my way to work.
That is my story for today
greetings from Austria
Reply to Traveler
Traveler: Thanks for sharing the story! It must have been an embarrassing experience. Lucky that the lady sitting next to you was so understanding. Is this the only time something like this has happened to you, or have you had other similar incidents too?
Intro, story, question
Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster and all that. I'm a girl in my early 20s, around 5'3", generally pretty petite and skinny, not many curves. I have curly auburn hair, blue eyes, and light freckly skin. I have autism, mild cerebral palsy, and some other things that cause me to struggle with my toileting. I've never grown out of bed-wetting or having accidents, my bladder and bowels aren't very big or strong and on top of that I don't always notice when I need to go until it's very urgent, and I get really focused on things and try to hold off on going to the toilet even when I know I should. I also struggle with constipation, but luckily not too often. I wet the bed almost every night and often if I nap, wet my pants anywhere from not making it to the toilet at all for a few days to the occasional week where I'm dry in the daytime (I'd say my average is three or four pee accidents a week, not counting small leaks), and I poop in my pants maybe once a month, sometimes less, sometimes a lot more. Luckily I haven't had a pooping accident in my sleep since I was a kid, though. I wear tape on diapers at night and for naps, and sometimes when I'm awake if I'm travelling or not feeling well or otherwise in a position where I'm likely to have an accident. I wear panties during the day sometimes if I'm doing well and I'm just hanging around my house, but most of the time I wear pull-up diapers just in case.
Now, on to the story! I started my day by changing out of my wet night diaper as usual. My plan was to spend some time outside with a friend. I thought about putting on a thicker diaper, but I wanted to wear a skirt of mine that's on the shorter side, and even though I know lots of people have to wear diapers, I still feel kind of embarrassed and like a baby whenever I have to wear one, so I put on a pull-up instead, and a pair of panties over it just in case someone saw up my skirt. I wear size L goodnites, and over I had white and pink floral patterned panties, a matching camisole top, a green skirt, and a white cardigan.
My friend and I had a nice time, and I decided to go with her to a big store she needed something from. When we got to the store I didn't feel like I needed the toilet, but my friend went to the bathroom so I followed her and eventually managed to pee in the toilet. It always feels kind of nice to pull a dry diaper back up, but also a little embarrassing that I'm proud of that. I washed my hands and we went through half of the store, and then stopped for lunch, which I had juice with. Then we did the rest of the store, got her item, and on the way out I got coffee and ice cream. I didn't feel any urge to pee, so I didn't think to go to the bathroom before leaving. When I got to the bus stop, the juice and coffee suddenly hit me. I was sitting on a bench, so I was able to hold it for now, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it the 20 minutes home. I leaked a little pee when I got up to get on the bus, but was able to sit down quickly again. I really didn't want to have an accident. The goodnites are what fit me best and are easiest to get, and easily handle most of my accidents, but flooding one while I'm sitting down almost always means the diaper will leak. I crossed my legs and tried to hold on. The bus was slower than usual because a man in a wheelchair got on, so the driver had to move the seats some and strap his chair in place. I managed to hold it til we were almost at my stop. At this point I knew I wouldn't make it to a toilet, I was just hoping to be off the bus before I peed. Just before we got there, I lost control. I couldn't feel the pee coming out, but I could feel my pull-up getting warmer and swelling up underneath me. I went for what felt like a really long time. We got to my stop while I was still frozen in place wetting myself, and luckily the man with the wheelchair was getting off so we were stopped longer, I probably would've missed it otherwise. I couldn't tell whether or not I'd leaked when my pee finished. I hoped not. I hurried off the bus, the dampness against my legs telling me that I hadn't gotten lucky. I found a semi-private spot and checked the back of my skirt as best I could. It was soaked from the hem to partway up my butt, in a clear and very visible "I peed myself" pattern. I tied my cardigan around my hips, frustrated with myself for not being able to hold it. The cardigan didn't fully cover the wetness, but hopefully anyone who saw me either didn't notice or thought I'd sat in water or something, because a lot of people saw me. It was a nice weekend afternoon, so aside from the normal passing cars and handful of dog walkers, the streets were crowded with people taking walks, sitting at street cafes, hanging out... I tried to hurry and not look at anyone. I wet myself a little more when I got to my building, but luckily not enough to cause any more major leaks. Once home, I got out of my wet clothes. The pull-up was fully soaked and swollen, well past its capacity. I took a shower and got into a diaper to take a nap. I wet a little while napping, and kept it on for the rest of the evening. I'm pretty soaked now, and its getting late, so I'm going to go change into a fresh diaper and go to bed.
Finally, my question. I mentioned that I wet the bed almost every night. The only nights I don't wet are almost always a night or two before or right after I start my period, which is funny because that's usually when I have the worst daytime control (I know that part is fairly normal, even for people who don't deal with incontinence). I assume that because my body is trying to use all its extra fluids to prepare, that means that it dehydrates me enough to get through the night with a dry diaper, although I often don't make it to the toilet once I've woken up. I was wondering if there's any other bedwetters who have periods here, and if so, do you also experience this? Does my theory "hold water," even if I don't?
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
To Leah
Fantastic stories again :)
The portaloos can be pretty bad - luckily you weren't constipated or having to make an effort to go with everyone around! Do you think you'd just hold on and go at home, knowing you'd have to push / grunt if you had been in that situation?
It's bad being constipated at work - knowing that people supsect where you might be. Have you managed to avoid the cleaner? What's the biggest, hardest poo you've ever taken at work? Have you ever heard any of your colleagues struggling to go?
Interesting experience in the Toby Carvery, it must of been hard trying to distract yourself with the magazine, focusing on bearing down to get the poo out and no doubt trying to avoid your sister hearing too much! Had any of your family heard you before?
When you grunt / push do you go for long, continuous pushes or shorter grunts?
What was the most memorable time you pooped infront of your friends or them you?STEPHEN . P
Arrived home last night went to shed ,had a wee in the THETFORD 33 then went into house. I filled and switched on kettle ,as I was taking off my shoes and coat,felt the urge for a BM.
I went upstairs to the bedroom and had a poop in the THETFORD 245 pottie as I do most SUNDAY EVENINGS,then got into bed.During the night I used the pottie for a wee many times.
I woke this morning had a wee then down to kitchen made and drank tea another urge for a BM so went back to bedroom and had a NUMBER TOO.i then carried it downstairs and emptied in outside drain then took it back to bedroom for tonight.I will be weeing in the THETFORG 33 in shed during the day.
Lots of interesting issues!
Questions for Nicky:
1) Was it believed that pooping in public would be too problematic for you? Size of bathroom or toilets? Too many people you don't know around to encroach on your space? Or do something criminal to you? In school you would be with a group of poopers as opposed to leaving a class and being all alone in there?
2) What would have happened if your mom had caught you using the bathroom at the gas station or at a public park or portable toilet?
3) Would not leaving a sermon or class mean that you would get in/out faster without dealing with those who were bored and just passing time hanging out?
4) What did your mom say when you protested the rules and the easier rules your friends were held to?
Answers to Skidmarked From A Walk:
1) Do I get skidmarks?
I get one or two a week. I get nervous sitting on the toilet in a lot of places. Seeing eyeballs peering at me through the crack.
2) When was the last one? What caused it?
Today at A&S Hall at my college. I was almost late to an exam that was 40% of my semester grade.
3) Do you ever wipe prior to using the bathroom and find the paper a little dirty?
Yes. Too many large farts throughout the day, I guess.
Alyssa - Worst Constipation
Hi Alyssa. See below. Please don't forget to share your worst constipation story as well!
My worst bout of constipation was when I had an injury and was prescribed codeine for pain relief. I didn't realise the side effects but it was horrendous on top of the existing bad pain with my injury. When it got very bad, I had been a bit constipated early one week without realising why and later travelled to a weekend event. By the Friday it was unbearable. I thought I was going to have to go to A&E. I missed the first day of the event and was holed up in a hotel room on the toilet many times. I think some softer poo slid past the big blockage and came out. I could feel the blockage up there when I was wiping. After many instances of that, I used up the toilet rolls in the room and had to ask reception for more. When they said there were rolls in the room I said I spilled something. I used them too and bought another pack in the local supermarket to avoid asking again. I went to a pharmacy and didn't care by then, was past any embarrassment so I told the lady and asked for something to take.
I was laid off from work that day as well due to cut backs and took the call while kneeling on the floor semi dressed with my head on the bed trying my best to sound normal, professional and ok. After hours of pain on and off the toilet, eventually as a last resort I just squatted on the floor of the bathroom and eventually pushed out the biggest fattest poo I had ever done. One it started it just kept coming. It must have been over two feet and it curled around into the shape of a digital 6. I felt a bit better, not much, but was still ill. I know it helps with pain, but I really don't understand how people get addicted to this stuff. Thankfully I went to the doctor after that weekend, changed medication, had an operation for my injury, never had to take codeine since and won't take it ever again!PN
Reply to Alyssa
RE: question about constipation stories: I posted one maybe about 7-8 years ago about a California trip where I had a really bad case. But I'm having trouble finding it--- I haven't figured out how to make the search function work to search under my own handle (It would have been posted as PN). I remember the sensation of a painful rocket repeatedly launching itself at the inside of my anus, each time failing to punch through but hurting like crazy. After several days, I finally got alone in a hotel room where I basically had to devote several hours to getting relief, with help from a combination of suppositories and oral stool softeners. I'm pretty sure I described it more eloquently closer to the event, but I can't figure out how to go back and find it.Kung Poo
What's your biggest?
42M. I have produced some huge turds that requires loads of pushing and sometimes a little lubricant like soap and water. They are amazing. They hurt sometimes, but they hurt good. My most memorable was one where I was on a granola diet for 2 weeks and my goodness, I was pushing logs out of my asshole the size of mini coke cans, length about 30cm. I realise when I'm pushing, I spread my fingers wide open, lean forward, scrunch up my face and push. Then I sigh really loudly once the turd drops.
Once your biggest?Leah
To Alyssa
Alyssa, i have had some horrible experiences, but i have a really bad story on page 3123 which is where I have a stomach ache along with constipation, I have lots of stories but I'm not sure what my worst story is.
This morning woke at 06:00 sat on the THETFORD ELEGANCE POTTIE had a wee then went downstairs made some tea and carried it to the van.Pulled the pottie from the locker down with pants ,sat on pottie and sipped tea.
AS I finished the tea needed to poop a quick wee then a NUMBER TOO really enjoyed it wiped ,dressed then back into house .
This morning woke at 06:00 sat on the THETFORD ELEGANCE POTTIE had a wee then went downstairs made some tea and carried it to the van.Pulled the pottie from the locker down with pants ,sat on pottie and sipped tea.
AS I finished the tea needed to poop a quick wee then a NUMBER TOO really enjoyed it wiped ,dressed then back into house .
This morning woke before alarm sat on the bedroom pottie incase I needed to poop ,just had a wee then went downstairs.I had my usual two mugs of tea then half hour later a bowl of WEETABIX then washed brushed my teeth.
Went back to pottie for a NUMBER TOO , a small amount wiped went
downstairs on with my trainers and fleece ,left house to go to B & Q then to post office , I walked SIX HUNDRED YARDS then had the urge for a BM so walked back to the field. I took off my fleece then dropped my jogging bottoms and pants as I sqatted down immediately pooped and just kept going for two minutes,I reached into my fleece pocket and pulled out toilet paper and wiped with three double sheets then dressed.
On the ground was a very large pile
Steve A
To Alyssa (Constipation Stories/Experiences)
Even though all of my constipation/irregularity only lasted 4 days at the most (so far throughout my life) the occasional day or two without going still happens once in awhile, but this is my only constipation memory after 4 days of not going:
- Page 2452 (Easter Dump)
The other time occurred when I held it in for too long (I was out in public and unable to go) and once I arrived home, I had to use a suppository since it didn't come out without it.
My mother's rules
Being my mother's only child made me the sole subject of her bathroom rules. The rules were as follows;
1. No pooping in public
2. The only safe places to pee were church, family members' homes, and school
3. I wasn't allowed to go during the sermon or class time
To this day I still don't know why she insisted on these rules and they caused me to develop a shy bladder and stomach. They also led to me getting into several tough and embarrassing situations.
Once when I was around 7, we visited a new church because our pastor was speaking there. Halfway through my need for a morning poo and my breakfast had caught up to me and was pressing on the exit in both ways. I squirmed and passed gas. My mother, who was right beside me, leaned over and asked if I had to go potty. I said yes and that it was a tinkle and a poopy, she told me to just hang on and I could go when service ended. The sermon continued and my stomach gurgled and I started to potty dance and hold myself. My mother told me to stop holding myself since it was shameful to do so in front of God. I continued to squirm with my hands by my side and passed gas again. Since it was first Sunday we had communion which meant I had to stand for another ten minutes before we could leave. I marched in place and crossed my legs. Finally, the last amen was said and the service ended. In addition to the entire congregation pushing to get out my bladder and stomach were pushing for relief. I raced to the bathroom while my mother went to talk to some friends but not before sternly reminding me to only pee. The bathroom was full as it always was after service and I had to wait a few moments for a stall to open, when I got in I fussed with my belt and dress pants before sitting down. My pee came out as a trickle because of how hard I was working to keep my poo in. I was still pinching my cheeks as I washed my hands and went to find my mother. She graciously didn't make us stay long and she also drove directly home rather than deciding to run errands as she occasionally did. As soon as I got inside I rushed to the only bathroom we had in the apartment, again fussed with my belt and dress pants before sitting down and immediately dropping three soft skinny poos and a loud round of gas. There were a few streaks in my underwear but it was salvageable. I walked out of the bathroom with my pants and belt undone. My mother made a comment about how I definitley had to go and waved at the air before going into the bathroom herself.
Almost every single sunday ended like this, funnily enough she never got mad at me for having an accident.
To Leah
Leah I really liked your story about pooping at work I hope it came out alright it sounded like it stunk pretty bad lol I pooped today it came out smoothly I read the paper while I pooped too! Do u have any memorable poop stories? Looking forward to hearing from u! My name is Austin by the way!
An urgent pee
Hey there, I'm Rike a woman in her mid 30s from Germany.
Yesterday I was on reading by an author held in a small bookstore in my old university city.
I was some hours earlier in that city as I needed to visit the university library for some research. That was uneventful, but i visited te toilet there soon after arriving. There are several sets of toilets. I used the once in wor space on the second floor as they are most of the time quiet and not so much used. I was alone and took the last sall in the left side. I had my pee and after I washed my hands I nearly bumped into the door as a woman just entered.
I took a tram to the bookstore and was in time there.The reading was booked out and it was a great event. The bad thing was after about 1 and a half hours, I had a need to pee that got stronger with every minute. The venue did not have a bathroom as it was small bookstore. It was in this case nbot helpful that there were some funny bits, as laughing put more pressure onto my bladder. I was reliefed as the reading ended, but I wated to get my book copy autographed. Lukily I was at the front of the line, but to my luck drove the tram away back to the central station when I steped out of the bookstore. I went to the stop and the next tram would be there in 15 minutes. I was in horror and I did not know how I would last the 15 minutes plus the time to a bathroom. I looked into Google Maps if there was a bar or anything near to my location. I found a bar some hundred meters away. I walked there but when I saw the bar I knew that I was not visiting any toilet there. It was a super grimm looking location I did not want to enter. So I went back to the stop and walked up and down until finaly the next tram came. I could not stand still in the tram an I knew I would not make it to the train station. I had one chance, my old university. Although it was already 9:30pm, the buildings are open until 10 pm. I left the tram at the nearest stop to the university, but I needed to walk several hundred meters and on the way I needed to stop, so I could focus on holding my pee. When entery the nearest building I leaked a bit of pee in my panties. There I walked one set of stairs up and a long corridor down till I found the neares set of toilets. It was empty and after closig the door I ripped my jeans down and had a blissful pee. I needed to relax some minutes after I was done as it was so exhausting. But I did have enough time to get my train back home.
Sunday, March 23, 2025
I Once Ate Too Much Spicy Food Before Camping
I was 19, and had just finished my Freshman year of college. Me and a new date decided to go camping. She had been to that site, but I hadn't. The night we left, her parents served us some homecooked food. I told them I liked spicy, and they made it more spicy than I was used to. Lots of chilis. I stuffed myself full with multiple platefuls regardless.
I paid for it dearly the next day.
We were in the middle of a long late-afternoon hike on a crowded trail, and I was constantly letting out warm, silent farts that almost felt wet as I walked, my insides gurgling and contorting in ways that didn't feel natural or pleasant. I hadn't pooped all day yet because the toilets offered no privacy here, and I wanted to hold it for another day until the drive back, so we could stop at a gas station or similar. I could smell my own rancid gas for the last few minutes, when the cute, petite, olive-skinned young lady I was dating blurted out:
"Do you need to use the bathroom!?"
Busted. So I said, "Yeah."
She laughed and said, "I KNEW it! I've been smelling you for the last five minutes!"
An elderly couple walking 20 feet ahead of us heard the exchange, looked behind at us, and the lady laughed, remarking, "Oh dear!" I felt so embarrassed.
My GF then said, "Come on. I know where there's a restroom near here."
I knew the restroom she was talking about, and I dreaded it. The only one at the campground. It had pit toilets without stalls.
I had to stop farting when I felt warm, spicy, semi-solidness knocking on my back door. I wasn't going to be able to hold it another day, and would either be going here, or in the woods.
About a quarter mile later, it built up into an emergency. It took every effort to contain the frothy mess scalding the inside of my colon by that point. The pressure had built up to something very uncomfortable, each footstep threatening to spill it all out into my pants and underwear, and I didn't bring a change of clothes with me. My fate was sealed. I was going to poop in this awkward restroom. My only other choices were in the woods where random strangers might also see me, or in my pants.
Then another quarter mile later, we found the building. It was an old wooden building from at least 50 years prior, that had a concrete foundation, split into a Mens' and Ladies' section, with no doors on the entrances, wooden walls partially covering each entrance, and tiny windows near the roof. The room was dark. I could see an unoccupied vault toilet from outside the Mens' room, unobstructed by the wooden wall when standing at 30 feet from the building. The feet of someone seated in a stall were also visible from the Ladies' room as I approached.
My date said, "I need to go too."
We both went into our respective sides.
It was a cramped room, no more than 8 feet in width. As I stepped toward the entrance, visible in front of me were two vault toilets, separated by a concrete half-barrier that went up to maybe 3 feet and didn't extend far in front of the toilets, and on the right, two partitionless square-shaped urinals. The vault toilet on the left from where I stood at the entrance, the one visible from outside, had hand rails, the other toilet on the right near the urinals, did not. As I stepped inside, I noticed there was a sink and a mirror near the door with a wall-mounted water tank, water pump, and soap dispenser. The smell was nothing short of atrocious, even though the room otherwise appeared clean.
I wasted no time, choosing the vault toilet on my right, the one that couldn't be seen from outside the building, hastily opened the lid, lowered my pants and underwear to my upper legs, sat my hairless butt down, and...
Nothing but some unusually warm and voluminous farts, which came out silent. I could feel the spice from them searing my ring piece. Maybe it was diarrhea since my butt felt wet, but I didn't hear anything hit whatever was below the toilet.
The half-wall only went up to below my right shoulder and extended just short of my knees as I sat on the toilet. There was zero functional privacy. I was facing a side view of the open urinals and was opposite the sink/mirror on the left, and I could see the wooden wall at the entrance on the right in front of me from where I sat on the toilet. I could see my face from my eyes on up in the mirror. I was anxious, fearing someone would walk in at any time and see me like this. I had used doorless stalls and open toilets a few times before this time, but I still was not comfortable with it, and felt a wave of embarrassment fill every inch of my being, even though the room was otherwise empty.
Which without a doubt, caused my bowels to lock up and everything to retreat. I sat there, in silence, able to hear my girlfriend dropping pee from the other side.
She quietly sighed in relief from the other side of the building, sound traveling through the vault below where we sat. Which also might have explained why my bowels locked up. I didn't want her hearing my embarrassing noises, either, even though she knew what I came here to do. The atomic farts on the trail told that story.
But I pushed, and strained, wanting to get this over with, knowing I needed to badly go, that I would not make it to the toilet if I left now and it all came rushing back, not wanting to have to take an emergency crap outside in the bushes with minimal coverage and crowds of people everywhere, hoping to finish before someone walked in on me and saw me on the can.
I heard my girlfriend roll some toilet paper, pull her pants up, close the lid of the toilet she was on, unlatch a stall door, crank the water dispenser to wash her hands, and walk out.
I felt sharp pains in my lower GI tract as everything came rushing back the exit. It was coming and I was not going to stop it. Better here than in my pants.
I saw someone approach the entrance, as I sat there awkwardly, with wet, sloppy, chunky, spicy filth involuntarily and noisily dropping out of my exposed butt.
It was an obese elderly man, slowly waddling in. He decided to stand at the urinal directly in front of me instead of the further one by the sink, unzipped, and stood there holding his organ out, just 2 feet in front of me, totally unashamed as he let out a fart and started peeing. I did my best to look away, as I sat there loudly defecating right by his side.
He zipped up, and left without washing his hands. Perhaps me on the toilet in full view made things too awkward. I felt very embarrassed already, and I wasn't even done. I felt more on the way, but it had stopped coming out. I sat there for the next few minutes, still feeling extremely embarrassed that someone had seen me pooping like this, even if this was far from the first time.
In walks two more people, the first a skinny red-haired pale-skinned boy of about 11 wearing blue jeans and a maroon t-shirt, followed by a 30-something, skinny, shirtless, tattoo-covered man with a red beard, long red hair in a ponytail, and fluffy red chest hair.
The boy non-nonchalantly, without hesitation or seemingly any embarrassment whatsoever, walked right up to the vault toilet next to me. The red-haired man unzipped and started to use the urinal near the sink, as the kid standing next to me at the adjacent vault toilet opened the lid, dropped his pants, and took a seat, as if he'd already done this here at least a few times before, used to the awkward layout and lack of privacy. I could see his face to the right in my peripheral vision sticking up over the short half wall, his shoes, legs, and knees jutting out in front of the half wall not quite as far as mine, as he sat on the adjacent crapper with his pants and underwear pulled all of the way down.
Gushing out a strong stream of pee, the man at the far urinal in front of me, bearing his organ in my field of vision, then yelled out,
"Patrick, make sure you wipe real good this time. You're on your last pair of clean underwear."
The kid yelled with a bit of agitation, "Okay dad! It's not my fault you made me eat canned chili for three days!"
The kid started loudly and flatulently pooping, seemingly without any shame, as I sat there embarrassed, awkwardly waiting for the rest of the spicy load to drop out of me.
Those noises came from his side, not mine. It was so awkward being seated next to each other like this. This may have been my first ever buddy dump with a complete stranger.
He sighed, then strained.
A second or so passed...
His dad, still peeing, remarked. "This evening, I'm gettin' us pizza on the way back. Promise."
The kid, still agitated, shrieked, "PLEASE! I don't ever want chili again! Not for the rest of my life!"
The kid farted again, then sighed, and seemed to strain.
"Ughh... Ahhh..."
About 20 seconds later, the dad had finished peeing, zipped up, and headed to the sink. As the dad started pumping the water from the tank to wash his hands, he had a direct frontal view of both of us in the mirror, sitting on the two toilets. It was at this point that my poop started finally rushing out, at first firm, crackling...
...feeling slightly painful from the spice as I could feel the weight of it hanging out of my butt. It quickly transitioned back to sloppy, greased, wet, and soft...
It was a very large volume of soft poop that came out of me like greased lightning. Upon hearing this awkward noise, the father quickly left the restroom, obviously not wanting to linger like a weirdo watching his kid and I pooping next to each other, when I let out a rippling fart...
It made my ass ripple and seemed to shake the walls. It was followed by the sensation of something more solid and substantial dropping out of me and loudly hitting the vault below...
I felt empty and started hurriedly wiping, wanting to get out of this awkward scenario and get my pants back up before anyone else came in. I rushed the cleanup job not only since I was in such an awkward position, but because wiping hurt. My o-ring burned from all of that spicy food. I could only do two or three passes, and in my attempt to avoid causing pain, accidentally getting orange poop smeared on my hand. The paper looked clean enough, at least in the dark, on the final pass, It would have do anyway, because I was now out of paper, and didn't feel like asking my neighbor for any. although I didn't feel quite clean either.
I pulled my pants up, buckled my belt, shut the lid of the vault toilet, and operated the water pump to wash my hands.
Through the mirror, I saw the kid look at me with a closed and nervous smile of puzzlement, as he sat there with his pants and tighty-whiteys on the floor, legs and butt fully exposed, covering his private with one of his hands, face now beet-red, either from embarrassment or from straining or both, it was difficult to say. The sight amused me as much as it grossed me out, reminding me of how exposed I was just seconds ago, but there was nothing I could do about it other than to try to not look at the mirror, but it was still in my peripheral vision as I washed my hands. His dad certainly got a clear view of both of us on the toilets while washing his hands at the sink.
The kid sighed again, now obviously bearing down, "Ugh... Ugghhh... Ahhhh!"
A fart echoed about the room, followed by...
He immediately started wiping himself as I did my best to wash my hands with the cold water(after inadvertently getting my poop on my right hand while wiping). The kid kept wiping, and wiping, and wiping, repeatedly and thoroughly, obviously conscientious of the possibility of leaving skidmarks, doing exactly as his father told him.
I left. The dad stood outside, looking away from the building, possibly not wanting to embarrass his kid any further. My girlfriend faced the same direction, obviously knowledgeable of the situation at hand and not wanting to watch. As they faced away from the building, three girlscouts roughly the boy's age were now walking toward us and to the building behind us. Some of them immediately started smiling and giggling, obviously having seen the toilet occupant wiping in the Mens' room. The dad went in front of the Mens' room entrance with his back facing his kid, acting as a shield to keep the girls from seeing him wipe his butt in public as they approached the Womens' side, who were curiously looking toward the Mens' entrance as they walked.
I heard the dad say, "I'm guarding you this time." The kid said, "Thanks." The implication being that the kid had used that same toilet before already. He seemed used to it. There were some awkward smiles from the approaching girls.
Me and my date resumed our hike. When we got far enough away from the building, she asked me why that boy didn't shut his stall door and was exposing himself in public like that. I told her there were no stall doors, that was simply how the restroom was built. She was aghast, and asked me if others saw me on the toilet while I did my business. I confirmed that to be the case, without going into details, still recovering from the embarrassment I felt at the fact that 3 people, the fat elderly man, the kid, and his dad, each saw me on the crapper mid-dump with the sides of my butt exposed. That was bad enough, but I also saw two mens' wieners near eye level as they pissed in front of me, and also saw the kid on the can wiping himself through the mirror when I washed my hands. She said the Ladies' room had three stalls, all with doors, and then jokingly or not-so jokingly said I could have went in there and we could have kept each other company instead.
What an awkward restroom that was.
I returned to that campsite another decade later, and a new slightly larger building with doors at the entrance replaced the old building. The Mens' side now had flush toilets, two urinals with privacy partitions, and a single gapless handicapped stall with a locking door. And instead of being a public exhibit, pooping there was finally a pleasure, inviting enough for me to spend 10-15 minutes reading a book, instead of rushing to finish before someone walked in and saw me on the toilet.Pete
I live alone in a big house which has three toilets. One is in a ensuite bathroom off my bedroom the second is in the family bathroom and the third is downstairs next to the front door in the hall so I have the privilege of choosing where to do my number two each day. I prefer the ensuite WC because it is Japanese with a heated seat which not only makes it more comfortable in cold weather but also seems to facilitate the ease with which I shit. The only person who uses the so-called family bathroom is my teenage grandson when he comes visiting with his family. Why he chooses to do his business at my house I don't know, probably the thrill of shitting somewhere different. Anyway, I had to complain to his mother recently for him failing to flush and leaving the toilet in a somewhat dirty state. Since then he seems to be okay and has left it respectable.
Greetings from a Poop Devotee
Hey everyone! I find this group especially awesome and useful for folks like myself who simply want to share toilet events with like minded souls who may appreciate the same. We are a unique crowd - then again, we may not be as unique as we think, we are just willing to communicate our experiences and enjoyments. At any rate, I am a 51 year old bi-sexual male from Texas. Probably a lot of Catch-22's in that introductory description of myself, but there it is. I have enjoyed the act of pooping as long as I can remember. I certainly began to connect the dots with enjoyment of the act as a part of my personality probably from the age of 10 or so forward. Obviously with each passing year, I refine and refocus the enjoyment into new ways of understanding. It is a deep subject area. My experiences and my enjoyment of all things related to this topic are a bit vanilla. I find no interest in the darker, more extreme forms this topic area can take on - but I have no feelings of disrespect or condemnation for those who there is that. I have casually enjoyed this page from a distance for a long while. I finally want to contribute. This particular week has been a bit of a challenge for me as it relates to pooping. To share a bit more about my habits, I tend to have large #2s.....almost always in terms of quantity, and sometimes in actual poop size too. This week has been an experience in both, which is what I guess prompts my desire to share. On Tuesday and again today (Friday) I had absolutely enormous poops. I tend to go every 2 to 3 days. This has been normal for me throughout life. Sometimes I do go daily, sometimes it is even multiple times a day, so I just go with it. Tuesday was my first time going since the previous Thursday. By Tuesday the need was urgent. I work in higher education, so my free-time schedule depends on a few other things. I also admit that probably 75% of my poops occur in public restrooms. Over the years I have grown comfortable with many ways, I prefer it. If you are a true connoisseur of this 'hobby' you like opportunities to be around others doing the same. At least I do. So, back to Tuesday, I went to one of my favorite public restrooms. It is located in a department store in a local mall. This particular men's room has 4 stalls, my favorite is the 2nd. I think I have used all 4 at various times. I love this restroom because the stalls are roomy. I hate being crowded out by the TP holder or narrow spaces. Luckily, there is lots of leg room in this location. Usually, there are other poopers in this restroom. I have often wondered if people like myself do not seek it out, but no solid proof of that yet. I do like others to be present during poops (at least more often than not). Tuesday however, I had the place to myself throughout the ordeal and I am not unhappy about that. I knew the task at hand was going to be a bit brutal. I know everyone knows when they are about to take a poop that will hurt a bit. I admit (for whatever reason), I sit on the toilet with my legs wide apart. Not sure if this is habit, due to need, or repressed sexual reasons....but I digress. Once I occupied the toilet, I simply could not sit with my legs open. This particular turd was going to be incredibly wide. Instinctively, I closed my legs as tightly as possible and let nature, gravity, and need take their necessary course. It took around 5 minutes of pushing and mental preparation to allow the inevitable. With no shortage of audible grunts, I finally pushed out a huge log. It was close to three inches wide and at least 15 inches long. It extended from beyond the drain hole to the front of the toilet, the tip out of water. It took several minutes to push out. It can only be described as a trauma of sorts. It hurt. A lot. As is usually the case on big poop days, I knew I had more. Sure enough after a 3-5 minute break, I felt another need to push. A few loud farts preceded a load of much smaller turds. I remember counting 8 similar in size to a hot dog wiener. Another 3-5 minutes passed and another renewed need to push greeted me. Again, a few audible farts preceded another 6-8 smaller turds. Sensing I was finally done, I began the task to clean up and move along. It took around 4 flushes to get everything on its way and considerable streaks in the bowl remained afterwards.
The other experience I had this week occurred just prior to me beginning this post. I am home this afternoon and felt my first need to poop since Tuesday. Part of me believes that I psychologically put it off to allow myself to recover from the pain and literal trauma to my anus. Today was different from Tuesday only in quantity. I had 3 turds rather than 15+. However, the primary turd in question was 10 inches long and once again 3 inches thick. Like Tuesday, I had to close my legs to endure its passage.
I admit I am ready for a more normal poop experience that I can share here. I truly want to be involved with this group. I have many thoughts and observations about things I would like to ask individuals in this group about. I love pooping. I love the feeling, the purpose, and the pleasure that flows from it. Hopefully we can share and learn from each other. Until next time.
Wicked Grace
St. Patrick's Day
Hey there! I've been lurking in the shadows, soaking up all the wild stories, but today, I'm about to share a tale of my own. This is my first time posting, so bear with me. Brief introduction, the name's Grace and I'm biracial, half Korean, half white and almost done with college. I have black hair and brown eyes about 5'6" and am a badass on the gymnastics team.
So back to it, on Saturday I went out in the afternoon with some friends to do a bar crawl after the parade. After a few spots I was starting to feel it so me and my friend Jess decided to stop and grab a bite. We took the path next to the river to get some fresh air. It felt like we were walking forever and I realized I really needed a bathroom ASAP. Jess said she had to pee too. There was a bridge up ahead and I knew I couldn't hold it to find anywhere better. Jess didn't argue, so we started hustling. Fortunately there weren't that many people around.
The coast was clear under the bridge and it looked like some other people had the same idea. I still figured I'd stand guard and let Jess go first cause she is fast AF. I stole a couple peeks as she went. She has brown hair and hazel eyes and she is a little taller than me but she's also my bff and seeing her jet stream made me have to go even more. I gave her a tissue to clean up but I couldn't wait for her to finish and stand guard so I pulled down my shorts and panties to my knees and let loose. As Jess was standing up, I thought I heard some talking nearby and then some dude comes walking up. Mommy Jess got between us real quick, but the guy was like "Sorry ladies, I'm not looking but I really got to go!"
I was still mid-stream trying not to hit Jess and he walked around us without looking. I think he might have walked through my pee! So he goes by and I'm expecting him to whip it out and hose down the wall, but then he stops with his back to us and he pulls down his shorts and then he squats down and I can see his junk just hanging there. I look up at Jess to see her expression since she is straight and she is just staring, he is kind of cute I think a few years older than us. He had short brown hair and had some cool tattoos. As soon as he got his shorts down he farted loud! Jess laughed but she was still staring, I laughed too but was still trying aim my stream. The guy said "Kegs and eggs was a bad idea." I looked back over and he was already pooping. Jess was just like OMG, and both of us were just watching him now. He was pushing out a log that was like soft serve just curling on the ground as it came out. I had to say it "How much did you eat!?" So he just said "Too much. Sorry again."
I was finished by now, so I grabbed a tissue out of my hand bag to wipe up and I guess he heard me because he kept his word and wasn't looking but he said "Do you have any paper for me?" So I pulled up my thong first and then my shorts, I think he saw that, and then I grabbed a couple more tissues for him. As I walked over I could still hear him shitting so I reached out with the tissues and he thanked me. As me and Jess started walking away, she yelled back "Have a good one!" and we both laughed. It was the first time I've seen someone pooping and it was honestly pretty wild.
Thanks for reading and looking forward to getting to know you all and sharing our experiences!Mina
Dear Anna from Austria, Part 2
After Mina finished to write, we all thought, it is not your fault if you clog loo. Of course it is best that we flush in middle of bowel motion, and then produce more, but sometimes our body don't wait, so before we have chance to flush, loo is too full of mierda already. That is what was happened to Mina and Maho in a college. Perhaps barista also have such kind of experience.
We hope you are not too upset after clog loo.
Love from Chakamami familyJameson
Reply to Leah and a couple stories
To Leah.
I'm sure that was very embarrassing. It's bad enough having diarrhea in public let alone getting the door opened on you for everyone to hear it and have to face everyone when you get out. I can only imagine how embarrassing it was for that guy who I walked in on at that restaurant when he got done in the restroom and had to walk back out. That was why I decided it was best if I just left to avoid anymore embarrassment for him and I doubt he cared to see me again anyway.
That made me think of a couple other stories about walking in on people in Port a potties. One happened to me and another happy to my grandmother.
My story.
One time we went to a fair to go watch a concert. I had to use the restroom and the only options were port a potties.I went up to one that said it was open. It turned out there was a guy in there on the seat. He must have forgot to lock the door or maybe the lock wasn't working. Either way I opened the door on him and exposed him to everyone around. The guy put his hands on his head and screamed. I apologized and went on to the next one. This one was open for real . I made sure it's door locked even though I just had to pee.
My grandmother's incident
When my grandparents were able to travel we would always take a trip to all the cemeteries where our family is buried. One of the cemeteries has a port a potty for the visitors. My grandmother had to use it. When she opened the door she discovered some random guy was already in there sitting on the pot. They both screamed and I don't know who scared the other one worse . My grandfather and I both laughed. The guy never did come out as long as we were there. We never would've thought anyone would be in there because we didn't see any other vehicles around. We figured the guy was waiting for us to leave before he came out so we left as soon as possible. Every time we went on t hat trip after that we always the of that and none of us ever used that port a potty again.I saw something really interesting in Boston over the weekend. So obviously it was St. Patrick's Day weekend and there was a lot of drinking going on. I was waiting for a train and there was a group of girls in the station who had obviously been drinking. One of them had peed her pants but was denying that she had until the other girls pointed out the stain to her and she started saying "omg I pissed myself a lot." She was wearing dark jeans so I couldn't see the stain unless I looked harder than I did, but it was an interesting sighting nonetheless. Has anybody else seen anything similar over St. Patrick's Day weekend?
Dear Anna from Austria
We are sympathise with your story! We hope, that barista girl didn't say snide thing about your clog toilet.
Mina and Maho have experience to clog toilet in college. Mina write that before. We didn't be caught. But Maho clogged two toilets one after another. Then she used third toilet to clean her bottom, and that toilet didn't clog. Both Mina and Maho felt sorry for loo cleaner person. We hope, that she get very high salary for job which is not pleasant one.
Maho has 3 potties now. She gave shock to us few weeks ago when in one sitting she produced two turds which were long about 45 centimetres and wide about 7 centimetres. And they didn't break up both of them, so Hisae used disposable chopstick to break them up in loo. So we decide that if we do buddy dump with potties again, and Maho produce turds like that, we can break them up and load spare potties.
Usually in one sitting Maho produces about 7 large turds, sometimes more, but if she produce so big ones like 50 centimetres, then she produce only about four all together and then finish. (Few weeks ago like Mina said, she produced five, two were giant and three were smaller but quite big.)
Maho says, she fed up with people who say, beautiful woman can't produced lots mierda. Maho knows, that this is pants. Maho is very very beautiful. Look like young version of actor Ryôko Shinohara, she (Ryôko) has lovely face and beautiful sexy body. But beautiful Maho happily produce enough turds to clog loo, if she is not careful. (Maybe Ryôko Shinohara also does that. We hope!!)
When weather is bit warmer, we do buddy motion with potties!! We hope that you look forward.
Love to everyone.
Mina and Chakamami family
I grew up in a medium-sized Russian city in the 1990s. I lived not far from the town square. The peasant wives from the surrounding villages would come there to sell their wares. They would be there from early morning until late afternoon.
They had no access to a toilet, so when they had to do so, they had to do it outdoors. Close to the square was an abandoned industrial area with empty buildings that you could hide between. That's where we played and that's where the market women went when they had to relieve themselves.
There were tons of used toilet paper scattered around in every nook and cranny, along with old and not-so-old feces. Not so rarely, in fact quite often, we could see one or another of the market women squatting with their bare bottoms or standing and wiping their behinds after completing their necessary errands.
I remember specifically being surprised that many of these women did not use toilet paper, but simply paper pages from newspapers. There was no tradition of hiding what one had done. It was left on the field, in full view of everyone.
Of course, we as children found this very comical. The poor ladies probably didn't! But, it was an unwritten rule that we pretended not to see them and they pretended not to notice us.
On the most popular days, there could probably be over 50 market ladies there. Most of them were quite old, between 50 and 70 years old, I think.
My grandmother and my aunt lived in the countryside. Sometimes when we visited them, we went into the forest to pick berries or mushrooms. Then it happened that I also had to poop outside. That was how it had to be done. I remember seeing both my grandmother and my aunt do it too. I think they had a much more relaxed attitude towards such things back then than we do nowadays. It was kind of completely normal, which of course it really is.Leah
To mjd
I was sitting in a portaloo, to answer your first question, if I assume you mean that story.
I had a big hard poo at work on friday 14th, it was in the afternoon after lunch, I always feel gassy after lunch and the pressure got so bad I could feel it coming so I made a dash to the empty ladies room, I picked up my magazine and sat down on the end loo, trousers and panties down to my ankles.
I have to be more careful now we have a new female cleaner, I wouldn't want her walking in me hehe.
I was going through the pages and a boom echoed in the bowl and I clutched my stomach as the pressure was intense I had to let out a big sigh. I can hear people coming in and out of the business, the main door is alarmed for security so whenever someone opens it, it triggers a loud squeaky alarm and the ladies room is opposite that door.
So I have to bear down because I can feel this massive poo coming out, "huuuuughhh" I give up and rest, but the poo is moving slowly I fan the air with my magazine and cough as it stinks! "Mmmmmnnnngg" plooop! And a massive grunt of relief followed as I stayed sat for a few minutes more, my stomach still aching at this point.
I forced out a few more pebbles, and then I shifted my bum to the side so I could look in the bowl and it looked like a real monster! Really big and fat at the back and then getting smaller with long tip at the front, which curved up the bowl, I wiped my bum about 10 times it was really messy.
I realised I had been gone 15 minutes so I pulled up my panties and trousers, put my magazine back on the table and flushed my poo down.
I washed my hands as I looked in the mirror and went back to work.
I often always do have big poos, when I'm at home they normally break off into separate logs which clog, I hate pooping at home and I live next door to a park with a loo so I might try there in future.
I think I know what you mean, there is a Toby carvery in town near me which we use when we see extended family as it is halfway from where they live and, this restaurant has one big unisex bathroom, two lines of cubicles on either side, one side ladies one side men.
I remember the last time we went I must have been constipated that day, as the food went straight to my stomach, and I could feel something shifting inside, like a blockage so with my hand gripping my stomach I quickly excused my self, I went up the stairs and into the unisex loos, I went into the first loo and the lock was broken, so I kept walking to near the end of the room.
It's a big busy bathroom with people coming in and out and I knew I might be a while.
I went into a loo, locked it and pulled my skirt down to my ankles and sat half way on the seat, I hung my handbag on the door hook, took out a magazine and started flipping though it with excitement, I let out a big part and toot, the men come in and go quickly, in fact, everyone did.
While I was trying to poo, I had a big wee and a family came in, it sounded like a father with his daughters, shouting they're heads off, and putting me off my poo, "dad, it smells funny in here" said on of the girls, "just go in there and have a wee" said the dad, I think he went into a loo with one of his daughters, the other one was being annoying and running around "hmm hmm" I gently pushed as I was feeling anxious, almost like I would have felt guilty if I had a poo, the girl was trying doors, I admit my urge to poo was fading and I was just sat there reading. The father and daughter must have shared the same loo, it sounded like he was dressing her, I could no wait for them to leave, the other people I could not have cared for, but this hard rock was now pushing its way out "uuhhh" I muttered under my breath as my sister entered "leah,are you in here?" "Sorry this is taking longuuuuur thaaan I thouuuuught" uuugh and she said "oh, OK then" and took a loo and had a quick wee, as she was leaving she said "don't be long" and left after about 20 minutes this poo came out with an almighty splash! And right up my bum "uuugh" I grunted in disgust, I stayed sat for a few minutes more to be sure, then I got multiple layers of loo roll and wiped and dried my bum, stood up pulled my skirt up and left.
I must say it's an unusual set up, not really safe but no reported problems.
I think you should have told her!
Apart from friends seeing me on the loo, no
Happy pooping
Princess Toadstool Peach
Peeing, Solid thick Poo, Breaking Wind and runny stool
Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I had a really bad stomach cramp same with my best friend/sister Princess Rosalina breaking wind this morning "These farts are killing me I think I have to s(Censored)t now!" We headed over to the women's restroom, headed into empty stalls, lock the doors, went over to the toilet, there I lifted up my dress, pull down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then sit down on the toilet adjusting myself and squatting on a footstool as I read my newspaper while Rosalina pulled up her dress, pulled down her knickers to her knees, put toilet paper on the seat due to being a germaphobe, then sat down on the toilet. I began peeing same with Rosalina then before I knew it we began passing solid poo stool then we curled our feet together and both released some liquid waste dump "PAAAARRRRRPPPPPPPPPP CRRRRACCKLLE PLOOP PLOP SPLASH KERSPLASH TOOOT PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK!!!" We must of released our runny bowels 5 times. Ahhhh that feels rather nice disgusting but nice. I discovered I had no toilet paper luckily Rosalina had a spare roll I could use after we're done. We both wiped, stood up pulled up our panties and knickers, lifted down my dress same with Rosalina and we flushed after filling up the whole toilet leaving some disgusting skidmarks. See you next time bye bye now!Alyssa
Best constipation story
Hi there!
Long time lurker finally posting. I wanted to see if you have a favorite post about extreme constipation (poster and page number) or if you want to share your worst constipation story.
Skidmarked from a walk
Reply to Anne and anyone is more than welcome to answer
You get skid marks sometimes?
If so, when was your last skid mark and why?
Do you ever wipe prior to using the bathroom and find the paper a little dirty?
Woke this morning ,had a wee then back to bed sat for ten minutes waiting for the alarm,as I silenced it needed the toilet took off my pants and sat on the VOLRATH bed pan immediately had a wee ten pooped for two minutes it felt great.
Remained sitting for a few minutes then wiped ,on with dressing gown and off to bonfire to empty.Started another course of PROBIOTIC a few days agoTuesday, March 18, 2025
(Part 3)
Lukas walked to the fallen tree trunk and turned his back to the trunk. He had his thumbs in the waistband of his dark blue sweatpants and then tugged them down to his boots. He didn't put down his underpants yet, so he just stood there in his underpants with his sweatpants around his calves. Most boys wore briefs in those days, and so did Lukas. But his briefs were bright red, I remember this because I didn't expect a shy boy to wear something so 'outspoken'.
Tobias and I were standing behind him at the other side of the fallen tree. Lukas put his thumbs in the band of his briefs but suddenly hesitated again. He looked over his shoulder to us and said, "Never tell anybody about this." We promised it again.
Tobias' and Lukas' parents were nice people, but quite strict in some aspects. They would not consider it appropriate to poop outside, so I think Lukas wanted to make sure that they would not hear about this.
I was surprised at how supportive Tobias tried to be for his brother. He had stopped laughing and said: "No, I'm not going to tell anybody. When you have to go you have to go. I think it's cool that you're going to do it."
"Er… Lukas?" I asked.
"Hm?" Lukas answered, a bit annoyed because he was impatient, of course.
"Most people also pee when they poop," I said, "Have you thought about that?"
"Er… no," he said, "What do you mean?"
"I think you have to lean way over the trunk, so that you can point your wiener down to pee."
"OK", said Lukas, "I will try."
(Part 4)
Then Lukas lowered his briefs down to his boots. He placed his hands on the tree trunk, jumped and placed his bare bum on the tree. He shifted backwards a bit so that his bum was leaning over the tree. Then he tried to shift a bit more backwards in order to point his penis down so he would not pee into his lowered pants. That nearly made him fall backwards, so he leaned his upper body forward to keep his balance. To make sure he didn't poop on them, he lifted his jacket and shirt a little.
I didn't want to miss anything, so I squatted down behind him. And of course, Tobias followed my example. Because the tree trunk was a bit above the ground, we were watching the spectacle now a little from below.
"I can see your butthole," Tobias blurted out. I punched him, being afraid that Lukas would get even more uncomfortable. But Lukas just grinned a little.
"How are you doing?" I asked, because nothing was happening yet.
"I don't know," Lukas answered. "Most times I don't have to push, but I think this is a very fat one." I think he started pushing right then, because at that moment he farted. Tobias giggled. "This is the first time that I can not only hear, but also see a fart." I had to suppress a giggle myself, it was indeed a funny sight, his butthole opening a little and then puckering again.
Lukas sighed, he apparently took a break from pushing. He started to pee. He was using one hand to point his penis down as I advised him, but because he leaned forward with his upper body, his pee was directed backwards. Tobias and I were squatted closely behind him, but luckily one of us on either side, so that his pee landed between us. It was only a few spurts. Then Lukas started making soft grunting noises.Kenna
When pushing just doesn't work!
Hey all!! I haven't posted in forever! Been super busy with life. For those who don't remember me, my boyfriend suffers from really hard poops that I almost always have to help him get out one way or another. This happened recently, and he was so backed up it was nearly impossible for him to go. This was one of his worst constipation sessions by far. He didn't go poop all week and by the weekend we had plans to head out of town with my best friend Mackenzie for a few days. Josh usually has a really difficult time pooping away from home and on top of not going for nearly a week I figured it would happen at some point out of town. We weren't super far away from home and because the weather has been awesome we planned on camping. Mackenzie knows a little about Josh's issues going to the bathroom, but he's still pretty embarrassed about it around her. Sunday rolled around and after a whole week of not going poop, Josh finally needed to take a dump. It came on pretty fast and he really needed to go which obviously was the case from not going all week. He pulled me aside and told me he needed to go and probably would need some help getting it to come out. I convinced him to walk to the toilets and just try to go and see what happens. I stayed back with Kenzie and Josh headed for the bathroom. Kenzie asked me if he had to poop and I told her yes and that he hadn't been for a whole week so he would probably be awhile and i admitted to her it most likely won't come out on its own. Sure enough after about 10 minutes josh texted and said he couldn't push it out, that it was way too hard and big. I told Kenzie not to say anything but admitted that he couldn't go. She felt bad for him but definitely understood as sometimes she has the same issue with not being able to go on her own when it's just too hard or big. Josh came back to our site and after about an hour I asked if he wanted to go for a walk. I told Kenzie we would be back in a bit and that I was going to try and help Josh go. We headed out and found a private spot. I asked Josh if he would like to try going to the bathroom again and he agreed. He pulled down his pants and boxers and squatted down facing me. I knelt in front of him so he could brace against me while trying to go. He took a deep breath and I gently held him and whispered to him to concentrate. He began pushing softly and squeezed me once it started to hurt. He would grunt, breathe and repeat. I gently encouraged him while he was pushing. I let him keep trying for awhile and then asked him "is it coming out"? "No, I'm having a hard time and it doesn't want to move". "Well, let's keep pushing for awhile and see what happens". He resumed trying to go and stayed squatting. A few minutes went by and Josh stood up. "It's not coming out" "I'm going to stand and push and could you spread my cheeks for me"? I said of course. I went behind Josh this time and spread his butt cheeks open. I had a front row view to what was trying to happen and it didn't take long for me to understand the magnitude of his problems. His anus slowly dilated as he pushed, and the hard poop showed itself. Once his anus couldn't open further, the poop stopped and Josh held the push as long as he could. Once he ran out of breath and wasn't able to push anymore, his anus slowly closed and his poop retreated back in. He tried again with me gently coaching him. No luck. He pushed even harder and gently whimpered "ow, ow, it hurts" "shh, you're doing great babe, push……" he couldn't do it though, and gave up a few minutes later. I gently wiped his butt and we headed back to camp. Kenzie texted me from across our site asking if he went and I told her no and that it was still stuck. She sent the crying emoji back and said she felt bad for him. It was approaching dinner time and I hoped eating might help Josh find the energy to be able to push out his log. After dinner we sat around for awhile when Josh got back up and said he was heading to the bathroom. Shockingly he didn't ask me to come with him, but I guessed it was because he was trying to hide his constipation from Kenzie. Her and I chatted casually about his problems while he was gone and I told her it was a huge turd stuck. Josh texted me while he was trying again from the bathroom but said someone else was in there also pooping so he couldn't really concentrate or push hard. He wasn't successful this time either and headed back to our site. He looked defeated when he got back and Kenzie asked him if he was ok (knowing he still couldn't poop) I was super surprised at his response because he actually told her "no, I'm really constipated and can't poop, I haven't gone in a week" "omg you poor thing, I'm so sorry!" "It's ok, I'm going to try again later, someone else was in the bathroom just now so I couldn't really try to go" a bit later Kenzie and I walked to the ladies room and Josh came with us. "There's nobody in here now, do you want to try again and we can stand guard by the door?" Josh reluctantly agreed and I went in with him and told Kenzie I was going to try and help him. He sat on the toilet and I got on his lap. "Ok baby, let's get this out of you!" "I know it hurts but you can do it, just focus and push, take your time". 15 minutes went by and still no poop had come out. Josh was pushing and resting a few tries at a time. Kenzie texted asking how it was going and I told her it wasn't coming and he was really having a hard time with it. "I can't poop Kenna, it just won't come out, let's go back to camp and I'll try again in a bit" Kenzie asked if he felt better when we came out of the bathroom. "No, I can't go, it's really big and hard, idk if I'll be able to push it out on my own" we lit a campfire and sat around until after dark. "I need to try to go again" Josh said. "I have to get this out before bed, it's too uncomfortable" I got up and walked with Josh but this time we didn't go to the toilets. Another secluded spot that was great for privacy. "It's not going to come out sitting down on the toilet anyways" Josh told me. "I need to squat or lay down" "if you can get this poop started then I can work on pulling it out while you push" "if pushing still won't work then I'll have to get it for you" he tried pushing again for 10 minutes or so with me coaching him and encouraging while pushing on his perineum but it wouldn't come out. He was just so constipated and getting tired of pushing. "That's it hon, I'm helping you out" "let's go to the bathroom so we can see" we went into the ladies and I locked the door. Josh took a stall and I filled up my hand with soap from the dispenser. "This might burn a little but I need something to lube this up hon" he turned and spread his legs and I asked if he was ready. "Yes just do it babe" I worked gently and slowly, carefully asking him if he was ok or wanting me to stop. His poop was so hard that I had a really difficult time making any sort of progress getting anything off it. I had to go back for more soap a few times and after probably 15 minutes I was getting more of this turd to break off and was dropping it into the toilet piece by piece. "Can you try and push Josh?" The soap might be enough for you to pass it" he took a deep breath and pushed while standing over the toilet. I worked with him and gently encouraged him to push but it was pretty stuck still and he was having trouble. We took a short break and Kenzie asked how it was going. I gave her the details and she told me to tell Josh good luck and she knew he could do it! He squatted backwards on the toilet and gave a push. I gently worked on this turd while he pushed against it hard. I was trying not to push it back up inside him and trying to make as much progress as I could for him. He still couldn't get this poop moving on his own and continued trying as I helped him go. "We have to be almost there hon, keep up the pushing, you're doing great even though it doesn't feel like it!" He was still complaining that it hurt but kept pushing and pushing. I worked with one hand and pushed around his anus with my other. Finally after like another 10 minutes the head of this thing actually started to come out and I worked more soap around it and began trying to pull a little as he pushed against it. It took a good 10 15 minutes before it splashed loudly into the toilet. It was about 18" long and solid as a rock. He caught his breath and began pushing again. It took him about 10 more minutes to finish going and he was finally empty. He was exhausted and we went back to camp, he passed out in the tent shortly after and I gave Kenzie the details. She was amazed and how bad it was and felt bad for him but relieved also that he pooped finally. We finished the trip without any further problems! I'll try to post again soon as I have some more stories! Xoxo Kenna and hope no one else is struggling too badly!Anna from Austria
I have question for my fellow ladies.
Do you gals have been caught by other ladies after you have clogged a public toilet?
I have to admit that I have clogged already few public toilets but I always got away with it until the last time.
Was spending some time at a cafe and soon the coffee I had just went through me.
I went to the ladies and locked the door. It was single room bathroom. Pulled down my slack pants, my white laced panties and sat on the toilet.
I started with a hissing pee. In mid bee I let out a huge fart and huge turd slided out of my behind and landed into the toilet. Another boom type fart and lots of soft poo came out of me and landed on my first turd. It somehow looked like a banana covered in chocolate cream.
I had to use lots of tp to clean myself. In retro perspective I should have flushed and then used the tp. my childhoodd I learned to flush only once and that is what I do automatically.
Anyway my poo somehow got stuck in the plumbing and the paper could not be flushed down.
I left flooded toilet with brown water and toilet paper on top of it.
Worse enough.But when I opened the door of the bathroom got worse.
The barista girl that served my about 20 minutes before was waiting outside the toilet and saw what I have done right away.
I just mumbled sorry there is something wrong with the toilet and left the venure.
That is my story for today.
greetings from Austria
2 solid poops that came out quickly
Good morning (11:06 AM here). Hopefully everyone is having a good day so far. Got up around 8:15 AM, grabbed my Walmart bag, water jar, toothbrush and toothpaste and went to the washroom. Peed first, filled my water jar, washed my hands and brushed my teeth and left the washroom. No one was up yet (yay!). Went upstairs and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Poured a cup of coffee (there was still enough for my caregiver), microwaved it for 50 seconds and sat down to make a sandwich with the egg, tomato and lettuce she left on the plate in the kitchen. Slowly ate it, taking sips of my coffee. Mmm. After breakfast and coffee I checked my cell phone, took my 9 AM medications (my 9 AM and 5 PM meds are very heavy and have to be taken on a full stomach otherwise they cause dizziness), grabbed my Walmart bag off the floor, grabbed my water jar and carefully went downstairs to my room. A few minutes ago I got the urge to poop. Took my bedroom flip flops off, opened the door, walked outside my room, put those flip flops on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the washroom light, went in, closed the door, walked to the toilet, pulled my black sweatpants and black underwear down and sat on the toilet. Peed first (a long gusher) then pushed. One solid poop came out first then another. It was fast but felt dry. Time to drink more water and do exercises in my room (remember I can't go out by myself because of the brain surgery causing memory loss. Even for my exercise program and appointments I have to be driven there and back and have someone bring me to the room and outside). Took the toilet paper, took some, put the roll back into the Walmart bag, put the Walmart bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. Put the dirty toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my black underwear and black sweatpants up, turned and looked into the toilet. One poop was basically buried in the hole, solid and medium brown. The other one was also solid, sat straight next to it. Both were about 1 1/2 feet long. Not overly impressive but it felt better to get rid of them. Flushed the toilet and one of them went down. Flushed again and the other went down too. Washed my hands at the sink, turned off the tap, grabbed my Walmart bag off the floor, opened the door, turned off the light, walked to my room, took my beige flip flops off, turned on my bedroom light, opened the door, put on the pink and brown flip flops in here, dried my hands on the towels and came to bed to write this. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, happy and is having a good Friday so far. It's Friday here, almost lunch. Have a good day.
Happy pooping and peeing!
Saturday, March 15, 2025
This morning at 3an had awee in the pottie then went back to sleep.
I dreamt I was on an old steam train ,I needed to use the toilet so went to the end of the carriage and went into the toilet,locked the doorput my blazer on the coat hook ,undone my belt undone my trousers then dropped my pants and sat down.
I had to go a NUMBER TOO AND START WITH A WEE .The alarm sounded I woke up had a wee in the pottie and went down to kitchen.I needed to go a NUMBER TOO ,carried on until I could no longer hold sat on the bed pan DOGGY STYLE.Kneel down push the pan under me then lower myself down to the pan too wee or poop.I wiped with CUSHELLE toilet paper when done then dressed drank the tea then emptied pan into bonfireSTEPHEN.P
Alarm woke me this morning had a wee then went down to kitchen made my usual tea and a dose of LAXIDO sat in lounge drank tea then back to kitchen more tea and started to boil some eggs.I needed a NUMBER TOO,so took the bedpan from brush cupboard took off my pants put a toilet roll on the floor,knelt down ,pushed the bedpan between my legs.
lowered myself down a few times then started to wee then my bowels opened, two minutes I was done used the toilet roll to wipe then got up put on my pants ,washed my hands then put the eggs onto a plate made more tea and had breakfast.I just had a wee on the lawn before emptying the bedpanMJD
To Leah
Sounds a horrific experience at the festival - did you squat down or just let it flow out where you stood?
Have you had any particularly big, hard poops lately?
Just come back from the toilet in a restaurant where I had to work on a particularly stubborn poo, this thing just would not budge and I had to push quite hard nnnnn uggghhh. It was one of these mixed toilets so I hope no one heard too much Eventually it came out after about 10 minutes - but had to walk back sheepishly to find my food waiting for me. Have you ever been constipated in a restaurant or in one of these mixed male/female toilets?
Ref my ex we were close but I could never bring myself to tell her that I'd like to have seen or helped her whilst she tried to achieve an evacuation, majestic as it would have been! Has a partner ever expressed an interest in seeing you on the toilet?
I had some mild diarrhea yesterday... probably my fault. I'm OK, it's just too much fiber I think lol.
Well, I thought I would have it again this morning. I didn't. When I got to work, though, I felt like I had to poop again. Tbh, they've been smelling gnarly lately, so I decided to hold it.
So I held it in. All day. I didn't have to make any effort to keep it in, it was just uncomfortable. I felt a little bloated and unwell, and kept trying to fart a little to relieve the pressure (I work in an open warehouse, so the smell wouldn't linger). It didn't work, and I'd feel a heaviness in my butt. The need to poop was always kind of there, but I never got desperate.
I did consider going when I used it on my break, but there was someone else in the bathroom. This was something I needed to do alone lol. I did have to pee pretty badly, so I went.
I ate all my snacks and lunch (lunch was very high fiber) like normal too! It wasn't super fun, and I felt kinda sick by the end of the day. I got home and tried to go, but I think I'd held it too long. I'm gonna pay for this tomorrow morning. Sometimes if I feel a need to poop in the afternoon, I'll just hold it in and go the next morning. Somehow it's easier to hold it in the latter half of the day.Annie
Big poop after breakfast
Good morning hopefully everyone is having a good day so far. Got up this morning around 8:15 AM, put my feet into the flip flops near my bed, got up, grabbed my Walmart bag from the ground, grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste from the desk (I have them sitting on a small plastic bag to prevent the desk from getting wet), went to the door, opened it, went outside my room, closed the door and walked to the washroom. I peed first, brushed my teeth, put everything back in my room then went upstairs for breakfast. There was a loaf of bread and a small plate with an egg, cheese, lettuce and tomato on the table. I made and ate the sandwich. I checked the time and it was still too early to take my medications so I microwaved a cup of water for 50 seconds then poured a package of coffee into the cup. That's how my caregiver wants me to make coffee here. A guy who lives here (who can work, etc) has a kettle he bought and instant coffee to put in a mug. After I drank my cup of coffee I took my 9 AM medications, grabbed the Walmart bag off the ground, pulled my chair back and got up, pushing my chair in. Went downstairs quietly and carefully since it was dark and everyone else here is sleeping. Right after coming downstairs I got the urge to poop so I took the Walmart bag, went to the washroom, turned on the light, went in and closed the door. I had to hold it in as hard as I could. Walked to the toilet, pulled my pants and underwear down and sat on the toilet. Relaxed finally and peed a lot first then pushed and a big solid poop came out slowly. Finally the last of it came out and laid in the toilet. Pushed back my sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag, grabbed the toilet paper, took some, put the toilet paper roll back into the Walmart bag, put the bag on the floor and started wiping. I wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. It was a messy wipe. Put the messy toilet paper into the toilet, stood up, pulled my pants and underwear up and turned to look at the poop I made. It was hard and cracked and was maybe 1 1/2 feet long. Overall pretty disappointing. Oh well. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure. Yup. Washed my hands, turned off the tap, grabbed the Walmart bag, went to the door, opened it, turned off the light and walked across the hall to my room. Took the flip flops off outside my room, turned on the light, opened the door, walked in, closed the door, put the bedroom flip flops on, dried my hands on the towel and sat on the bed. I already refilled my water jar and microwaved it. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy and is having a good Monday so far. Please try to enjoy your day.
Happy pooping and peeing!
Re: Walking in on people on the toilet
Reply to jameson:
Not really much to report, I still get constipated but it's not that bad now, now for a little memory.
I have been walked in on several times in life, and vice versa but there is one very embarrassing story that comes to mind.
Years ago I was at a music festival, I was getting food in between bands and I found this Mexican food van, I can't remember what I ate, but whatever it was went right through me, and I found myself very quickly bursting for the loo with a burning feeling in my aching stomach and I quickly ran over to the porta-loo line and joined the queue, which was for a long line of porta-loos
The line went down pretty quickly and I ran in to one holding my bum when it became free, I half locked the door, because I could see the lock inside the lock I thought it was fine I yanked my miniskirt down around my ankles with my thong and blew hot poo into the bowl as soon as I sat down.
I was causing a real stink and blowing up the porta-loo and I could hear people talking outside, and then the door flung open as hot lava was coming out of me, a Young man just laughed at me as I covered up my privates and the door closed itself and I locked it again, and everyone outside burst into a fit of laughter! I pretty much died of embarrassment but at least I had diarrhoea in private, or kinda of private
I did not go back to that food stall ever again.Andrea
My debut
Last summer I had a breakthrough in my toilet history. I was visiting a popular training area for rock climbers. I knew that we would be staying in tents, but not that it was real wild camping. That is, no shower or toilet.
We washed ourselves in a nearby small lake. Our toilet needs had to be met outdoors, which simply meant that we had to squat in the forest, even when we had to poop.
I had never done that before. Peeing in the bushes, yes, but pooping, no. The first few days I didn't think much about it, thinking maybe I would just happen to find a toilet one day.
But deep down I knew that sooner or later I would have to make my debut as a wild pooper. I often saw human feces in the best hiding places in the forest. Yes, and then I saw occasionally, or actually quite often, some of the other climbers squatting with their bare bottoms, not only women, but also men, a clear signal that this was how it had to be done, even when you had to shit.
No one talked about it. It was kind of obvious. It was just how it had to be done. On the fourth or fifth morning it was my turn. I woke up with a really bad stomachache, and I understood why. Something had to come out, my colon had to be opened.
I put some toilet paper in my pocket. Luckily it was early morning, so not many people were up yet. I wandered to a place in the forest where I had seen others go for such purposes.
Yes, there was both used paper and old and new feces, so this was clearly one of the accepted places for such deeds. Pants down and squatting, my human waste was delivered to nature in a matter of seconds. Some hard tubers and an incredibly long cable.
Smiling, I walked back. I had made my debut. The feeling was pleasant. From a distance, I saw the nice French woman squatting. As I passed, she said with a smile that yes, it must be done! Yes, indeed, I replied smiling, and thought that if a 60-year-old French lady can do it, then why shouldn't a 19-year-old Swiss woman be able to do it too.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Hey. My poop was a bit solid for a while, but became loose today. Yesterday Mom smelled my poop even with the bathroom closed. My bottom was itchy after pooping once, but is better now. Bye
Emily, you sound very well adjusted and able to take your accidents in stride. I hope you stay confident and know that you're awesome.Imogen
Loose anus accidents
Hi there,
I'm Imogen. I'm 24, 5'3" and chubby.
I also have a very loose anus…
I've always had trouble controlling my bowel movements, which is strange because they're actually incredibly solid and formed logs, and very rarely wet or diarrhoea.
For context, I very commonly am nude when I'm at home, and recently I have been experiencing a few accidents wherein I will be minding my own business, and then will feel a lump of feces start to emerge from my backside.
By the time I realise what's going on, it's already dangling out of me and I am left with no choice but to pinch off a log onto the floor- or into my undies if I happen to be clothed.
I know it's because my anus is unusually loose… I spend a lot of time accidentally turtleheading anyway… but I'm thinking it may be time to consider wearing a nappy for the sake of keeping my floor and clothes clean.
If anyone has any recommendations, or if anyone else also lives with a loose or weak anus and wants to share their stories, that would be appreciated.
Bye for now!
constipation story
Hi there! I have a question for those that read regularly. Do you have a favorite constipation story on the forum? Or do you have a favorite constipation story to share about yourself?Rachel
Walmart Shoppers
Today is Friday and I took the day off work to get some things done around the house. I decided to go get groceries around 9:30AM and as I was driving I passed a good fart. I then realized that I had not had my usual movement today. I didn't think much of it as my husband had given a good pounding back there last night that can constipate me or in this case loosen me up. I didn't feel the urge and got to the store and started shopping and passed gas a few times and then.. I realized they were damp and I felt a rush of juiciness that needed to exit and NOW!! I made my way to the womens room and took the third stall out of 6 (the first and last two were occupied). I got seated and squeezed cheeks as I knew this was going to be loud I cursed my husband under my breath for the deposit that he made. I was waiting but I guess that was the case for everyone in there. Finally either stall 5 or 6 let a long dry fart and started peeing. Then I heard a soft splatter from stall 1 I was still too embarrassed to let go. I waited for them to leave a couple came in and peed and left. I was finally getting close as the last one was at the sinks. AND>>>> To Be Continued.Speedy Pooper
Two day poop
I usually poop every morning, but sometimes I miss a day. On Friday and Saturday I ate lots of pasta, potatoes and beans, a lamb quesadilla, and lots of fruit. On Saturday morning I felt some poop in my rectum but it wasn't ready to come out yet. So I just let it be. Saturday night I was letting off lots of stinky farts. I knew on Sunday morning the poop would come out. Sure enough, when I woke up this morning (Sunday) I could feel some small movements in my stomach. When I got out of bed, I could feel two days of digested food slide into my butt. I quickly sat on the toilet and pushed gently. About 10 seconds after I sat down, a log broke off with a nice plop. The rest of my poop crackled out. About 15 seconds after the first poop, my second poop plopped gently into the bowl with a nice fart. My stomach felt so empty! I saw a log running across the toilet with a second log sticking out of the drain hole. I love having big, quick poops that leave me feeling so good!Jameson
Walking in on people on the toilet
The other day I went to this restaurant I go to every now and then. Before I left I went to use the restroom. When I walked in there I a guy on the pot who had apparently forgot to lock the door. He was like whoa hey! I just said sorry had quickly walked out. Then the guy farted really loud on the pot and it made a loud bellowing sound that echoed all throughout the restaurant. I couldn't help but laugh as did several other people in the restaurant. I did feel bad for walking in on the man and I decided to just use the restroom to my next stop. It seems like I usually have an incident like this a few times a year since I'm in public alot. Most public restrooms already have their door closed wwhether anybodys in there or not so I don't knock before going in. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem or has any stories about walking in on people or getting walked in on yourself.?
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Last night at eight thirty after working in the garden needed to poo,so went into the campervan and used the pottie,then went into house and went to bed.Three times I had a wee in the BRANN Q toilet bucket during the night.This morning the phone alarm woke me I pulled down my pants and sat on the VOLRATH bed pan immediately had a wee,two minutes later a bowel movement ,wiped with SHADES KITCHEN TOWEL.
I put on my dressing gown and took the pan to the bonfire every where was frozen so unable to rinse,left it by the water butt .I made my usual tea and drank then had a bowl of WEETABIX. needed another BM so went back to the bedroom aNd sat on the THETFORD 245 POTTIE and done a NUMBER TOO
I have been working all day in the garden and have just been in the shed and had another NUMBER TOO IN THE THETFORD 66
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Feeling frustrated and gross.. I just want to poop. Its been a few days and im starting to get uncomfortable and embarrassed. Maybe my roommate will massage my colon but im shy to ask, it just feels so good when im constipated like this, and even if it doesnt make me poop it really gives me relief i need. I ate alot of food today so im worried tomorrow it will be even worse if I cant get the poop out, more and more will fill up my bowels. I sat on the toilet pushing for 20 minutes this morning but nothing came out. Looking & feeling bloated and heavy in the stomach..
I woke this morning had a wee in the BRANN Q toilet bucket then pulled the bed clothes from the bed for washing and threw down stairs .I went down to kitchen and made and drank some tea the went into the garage took the spare ADVENTURIDGE POTTIE to the campervan ,went back in house and carried the bedding to the van.made a flask of coffee carried it to van with the soap powder and money then went round the back and had a wee on the lawn.As I was walking to the van ,I had the urge for a BM so I went into the garage and had a NUMBER TOO on the THETFORD 66 wiped with twelve sheets of KIMBERLY CLARK interleaved toilet paper.I went to the van and drove to the laundry loaded the machines and sat in the van drank my coffee read a book then collected my washing.When arrived home hung washing on the line then went indoors washed brushed my teeth then needed to have another BM .I went back to the van and had another NUMBER TOO .i have now had EIGHTY BOWEL MOVEMENTS THIS YEAR .
I had a pee emergency / wetting accident on a bus trip
last week, I had a one day bus trip that I was to go on to the Twin Cities to the mall Of America. I had an early morning church function earlier that morning so I was dressed up with dress pants, dress shirt & green crew neck sweater. I went from church to the bus tour company where we were to leave on the bus. Upon boarding the bus, the tour guide informed us the restroom on board wasn't in service & they had just learned that so she said they would be making a couple stops along the way & that if anyone really needed to use a restroom, they could stop for that.
They made one of their stops earlier on to get a bite to eat at a Texas Road House along the way. I had some food & a couple beers, perhaps one had been enough. Anyway, after we were on the road for a while, I realized I needed to pee & told the woman sitting next to me that I was going to go up to the front of the bus & let the tour guide know so that they could find a place to stop. She said " I would if I were you so that they know!" I went up & talked to to the tour guide & she said "There is a town that we can exit off & stop at in about a half hour." So, I went back to my seat. The lady next to me asked me what I found out & I told her they were stopping in about a half hour at a town. She said " Are you going to be Ok that long?" I said "I'll have to be!" She asked me " I don't suppose you brought a change of clothes or anything if you would happen to miss the restroom?" I said no. She said "Yes, I didn't think so, not like one would. I don't know what you would do if you happen to get short taken."
So I was just sitting there & all of the sudden, I had quick little spurt of pee. I was like " Oh!" The woman next to me said " Are you ok?" I told her what happened & she said "Oh Honey, that means you're goanna miss in your clothes!" I said " What am I going to do?" She said "I guess all you can do is sit through the accident & then figure out what happens next!" A couple minutes later, I started going in my pants. I said "Oh no!" as the flood went into my pants & was pooling in my seat, Just then, the tour guide came back & said "We'll be stopping in a couple of minutes." the lady next to me said: "Too late!, he just had an accident!" She was like: "Oh no! but, we will figure out what we do next" as she turned to me. At this point, the accident talk was starting up with people around us so it was so embarrassing. They stopped at a wal mart where the tour guide went in after talking to me to get me what I needed to change my pants & underwear & socks which got wet also. I was able to change & get cleaned up best I could on the bus in their restroom with some supplies she got for me. I just paid her for those items. Overall. it worked & I could go on with the day, but what a saga! I don't need to go through that again!Turns out, the lady sitting next to me works as a nurse & later told me she realized I was not going to make it & have an accident. She said to me later "Don't worry about it, this stuff happens & it's ok!" then she kind of giggled & said " Gee, you were wearing a nice enough outfit for that to happen to you in too!" referring to my dress clothes.
My aunt and cousins from out of town are here staying with me and mom this week. They're both younger then me, with one being 7 and the other one being 10.
Last night, we were playing Uno together after dinner and I started to feel like I might need to poop. I tried to hold it but the urge was getting worse. I didn't want to go in my diaper infront of them, so I told my cousins I was going to get a drink and walked over to the kitchen and had a poop accident as I stood at the sink.
I tried to let my mom know but she was busy talking with my aunt so I went back to finish playing Uno with my cousins. After about 10 minutes, the older of my two cousins asked the younger one if she had an accident. She looked embarrassed and said no. I don't know if she still has accidents or not, but I think she may based on the question her reaction.
We kept playing for another 30 minutes until my mom came over to check in on us. She asked if I could stand up for a second and pulled the wasitband of my pants and diaper back, and then asked me to come with her for a change. She took me over to my room and got me changed into a fresh diaper and I went back to playing Uno and everyone acted like nothing happened.
Hopefully can poop later
Just finished lunch (a plain Chinese bun, kiwi and other fruit). I already had a cup of coffee (black) at breakfast so I'm having warm water now. Hopefully that can help move my bowels. I can't simply go for a walk since the brain surgery and I think the stroke in 2013 caused memory loss. So I can't get to and from places without someone with me. It sucks because that takes away some of my independence. Hopefully later I can poop without it hurting me or blocking the toilet. My caregiver won't buy or keep a plunger here because she complains about germs and viruses. She's a very stubborn, set in her ways woman. Oh well. I hope everyone is staying healthy, happy and safe.
Happy pooping and peeing!
Yesterday evening I had a wee before I left house and drove twenty one
miles to attend a club meeting.Upon arrival had a wee and washed my hands before joining the carvery.When we had all finished eating the meeting started,and lasted an hour.
After the meeting I had a wee then drove home,upon arrival took off my jacket the took a bottle of milk from the fridgeas i poured it into the saucepan I had the urge to BM.I went back into garage lifted the lid on the THETFORD 66 POTTY a quick rinse opened the slide paper towel on back of bowl opened the slide again ,the undone my belt undone my trousers down with my pants then sat down.One minute later pooped had a wee then the next five minutes had a good shit.
I wiped after resting for a few minutes with KIMBERLY CLARK INTERLEAVED TOILET TISSUE which I keep in an airtight food container .I dressed then turned round to flush by placing my foot on the lever.the bowl contained a large pile of mushy poo I poured a pint of water into the bowl and used the brush then put my foot onto the lever again.
I went back into kitchen washed my hands then boiled the milk sat in chair and drank before going to bed.I used the BRANN Q TOILET BUCKET once for a wee during the night and again when I woke this morning
I went down stairs then I had to have a NUMBER TOO so went back to the THETFORD 245 POTTIE in the bedroom and had a NUMBER TOO
Re: Tundra, Survey
Q1) How often do you need to have a bowel movement?
A1) Typically, 3-4 times daily, almost always within an hour after each meal, sometimes a 4th time late in the afternoon before dinner or at night after dinner.
Q2) How long does it usually take you to poop?
A2) Typically 5 o 7 minutes each time. Most commonly, I produce a 1 foot long by 1 to 2 inch wide solid cylindrical log that only rarely causes a clog.
However, if I haven't pooped in more than 24 hours, it can be an epic 15-30 minute long crap that requires lots of time to void and lots of effort for the cleanup job after it leaves a big and smeary mess all over my butt, with an uncomfortable likelihood of clogging the toilet or not being able to be flushed down.
I keep a coat hangar next to my home commode to break everything up so it doesn't clog, but do not have this luxury when I need to poop at work or poop when out in public.
Q3) Do you sit or stand to wipe?
A3) I always wipe sitting down. Less than 5% of the time, after particularly messy movements, I'll choose to stand up after I've wiped sitting down to get into every last crevice. I don't ever stand to wipe when using a doorless stall or partitionless toilet when other people can see me though, no matter how messy my butt is.
Q4) Do you wipe from front to back, or back to front?
A4) Both. I start back to front for the first wipe, keep wiping until I no longer see poop smears on the paper, then switch to front to back and repeat. If I still can't get clean after all of this, then I'll stand and get deep in there to clean. I like keeping my asshole clean. I never get skidmarks.
Q5) Have you ever used a doorless stall to poop? If so, where?
A5) Yes, many times. I've pooped in doorless stalls or partitionless toilets at my former middle school, former high school, various parks, various campgrounds, a bus station, a convenience store, a courthouse, a bowling alley, and many other locations. I have used such facilities so many times that easily more than 100 strangers have seen me sitting on a toilet in a public restroom mid-poop since the age of 12.
I never did like pooping with no privacy, but I did so if needed and I expected that no one else was going to come into the room(and usually would get walked in on anyway). Unless I was at my middle school or high school where bullies were a worry.
I got used to using such facilities after I took an emergency poop at a bus station in front of a line of people waiting for me to vacate the doorless stall(See Page 2882, "Nowhere else to go... my intro to shameless pooping"). This was the event that made me stop hesitating to use these sorts of facilities if I needed to poop and that is what was available, regardless of who else was present in the room. Prior to that event, if I had to poop but it was not an emergency and was presented with doorless stalls or an open toilet, I would hold it if someone was either already in the restroom or I thought it was likely someone would walk in on me.
Today, I can poop anywhere and in front of anyone, as long as the facility is clean.
Q6) When you were a child did you poop at school?
A6) Elementary school: Once a day.
Middle school: I can count on one hand the number of times I ever pooped there due to doorless stalls and no privacy, and almost every day had to hold it until I could get home. The exceptions were when I was constipated, or had an emergency that forced me to choose to use a doorless stall/open toilet as the alternative to filling my underwear.
First high school: Same as middle school.
Second high school: Once or twice a day, as there were doors on the stalls and adequate privacy. I shared many a poop session with fellow students doing the same, without hesitation, shame, ridicule, or embarrassment, and even used a half-stall in the locker room that I could see over as I sat on two occasions without anyone thinking any less of me or harassing me for it.
College: Same as my second high school, except there were no half stalls here. All the toilets in college that I used offered decent privacy, except for one that had a massive 2 inch gap between the wall and door(I might tell that story another time).
Q7) Was it acceptable to poop at your school, or did kids who pooped at the school get teased or bullied?
A7) Elementary school: No. More than once, kids imitated my noises, made fun of me, kicked the stall door open on me, climbed onto another toilet to look over the stall at me, or threw wet paper towels over the stall at me. While 99% of the time no one physically bothered me while I pooped, it was very much looked down upon and I was almost always made fun of, harassed, or ridiculed in some way for it whenever someone knew I was doing so. I still pooped anyway, because I was not going to hold in a full colon of solid nastiness poking at its unavoidable exit all day long in discomfort. I eat and poop a lot, and did so even back then, and was not sitting in a stall vulnerable like a fool with my pants and underwear on the floor for the fun of it. It was necessary.
Middle school: No. This was made worse because all the boys' bathrooms had doorless stalls, and the locker room and stadium bathrooms had no stalls at all where the toilet users were entirely exposed. I saw kids bullied every time they had to poop, and knew the same would happen to me if I was caught. It was a very uncomfortable two years of me refusing to poop at school because I did not want others to see me on the toilet and bully me.
First high school: Same as middle school.
Second high school: Yes. I pooped at school regularly here, with fellow classmates in the room knowing who I was and that I was doing so, probably 100+ times, often pooping with fellow classmates. Other than the occasional friendly joke or comment, no one harassed, bullied or ridiculed anyone for doing so here. Even when I was a new kid at this school, the very first time I pooped here in a crowded Boys' room, the group of students hanging out in the restroom who saw me enter a stall, drop my pants, and loudly crackle out a massive log were polite to me about the situation even though they knew what I was doing, which made me comfortable pooping at this school from then on(See Page 3088, "The day after I ate too many lima beans").
College: Same as my second high school, minus the awkward introduction to my fellow classmates.Annie
Had a hard but quick poop
Got up this morning, feeling very bloated and uncomfortable, went to the washroom, brushed my teeth and went upstairs for breakfast. A cooked breakfast was on the table though needed to be microwaved. I did and I looked at the coffee machine. Nothing. After breakfast I took my morning medications, grabbed my Walmart bag and water jar and went downstairs to my room. 5-10 minutes ago I got the urge to poop so I grabbed my Walmart bag, went to the door, took off my pink flip flops, opened the door, walked into the hallway, put the beige flip flops back on, turned off the light, closed the door and walked to the washroom. Turned on the light, walked in, closed the door and walked to the toilet. Pulled my black sweatpants and green boy shorts underwear and sat on the toilet. Peed first then pushed out a hard poop that came out quickly (I think my breakfast of hot dates, sweet potatoes chunks helped. My poop seemed to fly out). Pushed back my sweater sleeves, reached into the Walmart bag for the rest of the toilet paper and started wiping. Wiped my vagina first then leaned forward slightly and wiped my butt really well until there were no marks on the toilet paper. I didn't want to accidentally get a skidmark or a smudge of poop in my underwear (my caregiver does the laundry and she will mention it if she sees it). I put the dirty toilet paper into the toilet (between my legs), stood up, pulled my underwear and pants up and turned to look in the toilet. There was a small to medium sized poop in the toilet, medium brown. Flushed the toilet and it went down. Flushed again to be sure, washed my hands, turned off the tap, left the washroom turning off the light. Walked to my room, opened the door, walked in to dry my hands on the towels in here and walked upstairs to get more toilet paper since I ran out. I put the empty roll on the counter. My caregiver was cooking. Went downstairs with the toilet paper, turned on the bedroom light, took the beige flip flops off, opened the door, walked into my room, dried my hands on the towel, put the pink flip flops on in here and have been writing this for a while. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and happy. Good stories everyone.
Happy pooping and peeing!
AnniePrincsss Toadstool Peach
Lots of Hot Gas and a Massive Big Poo is ready to be let go!
Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I went to use the bathroom this morning. lunch I head over to the bathroom, lock the door, went over to the toilet, there I lifted up my dress, pull down my panties to my ankles, give my bottom a little wiggle and then sit down on the toilet adjusting myself and squatting on a footstool as I read my newspaper tapping my high heels as I felt some rather hot gas build up inside my body rubbing my pubes then I felt a big push as I slowly felt something oozing out of my bottom poo hole. I was rather thick I had to admit Ouch Owch Oooo Owwwie. It's coming out real slowly. "PAAAARRRRRPPPPPPPPPP CRRRRACCKLLE PLOOP PLOP SPLASH KERSPLASH PLUNKPLUNKPLUNK!!!" It was a lot of thick poo. But just as well I don't have to pee today. I better wipe this complete mess fast and maybe check for skid marks just to make sure. OK see you guys soon bye bye now.trekkie
Emily, you sound very well adjusted and able to take your accidents in stride. I hope you stay confident and know that you're awesome.STEPHEN . P
I have just got off the ADVENTURIDGE pottie in the campervan after having
a NUMBER TOO .It felt so good as I really had the use of my bowels.The weather is now improving so hopefully I will be pooping every morning in the van
To VioletIndigo
Violet, you mentioned you think a full bladder helps you poop. A potential reason for this could be related to the way pelvic floor muscles work.
When you go to the bathroom, the pelvic floor muscles relax, which tells either the bladder or bowels to contract, depending on your needs. If these muscles are being relaxed properly, they'll often do so togehter. So if you pee first when you go, when your bladder begins to empty, your bowels may begin to push your poop out due to the entire pelvic floor relaxing. This is also why many people pee whenever they poop, since that muscle requires far more relaxation that the ones controlling your bladder.
Hope this makes senseBianca
Hey. My poop was a bit solid for a while, but became loose today. Yesterday Mom smelled my poop even with the bathroom closed. My bottom was itchy after pooping once, but is better now. Bye
Forest pooping - childhood story
Hello to all,
I liked the story of Chris D., two weeks ago. In the past, there have been nice youth-memories on outdoor pooping on this site, which I enjoyed reading a lot. For example the stories by Daniel (page 183), Ian (page 1811 and 2674), Jason (390), Logger (392), Mickey (1642), Luc (692), IndiGuy (1162), Mark (1531), and so on.
I hope people will post more of this kind of stories.
I've written down a (slightly edited) childhood-memory. Here are the first two parts (of seven in total). English is not my first language, but I hope it's still an enjoyable read. Please let me know what you think, and please post your own stories.
(Part 1)
Me and my friends played in the woods a lot. With some friends I had some pees together, but none of us had ever pooped out there. Those who had to go just went home for a while, and I think we were very good in holding our poops.
But one time (I think we were about eleven or twelve years old) I was playing in the woods with a boy (Lukas) and his brother (Tobias, two years younger than us), building a fort.
Then at one point Lukas looked a bit uncomfortable and asked us: "Do you think it's possible to do… you know, just a bit more than a pee, here in the woods?"
His brother started smiling, and I answered, "Yes, it should be possible. In some countries they don't even have toilets. How so?" Of course I had some suspicion about why he asked. And indeed, he said, "I have to make a poo."
"Don't you want to go home?"
"No, it's too urgent."
"Well," I said, "Then you have to do it here in the woods. Come on, I will show you how to do it." (I had, like Lukas, no experience, but I just wanted to watch, that's why I offered to 'help' him.)
"No," he said, "You cannot watch me doing my poop."
But then me and his brother tried to convince him: if he would let us watch, we would tell nobody that he pooped in the woods, and we would collect leaves for him to wipe with, and we were just boys among each other, and so on.
He finally gave in. "OK then. Where should I do it?"
(Part 2)
We were building our fort in a secluded part of the woods with thick bushes, so Tobias said: "Just do it right here." But Lukas said: "No, then we have to smell my poop the rest of the afternoon." (He was seeing the humor of the situation at this point, even seemed to start liking the idea of relieving himself in the woods.)
We then wandered through the woods, searching for a good spot. We wanted to make absolutely sure that we couldn't be seen. Every now and then Lukas said we had to hurry because it was so urgent (to be honest he could have walked back to his house by now, but luckily he didn't consider this an option anymore). At one point he even started holding his bum.
Then we saw that the path we were walking on had a little turnoff that led directly into some thick bushes. We quickly followed that path and after a few yards we reached a secluded open area in the bushes. Much to our delight, there was a fallen tree there, with the trunk laying horizontally about two feet above the ground. "This is it!" shouted Tobias.
Lukas was already lifting up his jacket so he could reach the edge of his pants.Denise
Accident stories
Hi everyone,
First of all, is it me or are things seeming really quiet here since Catherine left? I miss her!
Someone was asking about poop accident stories. Well, I have a fair few. I've told most of my own here already, but as I've said before, many people have shared stories with me as well if I've opened up to them about being accident prone. Seems almost everyone has a story to tell!
This one happened to a friend of a friend when they were in high school. Let's call this girl Charlie. My friend and Charlie spent an afternoon at some kind of outdoor education course, learning about things like tracking and making fires, etc. It was just outside the city they lived in, so a pretty short bus ride just beyond the city limits. When they arrived Charlie said she had to poop but was just going to deal with it because the facilities were old outhouses and Charlie was known to avoid public bathrooms where possible, especially if they were not clean.
So, they spent the afternoon there and it was a good three hours. By the end of it, Charlie had to go pretty badly. My friend said at one point the instructor asked Charlie to come up in front of the class to help him demonstrate something, and it had gotten so bad for Charlie that she was unable to stand still, she was shifting her weight and subtly squeezing her legs together throughout. The course ended shortly after and Charlie told my friend she was desperate but could hold it until they got to a public bathroom on the edge of town. They cut across a field to get to the bus stop, about a 10 minute walk, and about halfway there Charlie slowed down started grunting a bit. My friend asked what was wrong and Charlie said she suddenly had to go SUPER bad and wasn't sure she could make it to town. Unfortunately it was a wide open field with no bushes and in view of the road so Charlie didn't want to pop a squat anywhere, so they just tried to hurry.
When they got to the bus stop, Charlie was really desperate and doing a full poop dance, crossing her legs and wriggling all around. She said she wished she'd gone in the gross outhouses and it was a mistake to hold it for so many hours. The bus was due in just a few minutes, but unfortunately it kept getting delayed, and in the end it was just too much for Charlie. She grabbed her butt and told my friend in a panicked voice that it was starting to come out and she couldn't stop it. Then she dropped into a squat and covered her face with her hands and just pooped her pants right there in the bus shelter. Apparently it was a huge poop and my friend could see her cargo pants sagging and bulging out more and more as it all came out. Charlie started crying and right then the bus pulled up. They tried getting on the bus, but with Charlie crying and waddling and grabbing her butt the driver was suspicious and when she tried to board he smelled her and said you can't get on this bus. Which, honestly I don't even know if that's legal but anyway, Charlie and my friend were stuck there which made Charlie more upset. In the end they had no choice but to walk into town, about 20 minutes. To make matters worse poor Charlie had been holding in her pee as well and she lost control and peed in her pants on the walk. They didn't even bother trying to go into the public bathroom because they had no spare clothes and didn't know what to do, so Charlie just had to walk of shame all the way home in her wet and pooped pants. Charlie said afterwards that if the bus had been on time she might have made it to the public bathroom juuuuust in the nick of time, she from then on she was always angry about the buses being late! Anyway a few hours later my friend went to message Charlie to check in and discovered Charlie had blocked her! Apparently she was so humiliated by the whole thing she decided to cut off my friend permanently because she just didn't feel she could face it. But, luckily she got over that in a few days and apologized to my friend, who was very understanding. Charlie was certainly more proactive about using public bathrooms after that. I met Charlie a few times through my friend, but Charlie never told me that story herself. According to my friend, she's still really embarrassed about it and basically doesn't tell it to anyone. I have changed some details here to protect her privacy, of course!
Wow! There is a wonderful toilet!
Everyone is very fine we hope!
Mina went to Random Old Posts, and found page 2118. There was post from one Stephanie, about twin seat toilet! Mina translated for crushes, and they all shouted Wow! We want! How wonderful to defecate huge volume two together with thigh touching!! We are envy very much.
But we can't find this toilet on Internet. Where is it? Maybe UK? Mina read about Avon Lady in page 2118, she vaguely remember Avon Lady in Wales. But never saw her, only heard about her.
We have many questions about this twin seat toilet.
1. How big is pool of water at lowest part? Double size? Can mierda from both people make plop sound with same volume?
2. How many container of flush are there? one or two?
3. How many flush lever?
4. Under two bottoms, is toilet two separate parts, or one double size bowl?
If anyone have experience this type toilet, we will be happy to read answers of these questions.
In Japan this type toilet doesn't exist maybe. When Hisae had boyfriend she went to love hotel with him sometimes. But toilet was single size. And not interesting, she said. Even in love hotel, lovers can't defecate together with thighs touching...!
By the way, Stephanie wrote, "when women have panties down, lose all inhibition." Maybe true. When Hisae hear Mina's translate, she dropped panties, and Maho spanked to her. But then Hisae pulled up panties and pyjamas. However, even with pyjamas and panties on, we lost inhibition, and rushed to tatami room... (This was yesterday.)
We are looking forward to read answers.
Love to everyone.
Chakamami family (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)
Random hard Poo
I have a very regular but sensitive stomach, the slightest thing sets it off. I usually take two very soft poos in the morning, one when I get up and one right after breakfast. A few days ago I went for my usual first poo of the day, I took a long pee, had some gas but nothing else happened. I ate breakfast and lunch, and other than more gas things were staying stubbornly in place. My dinner included a big salad which I hoped would have enough fiber to get my gut going before bed but no such luck. The next day would be uneventful until after lunch, which had two servings of roasted broccoli and a caffeinated soda. The ???? and the soda had my stomach gurgling before I even put my plate in the dishwasher. I went to my room and thirty minutes later I had to tiptoe back out feeling I had a bowling ball in my bottom. I pulled my pants and undies to my knees and sat down prepared for the show to start. I peed first, I have a small bladder, and my lunch time soda would have me in the bathroom two more times in the next hour. My pee was interrupted with a large bubbly fart that absolutely stunk. I usually don't have to push for my poops but this time I could feel the log at the entrance but not moving. So with feet flat on the floor I took in a breath and bore down. I grunted and groaned until it was halfway out and suddenly my body took over. I took in a second breath and there was a crackly noise as my poo slid out followed by a short fart. The log was about six inches long, very thick, very dry, and the end was a bit knobby. I squirted out the last of my pee, wiped, and got up. Surprisingly, the whole thing flushed with no problem and the next day I was back on track with my soft poos.Leah
I have another stressful week ahead with more phone appointments coming, I hope I'm not going to be affected too much.
Emma two:
I like your story, I had a similar experience last week except I wasn't waiting for a loo.
What kind of laxative do you take? Liquid, pills ect? I take a liquid laxative but I take a random amount as the dosage is so small that it has no effect on me, so I find that I get the runs.
Is there no other loo at your work you could have used, is there a disabled loo? Because if that was me I would have had to go somewhere else, I'm glad you didn't poo yourself.
Date pooper
This happened about 20 years ago now... Which is hard to believe, but also makes me feel less bad for sharing it. At the time, I was 19 and recently graduated from high school. My girlfriend had was my same age, but had attended a different school than I, so we only met after graduation and up to that point, had very little actual time together (mostly we had talked a lot on the phone before this, as we did back in the stoneage that was the early 2000s).
Finally things worked out to where we both were able to get together on a four day weekend. We were both excited and nervous, being young and in puppy love. I booked us a hotel and planned out some places to go while we were there, but mostly, we ended up doing a lot of that thing young people who think they're in love tend to do... So aside from going out for breakfast and dinner, we were pretty much in our hotel room the majority of the time.
Being that we were both young and new to each other, we were also both nervous and a bit shy about bodily functions. I, personally, didn't want to poop in the hotel room bathroom while she was there, for obvious reasons. And she apparently felt similarly, because I never noticed her going to the bathroom other than quick pee trips. I had been using the restroom at whatever restaurant we went to for dinner, and kind of just assumed she was doing the same, as she did go in for a bit once or twice.
It turned out I was wrong about that, and she had simply been going in there to refresh, and/or compose herself until the urge to go had passed. I didn't find out till later that her shyness in the bathroom use area extended to using public toilets, as well as going where her boyfriend might smell it. So this poor girl just held it for the first three days.
On the fourth day, the last of the trip, we woke up early and walked down the street to a diner for breakfast. I noticed immediately that she didn't seem to feel good when we woke up, but then at breakfast she seemed to be very much not hungry and very uncomfortable. I finally asked if she was feeling okay, and she said something like, "yeah,just... My stomach hurts."
Concerned, I offered to get a to-go box and take her back to our room to rest a bit before we had to check out. She accepted the offer, and I got our check paid up. As we started to leave, she was grimacing and looked strained, holding her stomach with both hands and looking truly in pain. I waited until we were out of the restaurant to quietly ask the awkward question... I don't remember how I worded it, but I asked as sweetly and politely as possible when she had last gone to the bathroom. She kinda reluctantly and shyly admitted that it was the morning before meeting me at the hotel... Three full days prior.
At this point, I actually felt relieved because I knew she was medically okay, and it WAS a little bit cute that she was shy enough around me to try to hold it. I figured we'd go back to the room, she could "go" while I hit the vending machines or something, and all would be fine... It did not work out that way.
I don't know if the cat being out of the bag on her situation made it worse for her or what, but the closer we got to the hotel, the worse off her situation got. We'd walk a little way, she'd stop, stiffen up and stand there frozen for a few seconds, then walk a little further. Her breathing quickly became more labored and I could tell she was really fighting to hold it.
There wasn't much talking on the walk back, I just took her hand and tried to help as best I could. But it ended up being no use.
We made it as far as the hotel elevators before it happened. We were standing there waiting for the elevator and she suddenly made this strained grunting sound, like "hnnnnnggggg..." I looked and saw she was trembling and bent over slightly clutching her stomach again. She strained again trying to hold back, but then said, "ffffuuck!" and completely.... I mean COMPLETELY pooped her pants right there. I remember hearing the crackling sound and seeing the bulge push out against the butt of her leggings (those universe print ones that were popular for a while). It quickly grew and stretched the material out as one long firm poop, before curling under between her legs and breaking off, causing her leggings to sag down badly. A few seconds later I could smell it very badly too.
So now we're both kind of in shock. She's clearly humiliated and has tears welling up, and he. I'm unsure how to handle the situation at first, because who is ever prepared for their girlfriend to poop her pants in front of him? The elevator door opens (thankfully nobody is onboard at the time), and I put an arm over her shoulder and walk her in. She's kind of waddling as we step in the elevator for obvious reasons. As soon as the doors shut again, she bursts into tears and starts telling me she's sorry and won't ever bug me again. It took some insistence,but I was able to reassure her by the time we got to our floor that I wasn't disgusted by her and wasn't going to dump her. I took my shirt off and we tied it around her waist to try to hide the poop bulge. It didn't do much to hide it and left me awkwardly bare cheated, but it got us back to the room.
Once there, she untied my shirt and I could see the damage was truly worst case scenario. By now it was part way down her legs and even up into her lower back. She went into the bathroom and showered for a long time. I think she attempted to wash out her pants, but we ended up throwing them away. When we left, I could still faintly smell poop in our room.
We had a lot of talks about this over time before she got over it, but eventually she did come to be okay with what happened. We even had an inside reference to it we'd occasionally make to each other, all the way up until we split some years later.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Anna Beth
Tundra's Survey
Before answering the survey, I had a great poop today. It started out really firm and thick and it all exited smoothly as a single log. It may have been over a foot long! Wiping was so easy!
1) How often do you need to have a bowel movement? Once daily, sometimes twice and sometimes I miss a day.
2) How long does it usually take you to poop? Not long. Maybe five to ten minutes.
3) Do you sit or stand to wipe? Sit
4) Do you wipe from front to back, or back to front? Front to back.
5) Have you ever used a doorless stall to poop? If so, where? No.
6) When you were a child did you poop at school? Yes, but only on rare occasions. If I did not poop first thing in the morning, I usually did not get the urge until I was home from school.
7) Was it acceptable to poop at your school, or did kids who pooped at the school get teased or bullied? I never bullied anyone. I might tease someone and someone might tease me. But I never told other people.Mina (with Hisae, Maho, and Kazumi)
Survey of Tundra
We like survey! Old timers already know our answers, but new people perhaps don't know, so we answer again... Key: H = Hisae K = Kazumi Ma = Maho Mi = Mina
Q1. How often do you need to have a bowel movement?
A1. Every day, sometimes more than once in a day (H)
Almost every day (K)
Most of days, but not every day (Mi)
2 or 3 times a week (Ma)
Q2. How long does it take to poop?
A2. Between 10 and 15 minutes (K, Ma, Mi). Sometimes more longer (Ma). About 10 minutes, but when I was much younger, about 2 ~ 3 minutes (H).
Q3. Do you sit or stand to wipe?
A3. Half-way between, because each of us is wiped her bottom by one of her crushes. But we wash our bottom with washlet first, and that is sitting, because if we standing, washlet don't work.
Q4. Front to back or back to front?
A4. Front to back! Back to front is very danger. If microbe of poop enter our yoni, then terrible disease. Touch a wood, we are four very healthy bad woman round a bend.
Q5. Have you ever used a doorless stall to poop? where?
A5. Never (K, Ma, Mi). Quite often when I was small (H). In public park (H). Doorless stalls very rare in Japan, but in kindergarten, walls of stalls very low, about one meter is high. So teacher can look over wall to check that small child is OK.
Q6. When you were a child did you poop at school?
A6. Never (Ma). Very rare (Mi). Fairly often (K). Almost every day (H).
Q7. Was it acceptable to poop at your school, or did a child who pooped get teased or bullied?
A7. In Japan children not so sensitive about poop at school. Poop at school is no problem. But perhaps you can find story of Mina's primary school, one girl about ten years old did an unbelievable diarrhoea, and some snide girls began laugh and tease her from out side door. She say nothing and continue her diarrhoea without end, but Mina (also age ten) enter loo room and see this, she was angry terribly at once, switch on body movement, hit and kick and pull hair and bang heads, fight five or six girls with her both hands and one leg, maybe one slap or punch every three seconds, Mina can't remember very well because her movement so fast. One of Mina's friends came out of next cubicle to diarrhoea girl and saw scene, she said, bully girls try to fight to Mina but they were so very shock, they were paralyse, but Mina didn't care. Then teachers came in and there was a big trouble! Mina wrote about this story before, two or three times. Perhaps you can find. Even today, Mina not sorry. Mina's friend Ayumi who came out of cubicle was also a diarrhoea but not so serious one, but she hear everything with producing her lots of diarrhoea, so she told to teachers all things which bully girls said about serious diarrhoea girl. Finally everyone apologised everyone in front of teachers. Few minutes later serious diarrhoea girl came out of cubicle with white face and sway, so one of teachers took her to school nurse. Then she went home, but next day she back in school and gave huge warm hug to Mina. And bully girls said sorry to her.
When Hisae was teen, she often pooped at school, she told her friends, "I going to poop," so her friends know what she doing, they are outside cubicle but hear lots crackle and splat, breathe horrendous fragrance, say "good luck Chae", Hisae finish quite quickly even she did huge defecate, came out of cubicle, washed hands, and laughing and chatting with her friends. "Did you do nice poop?" "I did wonderful poop!" Hisae is matter-of-fact very much about defecate. She happily defecate anywhere. Perhaps many thousands of people have experience to breathe horrendous fragrance which she create.
Tundra, are you new this site? Mina see your name first time maybe. If you are new, we say welcome! This site full of very very nice people, they come from all over world. We hope you will tell us many things. Mina's English is very terrible, but we hope you can understand what Mina wrote. She is typist for us four women, because three others can't make sentence in English, they can say independent words though. We are all 30s. (Family baby is Mina, her birthday this Thursday! We four will be same age for two months only.)
We hope all people this site are very fine. Love to everyone.
Chakamami Family (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina)
P.S. Mina found, it is difficult to find old post about us if you type "Mina" in search space. If you type "Maho" or "Kazuko" or "Hisae" it is easier very much.
Tundra's survey
Hi tundra:
1) How often do you need to have a bowel movement?
Every few days
2) How long does it usually take you to poop?
Anywhere between 10 and 45 minutes if I'm having a hard time
3) Do you sit or stand to wipe?
I stay on the loo
4) Do you wipe from front to back, or back to front?
From back to front
5) Have you ever used a doorless stall to poop? If so, where?
I'm going to say no, I need my privacy
6) When you were a child did you poop at school?
I would say it was mostly in my panties when I was a younger child, as an older child I did go in the loo
7) Was it acceptable to poop at your school, or did kids who pooped at the school get teased or bullied?
It depends, it was acceptable in primary school, but not secondary school
I wanted to write about an accident I had at school earlier today. For those who don't know, I'm a highschool student with autism. Because of my autism, I am in a special needs classroom and wear diapers because I don't always make it to the toilet or know when I need to go.
This morning I was at school talking with one of my friends when I started to feel like I needed to pee. One of the para's in my classroom noticed that I was crossing my legs and took me over to the bathroom to try to use the toilet. I tried really hard to focus on holding it while she helped get my pants down and diaper off, but once she untaped my diaper I wasn't able to wait anymore and started to have an accident before I could get on the toilet. I ended up peeing on my pants and the floor.
Tundra's Survey
1. I HAVE A BOWEL MOVEMENT EVERY DAY OR TWO. I've learned not to hold it in when I have to go during the school day. Some mornings I luck out and I'm able to get it done before I leave for school.
2. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR YOU TO POOP? At home in the bathroom adjacent to my bedroom I can get it done in 5 minutes, four minutes of which is cleaning myself and sometimes plunging the toilet. At school, it might take me twice as long since I'm not always comfortable sitting on the higher toilets, and the loose seats scare me. If a bolt gives while I shifting my weight or giving an extra push, I know what is going to happen to me.
3. DO YOU SIT OR STAND TO WIPE? I stand at home but I stay seated everywhere else because I don't want to show off my crotch to others.
4. DO YOU WIPE FROM FRONT TO BACK, OR BACK TO FRONT? Before I started middle school my babysitter caught me doing it the wrong. Now front-to-back makes great sense.
5. HAVE YOU EVER USED A DOORLESS STALL TO POOP? IF SO, WHERE? A few years ago at Sears, a few times last summer when my boyfriend and I were at the park, and once at the bathhouse at the theme park.
6. WHEN YOU WERE A CHILD DID YOU POOP AT SCHOOL? Yes, when I was in K-4. The schedule had a 10 minute break and mid morning and mid-afternoon. It was really hard to get permission from our teacher/student teacher if we were within one hour of our upcoming sit. A few didn't take the rule seriously and they suffered!
7. WAS IT ACCEPTABLE TO POOP AT YOUR SCHOOL, OR DID KIDS AT SCHOOL GET TEASED OR BULLIED WHEN THEY POOPED? The few in every class paid the price for being smaller, less aware, or showing outright fright. One day, somehow, the schedule got screwed up, we had a student teacher that didn't watch things closely, and a 3rd grade friend of mine feel into the toilet because she forgot to drop the seat. Unless the previous user was throwing up, the seat should have stayed down.
Pull-up surprise
I was one of those kids that would hold my poop all day and then finally go once I was back at home.
When I was around 5, my parents were still putting me in a pull-up at night. So I would hold it all day at preschool and then wait until bedtime when I was in the pull-up to poop. Usually the poop was a pretty hard log, and I would get up on my hands and knees in bed and push, and it took a lot of grunting and effort to get it all out. Often the poo would hit the back of the pull-up as it came out and that would cause more resistance, so I had to wiggle around a bit and pinch it off a bunch of times. It would collect in little nuggets in the pull-up, and once I was done, I would get out of bed and tell my mom I'd pooped and needed to be changed.
Well, one time I was at school and I remember I had a really hard time holding it in all day. They always made us try to use the bathroom after lunch, and got upset because a few hard balls of poo managed to escape into the toilet. I spent most of the rest of the day and the evening at home trying my best to hold it all in. My mom surely noticed because she kept asking me to use the toilet but I refused.
Finally bedtime came and I was relieved when the pull-up went on. I waited until I was alone in my room, then got up on my knees and pushed, and the usual solid log shot out, but it was much shorter than usual, because behind it was a stream of soft poo. I was already pushing hard, and to feel the consistency and speed change startled me, and I managed to stop going for a second, but the dam had been broken, and my butt was too tired of holding it in all day, and I lost control of it and a massive amount of soft, warm poop rushed out. I could feel it go up my butt crack and fill up the space in the back of the pull-up, and then it started to gather under my privates. I finally got control of it again and quickly got up and went and told my mom I made a lot of poop.
By the time she got me into the bathroom, I felt more coming, but it oozed out uncontrollably in another fast rush. My mom took my pajama pants off and there was already light-brown poo the consistency of peanut butter showing around the leg holes of the pull-up because it was so full. She made me stand on a towel with my legs a bit apart and then she ripped the sides of the pull-up and took it off. It was completely full of thick mushy poop and some dropped onto the towel as she moved it to the trash. She started to wipe my behind, but I think she realized it was too messy, because then she set my old potty seat on the toilet and made me sit there while she got the shower going. As I was sitting there, I felt more poop oozing out, so I pushed, and a final blast of runny poo came out into the toilet. My mom made sure I was done, then helped me get clean in the shower, then she put me in an actual diaper and I went back to bed. I was fine after that, but I was always wary about pushing poop out into the pull-up ever-after. I didn't like the feeling of having no control over it as it came out so fast, and I felt dirty when it smeared everywhere. That experience probably helped lead me to becoming fully potty trained a month later.
Emma two
Just made it
I'd been constipated for about 5 days and I took a laxative just before I left for work yesterday morning. By lunch time I was really feeling the effects of the laxative so I went straight to the toilets ready to unleash the beast. Unfortunately only one cubicle was working and my workmate Laura was wait to use it. She was fidgeting around and holding her bottom so I knew she was desperate for a poo. She wasn't the only one and to make matters worse the lady who was in the cubicle was having a big smelly poo in there. Laura knocked on the door and asked her to hurry up as she was going to sh"'=t herself if she took much longer. The lady apologised and 5 minutes later she flushed the toilet and came out. Laura rushed in and slammed the door shut and locked it. She quickly pulled her jeans down and sat on the toilet with a thudd and immediately began to release a torrent of soft poo into the toilet. She let out a sigh of relief as she was going and it made me feel even more desperate than ever. I told her to hurry up as I was about to poo myself and luckily she only took a couple of minutes to finish. She flushed the toilet and came out and I ran in and not a second too soon. I felt a wave of intense relief as I felt my poo coming out into the toilet and it was huge. I looked in the toilet and saw a huge poo sticking out the water. It was right round the u bend and the top 6 inches was sticking out the water. It was a wide poo and I knew there was no way it would flush but I tried anyway. I was surprised when most of it went down but there was a huge skid mark in the bottom of the toilet and some of the toilet paper was left behind. I flushed the toilet again and everything cleared except for the skid mark I left the cubicle and washed my hands and finished my lunch break feeling four pounds lighter and very relieved.Beach Guy
Plugged up
I've been struggling with constipation for the last few months. At first prune juice worked but it seemed the effects have worn off. My wife and I are open with our bathroom habits and she often does her hair while I'm grunting on the toilet.
Today she held my hand while I attempted to push out a boulder, she's a nurse so poop doesn't bother her much. I've never been constipated this long before and I wanna find the root cause. I haven't really changed my diet. We both live at the gym too. I hope I am able to get this sorted out before I have to resort to an enema. My wife offered me one but I'm not that desperate yet.
Wednesday, February 26, 202
Snowpants heaven
When i was around 8th grade, me and my friend were walking in a nearby forest. We both had to pee at some point. I had on a snowsuit, so when he walked on to pee, i just kept pretending to go. I peed my self, and nothing showed. When i stepped out of my pants at home, my pants were mostly dry. My mom said nothing, but i am sure she may have smelled it. Not sure. It sticks in my memory for some reason - i got away with it :D
Number 2 at work
Replying to Pete's question about if anyone does their daily poop at work, I poop at work if I feel the urge to poop. "Boss makes a dollar while I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time." I don't poop every day though, so pooping at work is not a daily thing for me. The bathrooms at work are single occupancy and unisex.
The only recent interesting story I have from work was a month or two ago. I eat pretty much the same thing every day, so I do not know what was happening on this particular day, but I was really gassy and cramping. I went to the bathroom, sat down, and farted for a bit, only getting tiny, rabbit-like poops out (like little balls of poop). I sat there for around ten minutes, barely able to get anything out.
I wiped, flushed, washed my hands, left the bathroom and began to walk to my office. I got a sharp cramping pain in my stomach on the walk back and immediately turned around and went to the bathroom.
I sat on the toilet again for another ten to fifteen minutes, pushing, unable to get anything out. Eventually I gave up and walked back to my office. I had been gone for at least twenty minutes by this point, although no one said anything when I returned to my desk.
I was in a lot of pain, so I told my boss I was feeling sick and said I would take the rest of the day off. I was able to fart in the car and by the time I got home, the pain had subsided. I probably took a poop sometime later that day, but I do not remember what it looked like or how easily it came out.
I have since started trying to incorporate more fiber in my diet and hydrate more. These changes have been somewhat successful, although I still really struggle with constipation. Some days I have no problems pooping, and other times I do not poop for three to five days. I wonder if it has to do with my cycle? I also wonder if I have IBS. I think IBS runs in my family. I do not know what the process of getting evaluated for IBS is like or what getting a diagnosis would even do for me.
Sorry I've been absent, nothing interesting happens in my life!Taylor
I wet myself at Snow Patrol.
I went to see Snow Patrol live on Wednesday and by the end of the show I really needed to pee. I could hear others mentioning they needed to pee as I was making my way out of the arena and I could see some people looking rather desperate! Because everyone was leaving the arena at the same time, and everyone had been there for at least 2.5 hours, the toilets were PACKED! The queue was extending out of the toilets and into the lobby, it seemed everyone had the same idea. I joined the line, pee dancing with many other ladies in the same predicament but after about 5 minutes a spurt of pee dampened my underwear and I knew I wasn't going to make it. I wasn't even inside the toilets yet never mind in a cubicle. There was a McDonalds about 10 minutes away so I left the long, long line and made my way over.
I had to wait for a crossing and as I was waiting for the light to turn green I felt another spurt of pee, this time much longer and it went down my leg. I was in trouble, big trouble. I crossed the road and I knew I wasn't going to make it. I couldn't even see the McDonalds and I was ready to burst. Resigned to my fate I stepped onto the grass verge and just let it happen, why continue with the discomfort and delay the inevitable? I was going to wet myself either way so I might as well get it over with. With cars still whizzing by I stood still and completely wet myself, not even attempting to stop the pee gushing into my jeans and down my legs. It was the most relieving pee I have ever had, at that moment I didn't even care about not making it to the toilet. Once I finished my black jeans were drenched but it was totally worth it. I turned around and went back the way I came to my car. I always keep a blanket in the car for emergencies (not this kind!!) so I sat on that to keep my seat dry. By the time I got back to my flat my jeans were mostly dry.
Princess toadstool peach's survey
Would you rather deal with breaking wind or a annal fissure in a crowded restroom?
I don't see why anybody would want to have an anal fissure, let alone in a public loo, so that question seems very odd to me.
It would have to be breaking wind, with no shame!
Do you sometimes pee or secretly sometimes poo the bed?
I have been known to have wetting accidents, but ONLY when I'm very intoxicated on a Saturday night. I have never pood the bed outside childhood.
What is your morning BM urination or bedtime urination bowel movement is like?
I work first thing in the morning, so I always poo the day/evening before bed, my first pee is not very long, I pee during the night but again not big amounts
Is it really hard to focus on pooing or peeing?
It depends, I do have a bit of a shy bladder in public, I don't focus on my poo, I read instead
Do you often read in the bathroom if so what do you read?
Yes, I do puzzle books and I read woman's weekly, yours magazine, glamour, good housekeeping, woman's health, pretty much everything
Does your panties sometimes fall off when making a large pooh poo?
They are at my ankles, so no
Have you ever pooed your pants once or perhaps broke wind then pooed your pants?
Maybe! Hehe
What other places have you urinated or defecated in?
A churchyard, country parks, open fields, city alleyways
End of survey, thankyou princessAnna Beth
I had a nice poop today. It was pretty long and smooth!
David P's Survey...
1. How often do you usually go for a poo? Once daily in the morning or at lunch...pretty random. I might miss a day or go twice in a day.
2. When you feel the urge to poo, do you always go straight away, or do you sometimes hold it in? If you hold it, how long do you wait before going? I like to hold it! Maybe 15 minutes???
3. How would you describe the size and shape of your usual poo? (log, long snake, thick, small etc?) They are very loggie, firm and usually are in one piece but sometimes two.
4. How much effort does it take for you to do a poo? Do you find yourself having to push hard, or does it come out easily on its own? It comes out on its own but the urge can be stronger or weaker depending on the size and consistency.
5. Have you ever had a poo that got stuck halfway out or started to go back in when you stopped pushing? What causes that? How did you manage to get it out? Never happened to me...
6. What position do you usually sit in when doing a poo? Do you lean forward, go on tiptoes, sit up straight, use a footstool, or do anything else to help? Lean forward...
7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles when going for a poo that you've noticed? Just getting constipated around my time of the month...
8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo? I don't grunt but I might hold my breath as it exits.
9. Do the logs when they hit the water make loud plop sounds or make no sound at all? Sometimes they plop and other times they don't.
10. Do you feel embarrassed about pooing at work or in public or do you just go wherever? Not really. I just go when I have to go...
Anna from Austria
pooping at work
Reply to Pete.
I have been a morningp person since I am a little girl. So pooping at school, university and work is normal for me.
I have to do it every day at work. I am not a big fan of it, but when I have to go I have to go.
greetings from Austria
AnnaToilet Clogger
Restaurant poop
I had something VERY embarrassing happen this week. I had to poop so bad after my dinner that I clogged the toilet in the men's room at a restaurant. My girlfriend and I went to a wood fire pizza place and while I was still eating my last piece I started getting stomach cramps. My girlfriend wanted to go the the dollar store next door to get a few things so I told her that I would just stay at the restaurant, finish my drink and play on my phone. However, the real reason I stayed behind is that I desperately needed to evacuate my butt and I just couldn't hold it anymore. As soon as my friend left I took off to the restroom but had to walk past the cash register so the two employees saw me go back there. I had an uncontrollable urge to grunt and push and a BIG poop came out. Then I started having explosive diarrhea and kept getting stronger urges to push. After 10 minutes I completely cleaned out my butt. It felt amazing to be empty. Next I had to urinate which always happens after I have a bowel movement. Next I wiped which took 2 to 3 minutes. Then when I went to flush the toilet it clogged but fortunately did not overflow. There was no plunger in there so there was nothing I could do. I washed my hands and left my huge poop clogged in the toilet. Then I walked past the counter and had to sit back at the table and wait for my girlfriend. The workers had to know that I just had a BM because I was back there so long. I was just praying that no one went back to the bathroom before I could get out of there! Fortunately my girlfriend came back a few minutes later and I suggested we leave. I did feel really bad but it was literally an uncontrollable urge to evacuate and I couldn't help it. I really, really had to poop. I know the right thing to do would have been to tell the workers I clogged the toilet but I was so embarrassed I couldn't bring myself to do it.Ashcroft
Another Blast From the Past
I'm currently rereading a lot of old stories of men pooping, and the one that caught my attention beside greg's friend (mike, josh, etc) stories are stories from this fella named "zip".
He's actually pretty consistent in posting his (or other people's) experience starting from page 588 to page 2923. Now THAT'S a commitment.
And one thing i like from his stories is how he's pretty nonchalant about shitting in doorless stall, lol pretty sure i'll die from embarrassment if i tried to do that.
His last post from this website is at 2021. Wherever you are buddy, i hope you are in great health. Thank you for the awesome stories :)
I am still a bit sick now, ever since I became sick my poos have been very firm with very little pushing needed. Maybe I should be sick more often!.
Were you and you girlfriend close? I see you listened in on her having a hard time but you probably should have knocked on the door and asked her if she was OK, you never know she could have allowed you to be in there, or not!
What do you mean by partner experiences? My friend Kelly has held my hand several times as I grunted heavily and rubbing my stomach and just keeping me company.
I am sure I have had red faces before, but they don't last long and no-one ever mentions it.
No, if I need to use the loo before I enter the gym I will, if I need to go during my session I run, I have pooped myself on the way to the loo before, especially as my clothes stick to me when I get sweaty but I pooped myself after this massive cramp stopped me from walking, I doubled over and it came out and into my tights.
I can be constipated even after a gym session, so it doesn't really help me to push
Kelly is very private about her bathroom habits, so she is always silent when she's on the loo, except for farting, I have never seen her on the loo but she has no problem seeing me on the loo, so I will always be the loudest, she always locks the door when she goes but I smell her through the door, and hear her poos.
Why couldn't you go today?
Questions for Natasha
I enjoyed your story. What type of paper do you carry in your purse? What caused you to get into the habit? Have friends/other toilet users asked to take a few sheets from your purse? Regarding your long gown, I can see why that would be problematic. Have you or have you seen someone else in your situation simply take their gown off in the toilet stall and then lay it over the divider? I've seen that happen a few times at school events and formal dances. How often do you use stalls that offer those seat covering tissues? Do you/have you used one? Under what conditions? Thanks and welcome back to our forum!Sandra
Reply to Pete
I work from home most of the time but on the days I go to the office I always poo there.Tundra
Poop survey
1) How often do you need to have a bowel movement?
2) How long does it usually take you to poop?
3) Do you sit or stand to wipe?
4) Do you wipe from front to back, or back to front?
5) Have you ever used a doorless stall to poop? If so, where?
6) When you were a child did you poop at school?
7) Was it acceptable to poop at your school, or did kids who pooped at the school get teased or bullied?
Looking forward to reading answers of anyone willing to participate!
Rough night
Ive been married to my husband for 10 years and before that we were together 8 years since the start of college. Over the years theres been times Weve pooped in front of eachother, peed in front of each other, we both fart, he's helped me when ive peed my pants a couple times in our younger drinking days, and it was never a big deal. all this to say is we are so close and comfortable that I never figured i would ever feel embarrassed around him again.
Then last night happened. Imagine being gently woken up at 4 in the morning by your husband and as youre half conscious you hear him say "hon, i think you had an accident." Well thats how i was woken! As i started to gain awareness, i could tell i felt wet. I just laid frozen a second trying to think if it was pee or my period or just sweat. Then, i noticed the smell... i sat up and felt a really unsettling squish in my underwear...yup...I pooped the bed.
I have NEVER been more embarrassed!!! I genuinely just started to panic and tell my husband to leave the room. He obliged and I just sat there freaking out in my messy underwear. It was pure mush and was all over my thighs and the sheets too, this yellowish soft diarrhea. Ugh. A complete disaster. By the time I was showered and changed, my husband had dealt with the sheets on the bed and that just made me feel more embarrassed. Ive barely been able to look him in the eye all day and feel so awkward and ashamed! He must have been so grossed out...he's been an angel about it and promises its not a big deal and one day I'll laugh about it...yeah right! Anyway, i thought venting anonymously might help.
Breaking the ice
I have quite a few stories about the first time past boyfriends have pooped at my house. Including my husband when we were first going out. For today I will start off with Carl's story. A few years ago when we were dating over over 5 months, we went out for a movie and I remember he got extra butter on his popcorn not knowing that it would upset his stomach a few hours later. After the movie we stopped by at my parents house for a bit who live 35 minutes away from where I lived. So the drive back was a little long for Carl who started to get the rumbles. I saw him staying completely still in his seat and he wasn't talking.
"What's wrong?" I asked. He looked over at me trying to hide the obvious panic on his face. "Nothing why?" "You look a little tense". "I said I'm fine". He looked down at his lap. I dropped it not wanting to push him further. When we got stuck behind a red light I could tell something was bothering him. "Please just tell me if you're alright". He sighed and told me he had to go to the bathroom. "Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked. "Because I don't have to pee". This was the first time any of us had mentioned about having to poop. I saw how embarrassed he was. I told him we were almost back at my place so he could relieve himself. "Pooping at your place is gonna be embarrassing but I'm getting desperate" he said. "It's a natural bodily function babe. I'd rather you go than be uncomfortable". Turning onto my street, his face lit up with relief. Once we got in the house he frantically went straight to the bathroom. "I'm sorry for the smell I'm gonna leave behind" he said. "Don't worry babe there's air freshener under the sink you can use" I reminded him. I heard the splashing of the diarrhea he was having. It went on for about 40 seconds, then he farted loudly. He was embarrassed knowing I heard what he did in there. But everyone poops right?
Reply to Pete
I poop at work every day. I don't go straight away though. I work 8 hours with a 30 minute lunch break half way through. I usually have my lunch, work for an hour and then go to the ladies to empty my bladder of the coffee I had with my lunch, and have a much needed poop.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
To Nina, Emily, and Not weird, just autistic
I'm new here but just reading recent posts I can tell I found my people! I'm male, early 50s. I've had an aversion to toilets (particularly public ones) as long as I can remember. I have autism (more on that below), which sometimes makes me go in my pants, particularly when I'm overwhelmed. I wore diapers for a long time when I grew up, but I gradually grew out of it. I don't know if some wires got crossed along the way, but as I gradually grew out of needing diapers (I got better at reading my body and emotions) I started doing it more on purpose.
Wow, I thought I was the only one to consider wiping optional! In fact, I've come to enjoy not wiping, that sticky sensation in my ???? is comforting. I discovered it by accident (no pun intended!) a few decades ago when I had to poop in a restroom at Uni that was out of toilet paper. It was a particularly sticky poop and sizable lump was stuck after I finished. I didn't want to use my hands, and having had many messy accidents growing up I wasn't grossed out, so I thought "well, what the heck, might as well just pull up my underwear". That's when I discovered that it's like a "mini" poop in my pants (which I sometimes enjoy) but without anyone being able to notice. That sticky sensation as I sat down in class, and then walked between classrooms was such a vivid reminder of what I had done. These days I rarely wipe (only if it's really smelly) and just enjoy the sensation, like a little secret that nobody else knows about.
Emily and Not weird, just autistic:
Emily, I can very much related to not being able to tell when you have to go (hence wearing diapers). I wore diapers for a long time simply because I couldn't understand what my body was telling me. Particularly if I was overwhelmed with a lot of sensory input or had gone into myself (I was mute at times when I grew up).
Not weird, just autistic: I so related to what you said. I too tend to go in my pants when I'm overwhelmed, I just can't make myself get up. As I wrote above I've learned to interpret my body and moods better as I got older, but it's a very comforting and safe feeling to go in my pants.
I recently found this site while i was searching for some old male pooping stories i use to read to made sure that story was real and i didn't hallucinate it (Luckily i was able to find it on this site).
After that, i stumbled upon some post dating WAY back to 2006 from some gentleman named "Greg" about his friend Mike, Josh and his other buddies taking a shit. He's a very good storyteller and i love how he's able to capture the "essence" of men's pooping experience. And according to some of his post he was 40 something when he starts posting on this site.
And now in 2025 (nearly 20 years later) pretty sure this fella is already on his 60s, now i wonder where he is now (or maybe how many times he already witness other men pooping in the past 20 years). Wherever he is now, i just wanna say thank you to him for sharing his experiences and hope he and his other buddies are in great health :)
Re:SteveA,Question about openly talking about related topics
I've found myself in situations where the subject of pooping was being discussed on rare occasions. Probably 20 or so times in my life among fellow students when I was in school or among coworkers at work.
I recall in middle school a brief conversation with a group of male students on the doorless stalls. No one pooped at school for fear of being seen doing so. I was the odd person of the group for admitting that I did so during absolute emergencies where my pants was the only alternative, but none of my fellow students witnessed it, which was for the best considering I would have likely been bullied if caught doing so. I was seen on the can by a female janitor and a gym coach during middle school, bu we never talked about it after the fact.
At the second high school I attended, which had doors on the stalls(unlike my first high school), I entered into a conversation where the entire group openly admitted to pooping at school multiple times. I was again the odd person out, since I did so on an almost daily basis. I was a shy and introverted teen and did not like others observing my bodily functions, but I still tolerated pooping in a stall with other students present, simply because the students there weren't jerks and left me in peace when I did so. I even used the half-stall in the locker room on two occasions, where other students could see me from he torso up as I dumped, and no one said anything about it or poked fun at me for it, even though they could see my face while I sat on the toilet. I was not the only student to use that stall. I probably pooped with another students in one of the Boys' rooms 200+ times at my two years at that school, perhaps 50+ times with a student pooping in another stall at the same time. One younger student was someone I saw regularly in the restroom, where we used stalls in the same room 20+ times.
At my first job as a teenager, my boss and coworkers quickly picked up on my bowel habits. They knew what I was going to do if they saw me walking to the Mens' room with a magazine in hand. There were a number of brief conversations on the subject, but nothing with any depth, just an acknowledgement that we all pooped at work. This job got me comfortable with pooping a work, and in public in general, because I did it so regularly.
After college, in 2008 I recall the first time I heard a cute 30-something female secretary and a 20-something male coworker discussing whether they were comfortable using the restrooms on the floor they worked at to poop or if they went to a different floor. Both admitted they liked to use a different floor for #2. At the time this conversation was in progress, I was passing by them on my way to the Mens' room, with a magazine under my arm, ready for my post-lunch dump, and the secretary noticed it. She admitted that she knew my habit, and that it was obvious that I was going to the Mens' room to take a poop. The magazine was the giveaway. My male coworker then yelled, "BUSTED!" While I was slightly embarrassed that they knew, I admitted right then and there that I used the same floor restrooms for pooping. The response floored them both. My male coworker admitted in front of us that he recognized my shoes and had seen me in there many times. I was a freak to them for doing so, seemingly without shame or embarrassment, and hey found it so awkward. Given it was in the afternoon, it was my second poop at work for the day, which the secretary also mentioned because she saw me walk there in the morning with a magazine, and not return for 10 minutes, making it obvious what I was doing then as well. She then mentioned that I go there a lot for #2. I explained to them that I eat a lot and have a fast metabolism. I did not admit that I generally poop within an hour after each meal, but they both knew. This was a 2-3x a day habit of mine that she picked up on while I was employed there and she completely knew my pooping schedule. I was also somewhat attractive, which made me more noticeable to her: I looked like a cute, thin, slightly athletic, 15 year old boy at the age of 23, standing out from the rest of my coworkers from this trait alone. I had no facial or body hair, was about 120 lbs at 5'-10", and had an attractive face. I'd get cat-calls in public from teen girls on a regular basis who had no idea I was much older than them. And I also pooped at work on a regular basis, deliberately, because I could get paid for it, presence of fellow male coworkers and even occasional cleaning ladies in the Mens' room be damned, which was not at all an expected admission from me by his female secretary, even if indirectly. From then after, she'd occasionally comment as I walked passed her desk with a magazine 2+ times a day, cognizant of what I was leaving the office to do. On rare occasions she jokingly asked me if I felt better or was "all emptied out" upon returning. On one occasion, she admitted to me that the female janitor told her that I clogged the toilet the year prior, and that they both thought it was hilarious that someone as small as me was capable of doing so.
That same year, another 20-something female coworker once told me that she had "to drop something nasty", and was gone for 20 minutes. When she returned, she said that she "felt like a million bucks." in front of me and 3 other male coworkers. We all knew what she just did. I think she was comfortable with telling me this because she once heard me take a loud and flatulent poop that left thick streaks in the toilet of her hotel room's bathroom soon after we were both hired that year. There was no fan in the bathroom, so I know for a fact that she and two of my coworkers heard every gory detail of my bowel movement and even knew when I was wiping, which broke the ice so to speak.
There were other conversations on the topic. The subject came up once a year or so on average. All of my male coworkers from all of my jobs knew my shoes and it was no secret at any job I ever had that I regularly pooped at work. For all practical purposes, everyone knew it. I did it so regularly that it was inevitable that they'd all know.Leah
Butterflies in my stomach
How is everyone doing? I have a story and a question for you all.
Today (Tuesday) I had a dentist appointment in the afternoon after work, it doesn't matter what it is, doctor, dentist, Job interview ect.... I always get nervous on the lead up and thus, I always get digestion problems... so rewind the clock to the start of the day.
I slept well last night but I can't remember when my stomach ache started, I woke up to pee a few times and then when I woke up early for work, I had a shower, some cereal, a cuppa tea and I was getting ready to leave when I decided I needed to have a poo.
I quickly unbuckled my belt and yanked my trousers and thong down to my ankles and sat in my bathroom loo, I had a small wee, which dribbled into the bowl and I farted quite loudly, but after about five minutes of sitting and rubbing my stomach I knew nothing was coming, and I had to go to work so I gave up and wiped my vagina, washed my hands and quickly started walking to work.
I was afraid I would poo myself on my way to work but I didn't, and throughout the day I had to make several trips to the loo just so I could fart, and release all the gas so I would not embarrass myself in front of my colleagues, that and holding my farts in, I was so gassy it was bad but I had felt a pressure down "there" all day and never felt like having a poo, apart from feeling groggy.
Fast forward to returning home I was back on the loo, with my dentist appointment edging closer I was feeling more sick, so on the loo I let out another big stinky fart and after ten minutes I had to give up again, I stood up, made a cup of tea and jumped in the shower and got ready to go out again.
I walked into town and into the dental surgery, which is up a flight of steps, the loo is right beside the stairs at the top, just before the reception so I dove in there.
It is a single occupancy room with a knob you turn and after another five minutes I heard footsteps walk up to the door and try the knob, to no avail I again had to give up as I had to sign in before I was late for my appointment, by this point I felt like I had a rock in my stomach, I tried the door again after the appointment, holding my stomach but it was locked. I noticed there was a keyhole and I could only see a man sitting from the waist up, and he was coughing alot and it smelt unpleasant, probably from his farts but it made me even more desperate so I did a bit of a jog to the nearby shopping centre, a two minute walk away and I ran up the stairs to the second level.
There is a sign directing you to the loos, but there are no signs on the doors instead, the ladies room has pink walls and I saw the men's room has blue walls, and the corridor is really narrow.
I ran into the end loo, I think there was six but these loos are enclosed apart from a gap that goes across the top.
I run into the end loo, unbuckle my belt pull my jeans and thong down, reach into my handbag and take my magazine out, I hang my coat and handbag on the door hook and sit down and straight away a pre-poop fart squeaks out of my bum, magazine on lap I let out a sigh of relief as I finally feel like it's coming, I had a little giggle,
After about five minutes I see a shadow getting bigger underneath my loo door and the sound of footsteps going into the loo beside me, I could hear someone having a long pee, but the loud fan and music on the speaker made it hard to hear properly, after about five minutes they flushed and left.
After about fifteen minutes my poo had forced its way out of my bum and had a mushy sounding landing as it was well outside the water, and it reeked it was so big. I wiped my bum about ten times, by bus was very messy but I'm not sure I was that relieved, but it all went down in a flush, I then went to wash my hands in the only sink to find there was no soap left! I felt disgusted as I left the ladies loo with poo and pee fingers, obviously I couldn't go into the mens, I wanted to though.
I walked home and washed my hands there, I also needed to change my skidmarked thong, I did have a few wet farts during the day and that is the end of my story.
So my question is, do nerves stop you from pooping or peeing when you know you need to go, it could be anything not just nerves, having friends in your home, boyfriend's / girlfriends, family life interrupting your normal rythym and is it a big problem in your life?
It's interesting and I look forward to some insight. Bye for now.Nina
Reply to Pete
Everyday pooping at work is a usual thing for me. Usually I go to poop during the day and usually it falls during work hours, so I go to poop in our office toilet every day.
This past weekend, I went out to the mall with my mom to do some shopping. I didn't use the toilet while we were there and ended up wetting my diaper (I still wear diapers because my autism makes me have accidents) while we were there. On our way home, I felt the need to pee again and told my mom who tried to get home quickly. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it and ended up peeing again while in the car. As it happened, I started to feel my pants get wet and realized that my diaper had leaked. When we got home, my mom helped me clean up and then had to clean the seat in the car.When I was little, I had a friend who was in diapers way longer than most of my other friends. I am not sure if it was because he had some kind of medical condition or what, but I remember he was still in diapers when we were both 6. At school, whenever he needed a change, the teacher would take him to the bathroom to help him, but at his house he was usually able to change himself.
Once when I was at his house on a Saturday, we were playing with cars in his living room, and I could hear him farting. I asked him if he had to poop and he said yes, then I asked him why didn't he go use the toilet, and he said he didn't want to. We kept playing with the cars, and I think he was just trying to hold it in for as long possible, but eventually he took a breath and held it, then I could hear the muffled sounds of gas and poop coming out into his diaper before he sighed in relief. He then said he had to go change his diaper and that I could come with him and bring the cars to keep playing, so I did.
In the bathroom, he took off his pants, and then sat down on the floor and pulled the tabs on the diaper to open it. I think he thought it would be a hard poop, but it was actually a very big load of tan-colored soft mushy stuff that had smeared all over him when he sat down. He got up and suddenly squatted over the dirty diaper and said he had to go more, then I watched as even more soft poop came out of him in a few big globs as he grunted, and added to the mess in the open diaper. This was all super weird to me, so I went and got his mom and said he was pooping on the floor in the bathroom. She seemed largely unconcerned by all of this and just asked him if he wanted to try sitting on the toilet. To my surprise, he agreed, and then sat down on the toilet while his mom cleaned up the diaper on the floor. He sat there and talked to me about what I don't remember, but every few seconds he'd pause and it was obvious he was pushing and then you'd hear a stream of soft poop splattering into the toilet. This went on for like five minutes until he was done, then he tried to wipe himself with toilet paper, but he had a lot of poop smeared all over his butt and privates from having gone in the diaper first and then sitting in it, so his mom had to put him on the changing table that they still had in the bathroom and clean him with wet wipes. She then put another diaper on him and his pants and then we went back to the living room like it was just totally normal.
I will try to remember other stories about him and his weird pooping habits.Tricky
Re: Pete; Doing Number 2 at work
Almost every day that I have to work at the office, I will poop 2 or more times in the Mens' room on a standard 8 hour shift. All of my male coworkers have heard me on the toilet and seen my ankles/pants/underwear/shoes below the stall. Most of them have seen me enter a stall before pooping or exit a stall after pooping as well.
I've been pooping at work and in the presence of male coworkers ever since I first started working as a teenager. I've pooped with coworkers in the same room knowing it was me in the stall thousands of times. I've also been intruded upon by cleaning ladies a number of times. I have zero hesitation, shame or embarrassment about it.
Work is the best time to poop, because you get paid for it, and save a small amount of money on both water and toilet paper at home.MJD
To Leah
I bet it's been a nice treat to pass some nice thick logs without needing to push too much? We were, In hindsight I wish I had done as I've often thought how I'd liked to have helped. She was really having to try hard to go - I'd never have thought a woman would need to try that hard before. That said, she was a nice plus size.
I meant have you ever heard or seen or heard your partner pooping? Where they having a hard time? It's good that you feel that you can be open around Kelly - seems like you have never been able to repay the favour! If you are really constipated would your prefer to be alone or with Kelly etc…as you try your hardest to get relief?
Interesting you say you've pooped in your gym wear - when you were cramped up did you just push and not fear the consequences? Do you ever push before you go to the toilet when constipated to try and help move things along? Let's hear more of your constipated stories!
I was very constipated last week but finally managed to get it out - that's a story for another post if you'd like to hear.
Princess Toadstool Peach
Princess Royal Potty Pee Poo Survey for Everyone to Join in
Hello everyone I'm Princess Toadstool Peach and today I got a survey I love for anyone and everyone to join in so…let's get started.
Would you rather deal with breaking wind or a annal fissure in a crowded restroom?
Do you sometimes pee or secretly sometimes poo the bed?
What is your morning BM urination or bedtime urination bowel movement is like?
Is it really hard to focus on pooing or peeing?
Do you often read in the bathroom if so what do you read?
Does your panties sometimes fall off when making a large pooh poo?
Have you ever pooed your pants once or perhaps broke wind then pooed your pants?
What other places have you urinated or defecated in?
OK those are my questions. Bye bye now!
For pete
No, I start work at 6am and I do sometimes but not everyday. I go alot in the afternoon, sometimes I have a work poo at the start of the day when I get in and somedays I have to poo at the end of my shift, I am irregular like that.
To Natasha
Natasha I liked your story about dropping a deuce at work I hope it came out alright! Do you read a magazine or the newspaper while you're pooping? I look at my phone when I'm pooping. Looking forward to hearing from you! My name is Austin by the way! If u have any questions for me about pooping I'd be happy to answer them!
To Leah
I don't blame you - you can relax at home and push, grunt and strain as much as you need to, take time reading your magazine etc...
I think you might be right - she loved a takeaway IIRC. I remember that night she had been gone for a while and I was enqusitive and listened as I heard her pushing and straining - nnnnn nnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn uuhgggghhhh pant pant. Eventually there was a thunderous kerplunk as a turd had clearly finally hit the bowl. I certainly would like to have witnessed as she attemtped to poo closer. I can recall her face was red when she came out of the toilet. Have you had any partner experiences?
Have you ever had a bit of a red face so it's obvious what you had done?
Have you ever tried to work out deliberately to help you clear some constipation or before an expected heavy session on the toilet? Does it help you push harder if you need to?
I remember the story about Kelly.....have you ever seen / heard her having a hard time or even buddy dumped? Who grunted / pushed the loudest / hardest or think would?
I didn't manage to go today but hope to tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Doing Number 2 at work
Does, anyone here take their daily dump at their place of work every day? I can imagine that for instance their rigid starting time for work precludes them shitting at home before setting out for work.
MD Dan
Replies and a Story
Catherine: I'm so sorry. I wish you and your family all the best.
Greg: Sounds like an awesome experience. It reminded me of a similar experience I had in college.
I was about 21 or so and went to visit a friend of mine who was going to college in another state. I'll call her Jen. I spent the day with Jen (short, curvy, and blonde), her friend and roommate Amber (a little taller then Jen, brown hair, athletic and also curvy), and some other people at a fair that was going on. Lots of fair food and drinks were consumed. That night, we went over to a party and spent most of the night continuing to drink, play games, and eat terrible food (typical college fun). We finally made our way back to Jen's place to crash and no one was in a coherent state. I crashed on the couch while Jen and Amber went to bed in their rooms. At about 4am, I woke up with a terrible stomach ache and headed to the bathroom, which was in a small hallway between both bedrooms, very near the couch (small college apartment). I sat on the toilet and had an eruption of loose poop. After a few minutes, I had another smaller eruption with a lot of gas and was done.
While I was wiping, the bathroom door suddenly started opening and Amber, still half drunk, walked in. She must have been so out of it she forgot I was there because she saw me and jumped back. She snapped awake enough to mumble, "Oh, sorry! I didn't see the light on!" and shut the door. I came out a minute later and she was curled up on the couch. She apologized again and said she just really needed the bathroom and was in a hurry. She quickly went into the bathroom and shut the door. It being 4am, it was super quiet in the house. I heard Amber lower her pajamas, sit on the toilet, and then what sounded like 5 or 6 logs quickly empty out of her and make soft splooshes in the water. She flushed the toilet, wiped, and then flushed again. She must have really had to go because she was done in less than 2 minutes. She came out and curled back up on the couch holding her stomach next to me, saying "I shouldn't have drank so much...ugh". I said, "Yeah, me too." She asks what time it is and when I tell her it's a little after 4am, she says, "What? Oh my god, I'm going back to bed" and goes back into her room.
A few minutes later, Jen's door opened and she rushes out of her room and into the bathroom. I quickly move to listen and heard her throw herself onto the toilet, then explode with a huge load of mushy poop and farts. She sighed loudly and said, "Ewww, it's in my pants! Oh god..." I guessed she was laying in bed and some of her poop came out before she realized what was happening. She flushed the toilet and sat for another minute and I heard a long stream of semi-solid poop come out of her followed by a long and loud fart. She started wiping (which took a while) and then flushed again. Right after that I heard her turn on the shower and went back to the couch. She came out about 15 minutes later, attempting to conceal her underwear she was carrying (I'm assuming she rinsed it off in the shower), and quickly rushed back into her room. A few hours later both girls made their way out of their rooms and we spent half the day just laying around trying to recover.
That's all for now. Take care!Mina, for Chakamami Family
Survey of David P
Mina needs quite long time for this one...
Key is: H = Hisae (Chae), K = Kazu[mi], Ma = Maho, Mi = Mina.]
Q1. How often do you usually go for a poo?
A1. H: Often once in a day, sometimes twice, three times or more when I am a diarrhoea. K: Usually once in the morning. Sometimes a second one in the afternoon. Ma: 2 or 3 times in a week. Mi: about 5 times in a week. All four of us like to do after a breakfast in the morning.
Q2. When you feel a urge, do you go at once, or hold it in, and if you hold, how long you hold?
A2. We all go as soon as we possible, but in office, sometimes we have to hold if we talking with visitor. But Maho never have urge in office.
Q3. What is size and shape of your usual poo?
A3. Lots variety (Mi, H, K). Long logs (Ma).
Q4. How much effort is it need to do a poo?
A4. No effort at all, I sit on loo and 10 seconds later it is full of my poo (H). But I stay sitting, that is the way of my three crushes, and I don't do effort, I wait, and few minutes later another cascade of poo (also H).
Some effort at first (K, Mi). Like Hisae, we stay sitting, and after waiting, usually very little effort for second defecate.
Lots of effort (Ma).
Q5. Have you ever done poo that got stuck in middle or started to go back?
A5. Sometimes (Ma). Never, or very rare (Mi, K, H).
Q6. What position do you usually sit when you doing a poo?
A6. Usually lean forward, and raise bottom (all of us). Sometimes take off socks and climb on loo and squat (K, Mi, and especially Ma).
When we using our potties, always we squat, of course.
Once Hisae decided to poo standing, like cow or horse. She is little bit crazy. (OW!) We enjoyed to watch (she defecated a very very lots) but even most of her mierda landed in loo, there was splash, so after she finish, we said her "Chae you will clean this loo", then she said "happily I do", and she cleaned with singing songs.
Q7. Do you have any particular habits or struggles?
A7. We don't think so. It is depend on our mood a lot.
Sorry, yes, suddenly we remember. Sometimes we kiss to crush with sitting on loo to do a poo. But when poo threaten to come out, we stop a kissing. After poo comes out, we kiss again with waiting for next poo.
One more. After wash with washlet, one of crushes dry our bottom with paper. But when one of us is sick, she dries own bottom.
And one more. When defecate of one of us is very wonderful, we have tearful face, and after, in tatami room, we kiss to her a lots.
Q8. Do you hold your breath and grunt when doing a poo?
A8. "Grunt" is noise of pig?? If it is so, then never. But Kazu often moan, especially just before or just after her produce come out from bottom. Otherwise, we are quiet.
Hold our breath? Quite often (Ma). Not very often (other three). But Mina do this more oftener than Hisae or Kazu.
Q9. Do logs make big sound when hit water?
A9. Usually. When we fitted new loo, we choose loo which is easy to make big sound, because we like to hear.
Q10. Do we feel embarrass when we poo in public?
A10. Never. Poo is normal! Poo is very good for a health! Sometimes, but not often, we go to shopping mall for our morning poo. Many loos, so we can stay long time, very lots of plops and splats and horrendous fragrance. Who care if other woman say "those girls are round a bend". Of course we are round a bend. Round a bend is OK!!
We hope these answers make you happy, David P. By the way, we think pushing style is different for different people. And sometimes, log come out so fast, it can't stop, so it shoot round back of loo and land in sewer system like rocket. We all have this experience except Maho. So maybe your poo also did like that style. You don't need worry. (But blood is not good.)
And we hope everyone is very fine.
Love to everyone.
Chakamami Family (Hisae, Kazumi, Maho, Mina; typist is Mina)
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